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CalculatedSeries Fields

The base class for all series that calculate their values via another series data.
Name Description
AxisXProperty static Identifies the AxisX bindable property. Inherited from Series.
AxisYProperty static Identifies the AxisY bindable property. Inherited from Series.
DataProperty static Identifies the Data bindable property.
DisplayNameProperty static Identifies the DisplayName bindable property. Inherited from SeriesBase.
HintOptionsProperty static Identifies the HintOptions bindable property. Inherited from Series.
LegendTextPatternProperty static Identifies the LegendTextPattern bindable property. Inherited from SeriesBase.
VisibleInLegendProperty static Identifies the VisibleInLegend bindable property. Inherited from SeriesBase.
VisibleProperty static Identifies the Visible bindable property. Inherited from SeriesBase.
See Also