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NumericAxisY Members

The y-axis that uses numeric scale and represents values of series data points.


Name Description
NumericAxisY() Initializes a new instance of the NumericAxisY class.


Name Description
AlwaysShowZeroLevelProperty static Identifies the AlwaysShowZeroLevel bindable property.
AutoRangeModeProperty static Identifies the AutoRangeMode bindable property.
AxisLogarithmicOptionsProperty static
ConstantLinesProperty static Identifies the ConstantLines bindable property.
DisplayPositionProperty static Identifies the DisplayPosition bindable property. Inherited from AxisBase.
GridAlignmentProperty static Identifies the GridAlignment bindable property.
GridOffsetProperty static Identifies the GridOffset bindable property.
HintOptionsProperty static Identifies the HintOptions bindable property. Inherited from AxisBase.
LabelProperty static Identifies the Label bindable property. Inherited from AxisBase.
LabelTextFormatterProperty static Identifies the LabelTextFormatter bindable property. Inherited from AxisBase.
LabelValueNotationProperty static Identifies the LabelValueNotation bindable property.
LayoutProperty static Identifies the Layout bindable property. Inherited from AxisBase.
RangeProperty static Identifies the Range bindable property.
StripsProperty static Identifies the Strips bindable property.
StyleProperty static Identifies the Style bindable property. Inherited from AxisBase.
SynchronizerProperty static Identifies the Synchronizer bindable property. Inherited from AxisBase.
TitleProperty static Identifies the Title bindable property. Inherited from AxisBase.
VisibleProperty static Identifies the Visible bindable property. Inherited from AxisBase.


Name Description
AlwaysShowZeroLevel Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the zero level of the y-axis. This is a bindable property.
ConstantLines Gets the axis’s collection of constant lines. This is a bindable property.
DisplayPosition Gets or sets the axis position. This is a bindable property. Inherited from AxisBase.
GridAlignment Gets or sets the distance between axis major tickmarks and gridlines. This is a bindable property.
GridOffset Gets or sets the offset of the first major tickmark and gridline from the axis range’s minimum value. This is a bindable property.
HintOptions Gets or sets an object that configures how the axis interacts with the Hint. This is a bindable property. Inherited from AxisBase.
Label Provides access to the settings that specify the text format, position, and appearance of axis labels. This is a bindable property. Inherited from AxisBase.
LabelTextFormatter Gets or sets an object that provides custom string representations of axis label values to labels. This is a bindable property. Inherited from AxisBase.
LabelValueNotation Gets or sets whether scientific or engineering notation is used to display numbers within axis labels. This is a bindable property.
Layout Gets or sets the axis layout settings. This is a bindable property. Inherited from AxisBase.
LogarithmicOptions Provides access to options that enable and configure the logarithmic scale for the axis.
Range Provides access to the axis range settings. This is a bindable property.
Strips Provides access to the collection of axis strips. This is a bindable property.
Style Gets or sets the axis appearance settings. This is a bindable property. Inherited from AxisBase.
Synchronizer Gets or sets an object that synchronizes ranges of axes in several charts. This is a bindable property. Inherited from AxisBase.
Title Gets or sets the axis title. This is a bindable property. Inherited from AxisBase.
Visible Gets or sets whether the axis is visible. This is a bindable property. Inherited from AxisBase.


Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also