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How to: Export a Worksheet Range to a DataTable

  • 4 minutes to read

You can export data from a worksheet cell range to a DataTable. In this case, worksheet columns are transformed into DataTable columns. Cell values are used to populate the DataTable, and you can specify conversion methods and control the conversion process for every cell (analyze data and modify values as required).

To export cell values to a data table, perform the following steps.

  1. Create an empty DataTable that will be able to hold data of the worksheet range.

    An empty DataTable, which will fit data contained in the specified worksheet range, can be created by using the CreateDataTable method of the Worksheet (WorksheetExtensions.CreateDataTable). The newly created DataTable contains the same number of columns as the worksheet range. Column data types are set automatically by analyzing the content of the first row in a range that contains data. Column names can be obtained from the first row of a range if the rangeHasHeaders method parameter is set to true.


    The WorksheetExtensions class in defined in the DevExpress.Docs.v17.2.dll assembly. Make sure you added a reference for this library to your project before using the worksheet extensions. Note that use of this library in production code requires a license to the DevExpress Document Server or DevExpress Universal Subscription. Refer to the DevExpress Subscription page for pricing information.

  2. Create a DataTableExporter instance using the WorksheetExtensions.CreateDataTableExporter method.
  3. Impement a custom converter for a specific DataTable column if required.

    To accomplish this, create a class that implements the ICellValueToColumnTypeConverter interface. The ICellValueToColumnTypeConverter.Convert method should perform the required conversion. The Convert method is called for each cell that is exported to the specified column. The converter transforms DateTime values into strings in MMMM-yyyy format and displays the “N/A” text if a cell contains an error.

    Friend Class MyConverter
        Implements ICellValueToColumnTypeConverter
        Public Property SkipErrorValues() As Boolean
        Public Property EmptyCellValue() As CellValue Implements ICellValueToColumnTypeConverter.EmptyCellValue
        Public Function Convert(ByVal readOnlyCell As Cell, ByVal cellValue As CellValue, ByVal dataColumnType As Type, <System.Runtime.InteropServices.Out()> ByRef result As Object) As ConversionResult Implements ICellValueToColumnTypeConverter.Convert
            result = DBNull.Value
            Dim converted As ConversionResult = ConversionResult.Success
            If cellValue.IsEmpty Then
                result = EmptyCellValue
                Return converted
            End If
            If cellValue.IsError Then
                ' You can return an error, subsequently the exporter throws an exception if the CellValueConversionError event is unhandled.
                'return SkipErrorValues ? ConversionResult.Success : ConversionResult.Error;
                result = "N/A"
                Return ConversionResult.Success
            End If
            result = String.Format("{0:MMMM-yyyy}", cellValue.DateTimeValue)
            Return converted
        End Function
    End Class
  4. Specify export options.

    Create a new instance of the DataTableExportOptions class and specify the required options. Add an instance of the previously implemented custom converter to the collection of custom converters available through the DataTableExportOptions.CustomConverters property.

  5. Call the DataTableExporterExtensions.Export method.
    Dim wbook As New Workbook()
    Dim worksheet As Worksheet = wbook.Worksheets(0)
    Dim range As Range = worksheet.Tables(0).Range

    Dim dataTable As DataTable = worksheet.CreateDataTable(range, True)
    ' Change the data type of the "As Of" column to text.
    dataTable.Columns("As Of").DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")

    Dim exporter As DataTableExporter = worksheet.CreateDataTableExporter(range, dataTable, True)
    AddHandler exporter.CellValueConversionError, AddressOf exporter_CellValueConversionError
    Dim myconverter As New MyConverter()
    exporter.Options.CustomConverters.Add("As Of", myconverter)
    ' Set the export value for empty cell.
    myconverter.EmptyCellValue = "N/A"
    exporter.Options.ConvertEmptyCells = True

    exporter.Options.DefaultCellValueToColumnTypeConverter.SkipErrorValues = False

Private Sub exporter_CellValueConversionError(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CellValueConversionErrorEventArgs)
    MessageBox.Show("Error in cell " & e.Cell.GetReferenceA1())
    e.DataTableValue = Nothing
    e.Action = DataTableExporterAction.Continue
End Sub