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DataFormTextItemBase Fields
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The base class for data form’s editors with text input support.
Name Description
BackgroundColorProperty static Identifies the BackgroundColor dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
BottomTextFontAttributesProperty static Identifies the BottomTextFontAttributes dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
BottomTextFontFamilyProperty static Identifies the BottomTextFontFamily dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
BottomTextFontSizeProperty static Identifies the BottomTextFontSize dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
CharacterCasingProperty static Identifies the CharacterCasing dependency property.
ClearIconVisibilityProperty static Identifies the ClearIconVisibility dependency property.
DisplayFormatProperty static Identifies the DisplayFormat dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
EditorMaxWidthProperty static Identifies the EditorMaxWidth dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
EditorMinWidthProperty static Identifies the EditorMinWidth dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
EditorWidthProperty static Identifies the EditorWidth dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
ErrorColorProperty static Identifies the ErrorColor dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
FieldNameProperty static Identifies the FieldName dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
GroupNameProperty static Identifies the GroupName dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
HelpTextColorProperty static Identifies the HelpTextColor dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
HelpTextProperty static Identifies the HelpText dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
InplaceLabelTextProperty static Identifies the InplaceLabelText dependency property.
IsEnabledProperty static Identifies the IsEnabled dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
IsInplaceLabelFloatingProperty static Identifies the IsInplaceLabelFloating dependency property.
IsLabelVisibleProperty static Identifies the IsLabelVisible dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
IsReadOnlyProperty static Identifies the IsReadOnly dependency property.
IsVisibleProperty static Identifies the IsVisible dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
ItemOrderInRowProperty static Identifies the ItemOrderInRow dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
KeyboardProperty static Identifies the Keyboard dependency property.
LabelColorProperty static Identifies the LabelColor dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
LabelFontAttributesProperty static Identifies the LabelFontAttributes dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
LabelFontFamilyProperty static Identifies the LabelFontFamily dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
LabelFontSizeProperty static Identifies the LabelFontSize dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
LabelHorizontalAlignmentProperty static Identifies the LabelHorizontalAlignment dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
LabelIconProperty static Identifies the LabelIcon dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
LabelIndentProperty static Identifies the LabelIndent dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
LabelMaxWidthProperty static Identifies the LabelMaxWidth dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
LabelMinWidthProperty static Identifies the LabelMinWidth dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
LabelPositionProperty static Identifies the LabelPosition dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
LabelTextProperty static Identifies the LabelText dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
LabelWidthProperty static Identifies the LabelWidth dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
PaddingProperty static Identifies the Padding dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
PlaceholderProperty static Identifies the Placeholder dependency property.
ReserveBottomTextLineProperty static Identifies the ReserveBottomTextLine dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
ReturnTypeProperty static Identifies the ReturnType dependency property.
RowOrderProperty static Identifies the RowOrder dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
RowSpanProperty static Identifies the RowSpan dependency property. Inherited from DataFormItem.
See Also