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DevExpress.XtraRichEdit Namespace

Contains classes which implement the main functionality of the RichEdit suite.

Assembly: DevExpress.RichEdit.v17.2.Core.dll


Name Description
Argument An argument within the document field.
ArgumentCollection A collection of Argument objects. Results from parsing a document field.
AuthenticationOptions Represents a set of credentials used to identify editable ranges in a protected document.
AutoCorrectEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.AutoCorrect event.
AutoCorrectInfo Provides data and methods that enable you to process input text and calculate the replacement object when handling the RichEditControl.AutoCorrect event.
AutoCorrectOptions Contains options specifying what autocorrect features are enabled.
AutoCorrectReplaceInfo Contains the text to find and the object to replace it. Used for the table-based autocorrect functionality.
AutoCorrectReplaceInfoCollection A collection of AutoCorrectReplaceInfo objects.
BeforeExportEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.BeforeExport event.
BeforeImportEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.BeforeImport event.
BeforePagePaintEventArgs Provides data for the BeforePagePaint event of the RichEditControl and RichEditDocumentServer.
BookmarkFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.BookmarkFormShowing event.
BookmarkOptions Represents settings which define the appearance of bookmarks in the document.
CalculateDocumentVariableEventArgs Provides data for the CalculateDocumentVariable event.
ColumnsSetupFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.ColumnsSetupFormShowing event.
CommentEditingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.CommentInserted event.
CommentOptions Contains options for displaying the comments in a document.
CopyPasteOptions Contains options affecting certain copy-paste scenarios.
CustomizeMergeFieldsEventArgs Provides data for the CustomizeMergeFields event.
DataFormatOptions Contains settings related to the Clipboard operations with different document formats.
DeleteTableCellsFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.DeleteTableCellsFormShowing event.
DocumentCapabilitiesOptions Represents the storage of settings specific for the document restrictions implemented in the XtraRichEdit.
DocumentPropertiesFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.DocumentPropertiesFormShowing event.
DocumentProtectionQueryNewPasswordFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.DocumentProtectionQueryNewPasswordFormShowing event.
DocumentProtectionQueryPasswordFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.DocumentProtectionQueryPasswordFormShowing event.
DocumentSaveOptions Represents the settings which define file name and file format that are used when saving and loading the document.
DocumentSearchOptions Contains settings which specify parameters affecting search in a document.
DocumentVariableCollection A collection of document variables.
DocVariableValue A class which allows you to specify the current value of a DOCVARIABLE field in the Document.CalculateDocumentVariable event handler.
DraftView Represents a draft view of the Rich Edit control.
DraftViewLayoutOptions Contains settings which affect the layout of the Draft view.
EditStyleFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.EditStyleFormShowing event.
FieldOptions Represents settings which define the appearance and behavior of the document fields.
FloatingInlineObjectLayoutOptionsFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.FloatingInlineObjectLayoutOptionsFormShowing event.
FontFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.FontFormShowing event.
FormattingMarkVisibilityOptions Contains settings specifying which formatting marks (paragraph marks, spaces, tabs etc.) are visible.
FormShowingEventArgs Serves as the base for classes which provide data for the events which occur before the RichEditControl dialogs are shown.
HeaderFooterEditingEventArgs Provides data for the StartHeaderFooterEditing and the FinishHeaderFooterEditing events.
HitTestManager Provides hit testing for the RichEditControl.
HorizontalRulerOptions Represents the class containing options for the horizontal ruler.
HyperlinkClickEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.HyperlinkClick event.
HyperlinkFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.HyperlinkFormShowing event.
HyperlinkOptions Represents settings which define the appearance and behavior of hyperlinks in the document.
InsertMergeFieldFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.InsertMergeFieldFormShowing event.
InsertTableCellsFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.InsertTableCellsFormShowing event.
InsertTableFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.InsertTableFormShowing event.
LineNumberingFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.LineNumberingFormShowing event.
MailMergeCustomSeparators Contains custom separators used in numeric format switches of the document fields.
