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ChipGroup Fields

A base class for chip groups.
Name Description
AnchorXProperty static Bindable property for AnchorX. Inherited from VisualElement.
AnchorYProperty static Bindable property for AnchorY. Inherited from VisualElement.
AutomationIdProperty static Bindable property for AutomationId. Inherited from Element.
BackgroundColorProperty static Bindable property for BackgroundColor. Inherited from VisualElement.
BackgroundProperty static Bindable property for Background. Inherited from VisualElement.
BehaviorsProperty static Bindable property for Behaviors. Inherited from VisualElement.
BindingContextProperty static Bindable property for BindingContext. Inherited from BindableObject.
BoxModeProperty static Identifies the BoxMode bindable property.
ChipBackgroundColorProperty static Identifies the ChipBackgroundColor bindable property.
ChipBorderColorProperty static Identifies the ChipBorderColor bindable property.
ChipBorderThicknessProperty static Identifies the ChipBorderThickness bindable property.
ChipCheckIconColorProperty static Identifies the ChipCheckIconColor bindable property.
ChipCheckIconProperty static Identifies the ChipCheckIcon bindable property.
ChipContentTemplateProperty static Identifies the ChipContentTemplate bindable property.
ChipCornerRadiusProperty static Identifies the ChipCornerRadius bindable property.
ChipDisabledBackgroundColorProperty static Identifies the ChipDisabledBackgroundColor bindable property.
ChipDisabledBorderColorProperty static Identifies the ChipDisabledBorderColor bindable property.
ChipDisabledCheckIconColorProperty static Identifies the ChipDisabledCheckIconColor bindable property.
ChipDisabledIconColorProperty static Identifies the ChipDisabledIconColor bindable property.
ChipDisabledRemoveIconColorProperty static Identifies the ChipDisabledRemoveIconColor bindable property.
ChipDisabledTextColorProperty static Identifies the ChipDisabledTextColor bindable property.
ChipDoubleTapCommandProperty static Identifies the ChipDoubleTapCommand bindable property.
ChipFontAttributesProperty static Identifies the ChipFontAttributes bindable property.
ChipFontFamilyProperty static Identifies the ChipFontFamily bindable property.
ChipFontSizeProperty static Identifies the ChipFontSize bindable property.
ChipIconColorProperty static Identifies the ChipIconColor bindable property.
ChipIconIndentProperty static Identifies the ChipIconIndent bindable property.
ChipIconSizeProperty static Identifies the ChipIconSize bindable property.
ChipIsIconVisibleProperty static Identifies the ChipIsIconVisible bindable property.
ChipLongPressCommandProperty static Identifies the ChipLongPressCommand bindable property.
ChipPaddingProperty static Identifies the ChipPadding bindable property.
ChipPressedBackgroundColorProperty static Identifies the ChipPressedBackgroundColor bindable property.
ChipPressedBorderColorProperty static Identifies the ChipPressedBorderColor bindable property.
ChipPressedCheckIconColorProperty static Identifies the ChipPressedCheckIconColor bindable property.
ChipPressedIconColorProperty static Identifies the ChipPressedIconColor bindable property.
ChipPressedRemoveIconColorProperty static Identifies the ChipPressedRemoveIconColor bindable property.
ChipPressedTextColorProperty static Identifies the ChipPressedTextColor bindable property.
ChipRemoveIconClickedCommandProperty static Identifies the ChipRemoveIconClickedCommand bindable property.
ChipRemoveIconColorProperty static Identifies the ChipRemoveIconColor bindable property.
ChipRemoveIconProperty static Identifies the ChipRemoveIcon bindable property.
ChipRoundedIconProperty static Identifies the ChipRoundedIcon bindable property.
ChipTapCommandProperty static Identifies the ChipTapCommand bindable property.
ChipTextColorProperty static Identifies the ChipTextColor bindable property.
ChipUseRippleEffectProperty static Identifies the ChipUseRippleEffect bindable property.
ClassIdProperty static Bindable property for ClassId. Inherited from Element.
ClipProperty static Bindable property for Clip. Inherited from VisualElement.
DisplayMemberProperty static Identifies the DisplayMember bindable property.
FlowDirectionProperty static Bindable property for FlowDirection. Inherited from VisualElement.
HeightProperty static Bindable property for Height. Inherited from VisualElement.
HeightRequestProperty static Bindable property for HeightRequest. Inherited from VisualElement.
HorizontalOptionsProperty static Bindable property for HorizontalOptions. Inherited from View.
HorizontalSpacingProperty static Identifies the HorizontalSpacing bindable property.
IconMemberProperty static Identifies the IconMember bindable property.
InputTransparentProperty static Bindable property for InputTransparent. Inherited from VisualElement.
IsEnabledProperty static Bindable property for IsEnabled. Inherited from VisualElement.
IsFocusedProperty static Bindable property for IsFocused. Inherited from VisualElement.
IsFocusedPropertyKey static Bindable property for IsFocused. Inherited from VisualElement.
IsMultilineProperty static Identifies the IsMultiline bindable property.
IsScrollBarVisibleProperty static Identifies the IsScrollBarVisible bindable property.
IsVisibleProperty static Bindable property for IsVisible. Inherited from VisualElement.
ItemsSourceProperty static Identifies the ItemsSource bindable property.
MarginProperty static Bindable property for Margin. Inherited from View.
MinimumHeightRequestProperty static Bindable property for MinimumHeightRequest. Inherited from VisualElement.
MinimumWidthRequestProperty static Bindable property for MinimumWidthRequest. Inherited from VisualElement.
NavigationProperty static Bindable property for Navigation. Inherited from VisualElement.
OpacityProperty static Bindable property for Opacity. Inherited from VisualElement.
PaddingProperty static Identifies the Padding bindable property.
propertyMapper protected Represents the view’s internal PropertyMapper. Inherited from View.
RotationProperty static Bindable property for Rotation. Inherited from VisualElement.
RotationXProperty static Bindable property for RotationX. Inherited from VisualElement.
RotationYProperty static Bindable property for RotationY. Inherited from VisualElement.
ScaleProperty static Bindable property for Scale. Inherited from VisualElement.
ScaleXProperty static Bindable property for ScaleX. Inherited from VisualElement.
ScaleYProperty static Bindable property for ScaleY. Inherited from VisualElement.
StyleProperty static Bindable property for Style. Inherited from VisualElement.
TranslationXProperty static Bindable property for TranslationX. Inherited from VisualElement.
TranslationYProperty static Bindable property for TranslationY. Inherited from VisualElement.
TriggersProperty static Bindable property for Triggers. Inherited from VisualElement.
VerticalOptionsProperty static Bindable property for VerticalOptions. Inherited from View.
VerticalSpacingProperty static Identifies the VerticalSpacing bindable property.
VisualProperty static Bindable property for Visual. Inherited from VisualElement.
WidthProperty static Bindable property for Width. Inherited from VisualElement.
WidthRequestProperty static Bindable property for WidthRequest. Inherited from VisualElement.
XProperty static Bindable property for X. Inherited from VisualElement.
YProperty static Bindable property for Y. Inherited from VisualElement.
See Also