How to: Add a New Row or Column to a Worksheet
- 3 minutes to read
This example demonstrates how to insert new rows into a worksheet.
- Use the Row.Insert method to add a new row above the current row.
- Call the RowCollection.Insert method of the Worksheet.Rows collection to insert a row at the specified position or add multiple rows at once.
- To insert empty rows above the specified cell range, use the Worksheet.InsertCells method with the InsertCellsMode.EntireRow enumeration member passed as a parameter. This method inserts the same number of rows as the specified cell range contains.
Enclose your code in the Workbook.BeginUpdate - Workbook.EndUpdate method calls to improve performance when you add multiple rows to a document.
// Insert a new row 3.
// Insert a new row into the worksheet at the 5the position.
// Insert five rows into the worksheet at the 9th position.
worksheet.Rows.Insert(8, 5);
// Insert two rows above the "L15:M16" cell range.
worksheet.InsertCells(worksheet.Range["L15:M16"], InsertCellsMode.EntireRow);
The number of rows in a worksheet is permanently fixed - 1048576.
This example demonstrates how to insert new columns into a worksheet.
- Use the Column.Insert method to add a new column to the left of the current column.
- Call the ColumnCollection.Insert method of the Worksheet.Columns collection to insert a column at the specified position or add multiple columns at once.
- To insert empty columns to the left of the specified cell range, use the Worksheet.InsertCells method with the InsertCellsMode.EntireColumn enumeration member passed as a parameter. This method inserts the same number of columns as the specified cell range contains.
Enclose your code in the Workbook.BeginUpdate - Workbook.EndUpdate method calls to improve performance when you add multiple columns to a document.
// Insert a new column C.
// Insert a new column into the worksheet at the 5th position.
// Insert three columns into the worksheet at the 7th position.
worksheet.Columns.Insert(6, 3);
// Insert two columns to the left of the "L15:M16" cell range.
worksheet.InsertCells(worksheet.Range["L15:M16"], InsertCellsMode.EntireColumn);
The number of columns in a worksheet is permanently fixed - 16384.