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DataFormGroup Members

Stores settings to adjust the group of the data form’s editors.


Name Description
DataFormGroup() Initializes a new instance of the DataFormGroup class.
DataFormGroup(String) Initializes a new instance of the DataFormGroup class with specified settings.


Name Description
AllowCollapseProperty static Identifies the AllowCollapse bindable property.
ContentPaddingProperty static Identifies the ContentPadding bindable property.
CustomHeaderProperty static Identifies the CustomHeader bindable property.
EditorHorizontalSpacingProperty static Identifies the EditorHorizontalSpacing bindable property.
HeaderBackgroundColorProperty static Identifies the HeaderBackgroundColor bindable property.
HeaderFontAttributesProperty static Identifies the HeaderFontAttributes bindable property.
HeaderFontFamilyProperty static Identifies the HeaderFontFamily bindable property.
HeaderFontSizeProperty static Identifies the HeaderFontSize bindable property.
HeaderPaddingProperty static Identifies the HeaderPadding bindable property.
HeaderTextColorProperty static Identifies the HeaderTextColor bindable property.
HeaderTextProperty static Identifies the HeaderText bindable property.
IsCollapsedProperty static Identifies the IsCollapsed bindable property.
IsHeaderVisibleProperty static Identifies the IsHeaderVisible bindable property.
IsLastRowSeparatorVisibleProperty static Identifies the IsLastRowSeparatorVisible bindable property.
OrderProperty static Identifies the Order bindable property.
RowSeparatorColorProperty static Identifies the RowSeparatorColor bindable property.
RowSeparatorThicknessProperty static Identifies the RowSeparatorThickness bindable property.


Name Description
AllowCollapse Gets or sets whether users can collapse and expand the group of editors. This is a bindable property.
ContentPadding Gets or sets the distance between editors and the data form’s borders or group headers. This is a bindable property.
CustomHeader Gets or sets the custom content of the group header. This is a bindable property.
EditorHorizontalSpacing Gets or sets the distance between editors in a row. This is a bindable property.
GroupName Gets or sets the name of the editor group. This is a bindable property.
HeaderBackgroundColor Gets or sets the background color for the header of the editor group. This is a bindable property.
HeaderFontAttributes Gets or sets the font style for the header caption of the editor group. This is a bindable property.
HeaderFontFamily Gets or sets the font family name for the header caption of the editor group. This is a bindable property.
HeaderFontSize Gets or sets the font size for the header caption of the editor group. This is a bindable property.
HeaderPadding Gets or sets the distance between the edges of the group header and its content. This is a bindable property.
HeaderText Gets or sets the caption displayed in the header of the editor group. This is a bindable property.
HeaderTextColor Gets or sets the text color for the header caption of the editor group. This is a bindable property.
IsCollapsed Specifies whether the group of editors is collapsed. This is a bindable property.
IsHeaderVisible Gets or sets whether the header is displayed for the group of editors. This is a bindable property.
IsLastRowSeparatorVisible Gets or sets whether a row separator line is displayed below the bottom row of editors in the group. This is a bindable property.
Order Gets or sets the editor groups’s position on the data form. This is a bindable property.
RowSeparatorColor Gets or sets the color of lines that separate rows of editors in the group. This is a bindable property.
RowSeparatorThickness Gets or sets the thickness of lines that separate rows of editors in the group. This is a bindable property.


Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also