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DayViewBase Properties
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The base class for all Day-based Views.
Name Description
ActualVisibleTime Returns the time interval the View currently shows.
AllDayAppointmentHeight Gets or sets the height of all-day appointments in the View.
AllDayAppointmentStyle Gets or sets appearance settings of all-day appointments.
AllDayAppointmentTemplate Gets or sets a data template that specifies the representation of all-day appointments.
AllDayCellStyle Gets or sets appearance settings of all-day cells.
AllDayCellTemplate Gets or sets a data template that specifies the representation of all-day cells.
AppointmentMinHeight Gets or sets the minimum height of appointments in the View.
AppointmentStyle Gets or sets appearance settings of appointments.
AppointmentTemplate Gets or sets a data template that specifies the representation of appointments.
CellMinHeight Gets or sets the minimum height of cells.
CellStyle Gets or sets appearance settings of cells.
CellTemplate Gets or sets a data template that specifies the representation of cells.
DataStorage Gets or sets the storage that holds scheduler view’s data (appointments, labels and statuses). Inherited from ViewBase.
FirstDayOfWeek Gets or sets the day from which the scheduler starts a week. Inherited from ViewBase.
HeaderItemStyle Gets or sets appearance settings of header items.
HeaderItemTemplate Gets or sets a data template that specifies the representation of header items.
MaxAllDayAppointmentRowCount Gets or sets the maximum number of rows that the view allocates for all-day appointments.
ShowWorkTimeOnly Gets or sets whether the View should show only WorkTime.
SnapToCellsMode Gets or sets how the View snaps the scheduler’s appointments.
Start Gets or sets the scheduler start date. Inherited from ViewBase.
TimeIndicatorStyle Gets or sets appearance settings of the time indicator.
TimeRulerCellStyle Gets or sets appearance settings of time ruler cells.
TimeRulerCellTemplate Gets or sets a data template that that specifies the representation of time ruler cells.
TimeRulerHeaderStyle Gets or sets appearance settings of the time ruler header.
TimeRulerHeaderTemplate Gets or sets a data template that that specifies the representation of the time ruler header.
TimeRulerWidth Gets or sets the width of the time ruler.
TimeScaleInterval Gets or sets the interval between two major time tickmarks.
TimeScaleSlotCount Gets or sets the number of slots (minor time intervals) in a TimeScaleInterval (major time interval).
TopRowTime Gets or sets the time the View’s topmost cell displays.
VisibleIntervals Gets the collection of time intervals the scheduler view displays. Inherited from ViewBase.
VisibleTime Gets or sets the visible time interval of a day.
WorkDays Gets or sets days that form a work week. Inherited from ViewBase.
WorkTime Gets or sets the work time interval for the Day View, Work Week View and Week View.
See Also