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.NET Framework 4.5.2+

PdfSignature Constructors

An electronic signature used to sign a PDF file.
Name Parameters Description
PdfSignature(IExternalSigner, Byte[], Int32, PdfOrientedRectangle) signer, imageData, pageNumber, signatureBounds Initializes a new instance of the PdfSignature class with specified settings.
PdfSignature(IExternalSigner, Byte[], Int32, PdfRectangle) signer, imageData, pageNumber, signatureBounds Initializes a new instance of the PdfSignature class with specified settings.
PdfSignature(IExternalSigner, Stream, Int32, PdfOrientedRectangle) signer, imageData, pageNumber, signatureBounds Initializes a new instance of the PdfSignature class with specified settings.
PdfSignature(IExternalSigner, Stream, Int32, PdfRectangle) signer, imageData, pageNumber, signatureBounds Initializes a new instance of the PdfSignature class with specified settings.
PdfSignature(IExternalSigner) signer Initializes a new instance of the PdfSignature class with specified settings.
PdfSignature(X509Certificate2, Byte[], Int32, PdfOrientedRectangle) certificate, imageData, pageNumber, signatureBounds Initializes a new instance of the PdfSignature class with the specified certificate, image data represented by a byte array, page number, signature bounds and signature rotation angle represented by a PdfOrientedRectangle object.
PdfSignature(X509Certificate2, Byte[], Int32, PdfRectangle) certificate, imageData, pageNumber, signatureBounds Initializes a new instance of the PdfSignature class with the specified certificate, image data represented by a byte array, page number and the signature bounds represented by a PdfRectangle object.
PdfSignature(X509Certificate2, Stream, Int32, PdfOrientedRectangle) certificate, imageData, pageNumber, signatureBounds Initializes a new instance of the PdfSignature class with the specified certificate, image data represented by a stream, page number, signature bounds and signature rotation angle represented by a PdfOrientedRectangle object.
PdfSignature(X509Certificate2, Stream, Int32, PdfRectangle) certificate, imageData, pageNumber, signatureBounds Initializes a new instance of the PdfSignature class with the specified certificate, image data represented by a stream, page number and the signature bounds represented by a PdfRectangle object.
PdfSignature(X509Certificate2) certificate Initializes a new instance of the PdfSignature class with the specified certificate.
See Also