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ASP.NET Web Forms Deployment

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This document describes assemblies deployed with your ASP.NET Web Forms applications that utilize the functionality of DevExpress Dashboard.

Note that if you use other Developer Express components in your application, using and deploying them should comply with the corresponding EULA documents. For more details on licensing information and the redistribution policy of Developer Express, refer to Redistribution and Deployment.

#Redistributable Libraries

Below are the libraries considered redistributable under the DevExpress Dashboard EULA and are intended for distribution by you to end-users of software applications that you create.

Assembly Description
DevExpress.Charts.v24.2.Core.dll All DevExpress Charting controls contain classes shared via the same charting engine. These classes, along with a codebase, are intended for internal use, but also provide the basic functionality for ASP.NET Charts, WinForms Charts, and WPF Charts. This assembly is also required when deploying an application containing the WPF Spreadsheet control with a chart.
DevExpress.CodeParser.v24.2.dll Contains classes used to parse SQL queries within the Query Builder dialog.
DevExpress.Dashboard.v24.2.Core.dll Contains classes that implement the basic functionality for DevExpress dashboard components.
DevExpress.Dashboard.v24.2.Web.dll Contains classes that implement the core functionality for the Web Dashboard.
DevExpress.Dashboard.v24.2.Web.WebForms.dll Contains classes that implement the basic functionality for the ASP.NET Web Forms control.
DevExpress.Data.v24.2.dll Implements the most basic functionality common to all DevExpress controls. This includes classes for data binding, skinning, printing, exporting, as well as many other auxiliary types and resources.
DevExpress.DataAccess.v24.2.dll Contains classes that utilize the most popular approaches to access different data providers.
DevExpress.DataVisualization.v24.2.Core.dll Required for embedded charts.
DevExpress.Drawing.v24.2.dll Contains cross-platform counterparts of the System.Drawing classes not supported in non-Windows environments.
DevExpress.Map.v24.2.Core.dll Contains common algorithms for drawing a map.
DevExpress.Office.v24.2.Core.dll Contains base classes common for Office File API and Office controls.
DevExpress.Pdf.v24.2.Core.dll Contains internal classes that provide the basic functionality to parse and render PDF files.
DevExpress.Pdf.v24.2.Drawing.dll Contains internal classes that implement drawing functionality for PDF Viewer.
DevExpress.PivotGrid.v24.2.Core.dll Contains internal classes that implement the basic functionality for WinForms PivotGrid, ASP.NET PivotGrid and WPF PivotGrid controls.
DevExpress.Printing.v24.2.Core.dll Contains classes that implement the basic functionality for DevExpress printing libraries.
DevExpress.RichEdit.v24.2.Core.dll Contains classes that implement the logic for formatting rich text, as well as basic types that provide a public API common to such DevExpress RTF controls as ASP.NET RichEdit, WinForms RichEdit, and WPF RichEdit. This assembly is also required when using a Rich Edit in-place editor (RepositoryItemRichTextEdit), Filter Editor Control and/or exporting to DOCX.
DevExpress.Sparkline.v24.2.Core.dll Contains base classes that implement the core functionality of DevExpress Sparkline controls.
DevExpress.TreeMap.v24.2.Core.dll Contains base classes that implement the core functionality of the TreeMapControl.
DevExpress.Web.Resources.v24.2.dll Contains client-side libraries required for the Web Dashboard.
DevExpress.Web.v24.2.dll Contains classes that implement the core functionality of all DevExpress web controls and the functionality of controls from the following components: Data Editors, GridView, Card View, Vertical Grid, Data and Image Navigation, Docking and Popups, Site Navigation and Layout, File Management and Multi-Use Site Controls.
DevExpress.Xpo.v24.2.dll Contains the classes that support the main functionality of the eXpress Persistent Objects Library. Note: This assembly is also required when using XtraGrid’s Server Mode.
DevExpress.XtraCharts.v24.2.dll Contains basic classes that implement the main functionality of the XtraCharts Suite.
DevExpress.XtraGauges.v24.2.Core.dll Contains common algorithms for drawing gauges in different platforms for XtraGauges and ASPxGauges.
DevExpress.XtraReports.v24.2.dll Contains classes that implement the main functionality of XtraReports.
DevExpress.XtraTreeMap.v24.2.dll Contains the TreeMapControl component.
See Also