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Shape Properties

A drawing object embedded in a document.
Name Description
ActiveXFormat Returns the ActiveX control’s characteristics.
AltText Gets or sets the alternative text for a shape. Inherited from DrawingObject.
CanvasItems Provides access to the collection of shapes in a drawing canvas. Inherited from DrawingObject.
ChartFormat Returns chart properties.
ConnectorFormat Provides access to connector settings. Inherited from DrawingObject.
Decorative Gets or sets whether the shape is marked as decorative. Inherited from DrawingObject.
Description Gets or sets the alternative description for a shape. Inherited from DrawingObject.
Fill Allows you to specify fill options for a shape. Inherited from DrawingObject.
GroupItems Provides access to the collection of shapes in a group. Inherited from DrawingObject.
Height Gets or sets the shape’s absolute height. Inherited from DrawingObject.
HeightRelative Gets or sets the shape height relative to an element specified by the RelativeVerticalSize property.
HorizontalAlignment Specifies how a shape is aligned horizontally.
Hyperlink Returns a hyperlink associated with a shape. Inherited from DrawingObject.
Id Returns the shape’s unique identifier. Inherited from DrawingObject.
Line Allows you to format a shape outline. Inherited from DrawingObject.
LockAnchor Specifies whether to lock the shape anchor.
LockAspectRatio Specifies whether to maintain proportions of a shape when you resize it. Inherited from DrawingObject.
MarginBottom Gets or sets the distance between the document text and the bottom edge of the shape.
MarginLeft Gets or sets the distance between the document text and the left edge of the shape.
MarginRight Gets or sets the distance between the document text and the right edge of the shape.
MarginTop Gets or sets the distance between the document text and the top edge of the shape.
Name Gets or sets the shape’s name. Inherited from DrawingObject.
Offset Gets or sets the absolute position of a shape on the page. Inherited from DrawingObject.
OffsetRelative Gets or sets the relative position of a shape on the page.
OffsetX Specifies the absolute horizontal position of a shape relative to an element defined by the RelativeHorizontalPosition property.
OffsetXRelative Specifies the horizontal position of a shape relative to an element defined by the RelativeHorizontalPosition property.
OffsetY Specifies the absolute vertical position of a shape relative to an element defined by the RelativeVerticalPosition property.
OffsetYRelative Specifies the vertical position of a shape relative to an element defined by the RelativeVerticalPosition property.
OleFormat Returns the OLE object’s characteristics. Inherited from DrawingObject.
OriginalSize Returns the original size of a shape or picture (that is the size before you scale or resize the object). Inherited from DrawingObject.
Picture Obsolete. Use the PictureFormat.Picture property instead.
PictureFormat Provides access to picture settings. Inherited from DrawingObject.
PictureUri Obsolete. Use the PictureFormat.PictureUri property instead.
Range Returns the anchoring range for a shape.
RelativeHorizontalPosition Gets or sets the element to which the shape’s horizontal position is relative.
RelativeHorizontalSize Gets or sets the element relative to which the shape width is calculated.
RelativeVerticalPosition Gets or sets the element to which the shape’s vertical position is relative.
RelativeVerticalSize Gets or sets the element relative to which the shape height is calculated.
RotationAngle Gets or sets the shape’s rotation angle. Inherited from DrawingObject.
ScaleX Gets or sets the horizontal scale factor for a shape. Inherited from DrawingObject.
ScaleY Gets or sets the vertical scale factor for a shape. Inherited from DrawingObject.
ShapeFormat Provides access to shape properties. Inherited from DrawingObject.
Size Gets or sets the shape’s size. Inherited from DrawingObject.
SizeRelative Gets or sets the shape’s relative size.
TextBox Obsolete. Use the ShapeFormat.TextBox property instead.
TextWrapping Specifies how a shape is surrounded by text.
TextWrappingSide Specifies how the text wraps around the shape’s edges.
Title Gets or sets the alternative title for a shape. Inherited from DrawingObject.
Type Returns the shape’s type. Inherited from DrawingObject.
VerticalAlignment Specifies how a shape is aligned vertically.
WatermarkFormat Provides access to watermark settings. Inherited from DrawingObject.
Width Gets or sets the shape’s absolute width. Inherited from DrawingObject.
WidthRelative Gets or sets the shape width relative to an element specified by the RelativeHorizontalSize property.
ZOrder Gets or sets the shape’s position in the z-order.
See Also