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DevExpress Collection View for .NET MAUI

  • 2 minutes to read

The DevExpress Mobile UI for .NET MAUI suite contains the DXCollectionView component that allows you to display a collection of data items in a horizontal or vertical list.

Collection View

Download and install the DevExpress.Maui.CollectionView package from the DevExpress NuGet Gallery to obtain the DXCollectionView component.

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This component supports the sort, group, drag & swipe, multiple item selection, and infinite scrolling functions. For more information, see the corresponding topic in this section of the documentation. This topic covers some of these features.

Infinite Scrolling

Users can scroll to the end of the list to load more items.

DevExpress Collection View for .NET MAUI - Swiping

See the following topic for more information: Infinite Scrolling in Collection View for .NET MAUI.

View Example: CollectionView - Infinite Scrolling


Users can update the list with a pull-down gesture.

DevExpress Collection View for .NET MAUI - Swiping

See the following topic for more information: Pull-to-Refresh in Collection View for .NET MAUI.

View Example: CollectionView - Pull-to-Refresh


The component supports single and multiple item selection as well as custom templates for selected items.

DevExpress Collection View for .NET MAUI - Swiping

See the following topic for more information: Item Selection in Collection View for .NET MAUI.

View Example: CollectionView - Selection

Swipe Actions

Users can swipe a row to the right or left to access row-related commands.

DevExpress Collection View for .NET MAUI - Swiping

See the following topic for more information: Swipe Gestures in Collection View for .NET MAUI.

View Example: CollectionView - Swipe Actions

Drag & Drop

The control allows you to drag an item and drop it to another position to reorder items.

DevExpress Collection View for .NET MAUI - Drag and Drop

See the following topic for more information: Drag-and-Drop Operations in Collection View for .NET MAUI.

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