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Display Modes

The DevExpress PDF viewer for .NET MAUI supports multiple display modes that specify how to position pages on the screen. Users can switch display modes in the PDF viewer toolbar’s drop-down list.

You can set the DisplayMode property to specify how the PDF Viewer displays document pages.

<dxpdf:PdfViewer DisplayMode="SinglePage" />

The following modes are available:


Shows pages side-by-side vertically. Users can swipe up and down to scroll pages.

DevExpress PDF Viewer for .NET MAUI - Continuous mode


Shows a single page at a time. Users can swipe left and right to pan pages.

DevExpress PDF Viewer for .NET MAUI - SinglePage mode


Shows two pages at a time (side-by-side horizontally). Users can swipe left and right to pan pages.

DevExpress PDF Viewer for .NET MAUI - TwoPages mode


Shows the first document page as a cover page. Users can swipe left and right to pan pages.

DevExpress PDF Viewer for .NET MAUI - TwoPagesWithCoverPage mode

Initially, users can select SinglePage and ContinuousScrolling modes on phones and all display modes on tablets in the UI. You can use the AvailableDisplayModes property to specify a list of available modes. Note that you can still apply any mode to the document programmatically.