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DataSource Members

An object that specifies data sources and mappings for the scheduler’s appointments, labels and statuses.


Name Description
DataSource() Initializes a new DataSource instance with the default settings.


Name Description
AppointmentLabelMappingsProperty static Identifies the AppointmentLabelMappings dependency property.
AppointmentLabelsSourceProperty static Identifies the AppointmentLabelsSource dependency property.
AppointmentMappingsProperty static Identifies the AppointmentMappings dependency property.
AppointmentsSourceProperty static Identifies the AppointmentsSource dependency property.
AppointmentStatusesSourceProperty static Identifies the AppointmentStatusesSource dependency property.
AppointmentStatusMappingsProperty static Identifies the AppointmentStatusMappings dependency property.
DateTimeSavingModeProperty static Identifies the DateTimeSavingMode dependency property.


Name Description
AppointmentLabelMappings Gets or sets an object that specifies how appointment label properties map to the data source fields.
AppointmentLabelsSource Gets or sets a collection of objects that stores appointment label (category) information.
AppointmentMappings Gets or sets an object that specifies how appointment properties map to the data source fields.
AppointmentsSource Gets or sets a collection of objects that stores appointment information.
AppointmentStatusesSource Gets or sets a collection of objects that stores appointment status information.
AppointmentStatusMappings Gets or sets an object that specifies how appointment status properties map to the data source fields.
DateTimeSavingMode Gets or sets the conversion type required before saving an appointment’s start and end values to the data source.


Name Description
CreateSourceObject Fires when the data source requests a source object for a newly added scheduler item.
See Also