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LayoutDefinition.Size Property

Gets or sets the layout element’s size.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Charts


public LayoutSizeValue Size { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

The layout item size.


A pane’s size depends on the size of the column and row that define this pane’s position.

You can specify column/row size as an absolute value in pixels. In this case, a row or column size does not change when an end user resizes the Chart control. You can define a pane’s size relative to the chart’s size using weights. In this case, a row or column is resized proportionally to a diagram when an end user resizes the Chart control.

In XAML, you can use a numeric value with an asterisk to specify a column’s or row’s relative size. In this case, the value defines which portion of the available chart space this column or row should occupy. Use a value without an asterisk to specify column or row size in pixels.


This example shows how to arrange chart panes using the grid layout.

Assign the GridLayout instance to the PaneLayout property. Populate the ColumnDefinitions and RowDefinitions collections with LayoutDefinition objects.

The Size property allows you to specify the layout item’s size.

Use the Column, ColumnSpan, Row and RowSpan attached properties to define a pane position.

            <dxc:LayoutDefinition Size="1*"/>
            <dxc:LayoutDefinition Size="200"/>

    <dxc:Pane dxc:GridLayout.Column="0"
    <dxc:Pane dxc:GridLayout.Column="1" 
    <dxc:Pane dxc:GridLayout.Column="1" 
See Also