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PictureFill Members

Contains picture fill settings.


Name Description
FillRect Specifies the portion of the shape to fill with a picture.
OffsetX Gets or sets the horizontal offset of the texture fill relative to its original position.
OffsetY Gets or sets the vertical offset of the texture fill relative to its original position.
Picture Returns the image used to fill the shape.
RotateWithShape Specifies whether to rotate the picture fill with the shape.
ScaleX Gets or sets the horizontal scale factor for a picture used to tile the shape.
ScaleY Gets or sets the vertical scale factor for a picture used to tile the shape.
Stretch Specifies whether the picture is stretched to fill the shape.
TileAlign Specifies the first tile position for a texture fill (the Stretch property is false).
TileFlip Specifies how to mirror tiles when a texture fill is applied (the Stretch property is false).
Transparency Gets or sets the picture’s transparency.
See Also