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DevExpress.Maui.Pdf Namespace

Contains classes that implement the PdfViewer functionality.

Assembly: DevExpress.Maui.Pdf.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Maui.Pdf


Name Description
PageTapEventArgs Contains data for the PageTap event.
PasswordRequestedEventArgs Contains data for the PasswordRequested event.
PdfAnnotationCreatingEventArgs Contains data for the AnnotationCreating event.
PdfAnnotationDeletingEventArgs Contains data for the AnnotationDeleting event.
PdfAnnotationEventArgs Contains data for AnnotationChanged, AnnotationCreated, and AnnotationDeleted events.
PdfAnnotationOptions Contains settings that the PDF viewer applies to annotations.
PdfDocumentSource The base class for classes that are used to load PDF files to the PdfViewer control.
PdfFormFieldEditorShowingEventArgs Contains data for the FormFieldEditorShowing event.
PdfFormFieldValueChangedEventArgs Contains data for the FormFieldValueChanged event.
PdfFormFieldValueChangingEventArgs Contains data for the FormFieldValueChanging event.
PdfHandwrittenSignature Contains information about a handwritten signature.
PdfHandwrittenSignatureCancelEventArgs Contains data for PdfViewer.SignatureCreating and PdfViewer.SignatureDeleting events.
PdfHandwrittenSignatureCreatingEventArgs Contains data for the SignatureCreating event.
PdfHandwrittenSignatureEventArgs Contains data for PdfViewer.SignatureCreated, PdfViewer.SignatureChanged and PdfViewer.SignatureDeleted events.
PdfHandwrittenSignatureStorage The storage of signatures.
PdfReferencedDocumentOpeningEventArgs Contains data for the ReferencedDocumentOpening event.
PdfSelectedContent Contains information about the selected content in a PDF doc.
PdfUriOpeningEventArgs Contains data for the UriOpening event.
PdfViewer Allows you to display PDF files in .NET MAUI apps.
PdfViewerCommands Provides access to PDF viewer commands.
PdfViewerLocalizer An object that localizes the text lines displayed in the PdfViewer.
StreamPdfDocumentSource Allows you to load a PDF file from a stream to the PDF viewer control.
UriPdfDocumentSource Allows you to load a PDF file by its URI to the PDF viewer control.


Name Description
IPdfHandwrittenSignatureBuilder An interface that should be implemented by a class that builds a handwritten signature.


Name Description
PdfSelectedContentType Lists types of the PDF document’s selected content.
PdfViewerDisplayMode Lists modes that specify how the PDF viewer displays PDF file pages.
PdfViewerMode Lists available PDF viewer modes.
PdfViewerStringId Contains values corresponding to strings that can be localized.