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.NET MAUI DevExpress Collection View: Examples

  • 2 minutes to read

The DevExpress .NET MAUI CollectionView ships with GitHub feature-based examples.

Get Started with a Collection View
Shows how to add a DXCollectionView control to a MAUI app, populate it with items, configure item appearance, and sort and group items.
Infinite Scrolling
Implements infinite scrolling in CollectionView.
Pull to Refresh the Item List
Shows how to allow users to request content updates with a pull-down gesture in CollectionView.
Select Collection View Items
Shows how to allow item selection in the Collection View and configure selected item appearance.
Add Custom Actions on Swipe Gestures
Shows how to extend CollectionView’s UI with additional elements that appear when a user swipes an item from left to right or from right to left and how to perform custom actions on tap.
Context Menu Actions in Popup
Implements context menu actions for CollectionView items. To create a context menu, we used the DXPopup Control that contains Buttons. These buttons can invoke different actions.
Incorporate CRUD Operations
Shows how to bind our CollectionView control to a SQLite database and implement CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete). These operations allow you to post changes that users make in CollectionView to the database.
Chip Filters for a CollectionView
Adds chips with predefined filters that you can apply to the CollectionView control.
Create a Filter UI Form
Shows how to implement a filtering form. In this form, users can specify filter rules applied to multiple data source fields.
Display Filtering UI Elements in a BottomSheet
Places the CollectionView’s filtering UI elements into a BottomSheet control.