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AxisStyle.MajorTickmarksLength Property

Gets or sets the length of major tickmarks. This is a bindable property.

Namespace: DevExpress.Maui.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.Maui.Charts.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Maui.Charts


public float MajorTickmarksLength { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
Single -1

The tickmark length, in scale-independent units.


Tickmarks (major and minor) divide an axis into equal sections by a step whose value is determined by the special options of an axis. Use the MajorTickmarksLength property to specify the length of major tickmarks. To change the tickmark thickness, use the MajorTickmarksThickness property.


Tickmarks are hidden by default. Set the MajorTickmarksVisible property to DevExpress.Maui.Charts.DefaultBoolean.True to show major tickmarks on a chart diagram.

To show and customize minor tickmarks, use the MinorTickmarksVisible, MinorTickmarksThickness and MinorTickmarksLength properties.


This example demonstrates how to use the AxisStyle class properties to customize axis lines, display grid lines and tickmarks with the specified appearance, and enable interlaced color intervals on the chart diagram.

Axis Style

<ContentPage xmlns=""
    <dxc:AxisStyle x:Key="axisStyle" 
                   LineThickness="1" LineColor="Black"
                   MajorGridlinesVisible="True" MajorGridlinesThickness="1" MajorGridlinesColor="Black"
                   MinorGridLinesVisible="True" MinorGridlinesThickness="1" MinorGridlinesColor="LightGray"
                   MajorTickmarksVisible="True" MajorTickmarksThickness="1" MajorTickmarksLength="15"
                   MinorTickmarksVisible="True" MinorTickmarksThickness="1" MinorTickmarksLength="10"
                   InterlacedVisible="True" />
        <dxc:DateTimeAxisX Style="{StaticResource axisStyle}" />
        <dxc:NumericAxisY Style="{StaticResource axisStyle}"/>
See Also