MailMergeFinishedEventArgs Provides data for the MailMergeFinished event.
MailMergeRecordFinishedEventArgs Provides data for the MailMergeRecordFinished event.
MailMergeRecordStartedEventArgs Provides data for the MailMergeRecordStarted event.
MailMergeStartedEventArgs Provides data for the MailMergeStarted event.
NumberingListFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.NumberingListFormShowing event.
NumberingOptions Represents the class containing options for the availability of numbered and bulleted lists in the document.
PageLayoutPosition Combines the page index and position in the page layout.
PageSetupFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.PageSetupFormShowing event.
ParagraphFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.ParagraphFormShowing event.
PasteSpecialFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.PasteSpecialFormShowing event.
PrintingOptions Contains settings which specify parameters affecting how the document is printed.
PrintLayoutView Represents a page layout view of the Rich Edit control.
PrintLayoutViewLayoutOptions Contains settings which affect the layout of the PrintLayout view.
RangeEditingPermissionsFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.RangeEditingPermissionsFormShowing event.
RangePermissionOptions Represents settings which define how the ranges with permissions are marked in the document.
RichEditBehaviorOptions Specifies the restricted operations that cannot be performed by end-users over a document.
RichEditBrushBase Platform-independent brush. Its platform-specific implementations are used to fill shapes and draw text on the layout PageCanvas.
RichEditClipboardSetDataExceptionEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.ClipboardSetDataException event.
RichEditControlCompatibility static Allows setting common parameters for all RichEditControl instances in the application.
RichEditControlOptionsBase Represents the base class for the RichEditControl options.
RichEditDocumentServer A non-visual rich text engine providing all the RichEditControl functionality except user interface features.
RichEditHitTestResult Provides options used to retrieve information about the layout element located under the hit point.
RichEditInvalidFormatExceptionEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditDocumentServer.InvalidFormatException, RichEditControl.InvalidFormatException and RichEditControl.InvalidFormatException events.
RichEditLayoutOptions Represents the class containing miscellaneous layout options.
RichEditMailMergeOptions Specifies the default mail merge options.
RichEditNotificationOptions Represents a base class for the classes containing different options used in the RichEditControl.
RichEditPenBase Platform-independent pen. Its platform-specific implementations are used to draw ellipses, lines and rectangles on the layout PageCanvas.
RichEditUnhandledExceptionEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.UnhandledException event.
RichEditView Represents a base class for the RichEditControl views.
RichEditViewRepository Represents a repository for the views of the Rich Edit control.
RulerOptions Represents the base class for ruler options.
SearchFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.SearchFormShowing event.
ShowFormEventArgs Serves as the base for classes which provide data for the events which occur before the RichEditControl dialogs are shown.
SimpleView Represents a simple view of the Rich Edit control.
SimpleViewLayoutOptions Contains settings which affect the layout of the Simple view.
SpellCheckerOptions Contains options that specify how the spell checker should process text in any range of the document.
SpellingErrorLimitExceededEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.SpellingErrorLimitExceeded event.
SplitTableCellsFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.SplitTableCellsFormShowing event.
SymbolFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.SymbolFormShowing event.
TableOptions Represents the class containing miscellaneous table options.
TableOptionsFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.TableOptionsFormShowing event.
TablePropertiesFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.TablePropertiesFormShowing event.
TableStyleFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.TableStyleFormShowing event.
TabsFormShowingEventArgs Provides data for the RichEditControl.TabsFormShowing event.
VerticalRulerOptions Represents the class containing options for the vertical ruler.


Name Description
IDataSourceContainerOptions Defines parameters required to connect to an external data source.
IRichEditControl Interface implemented to facilitate creating certain types of RichEdit objects, such as commands.
IRichEditDocumentServer Interface of a rich text engine providing the essential Rich Editor functionality.
IRichEditViewVisitor Interface implementing the Visitor pattern.


Name Description
DocumentExportCapabilities Represents the formatting capabilities required for correct export of the document.
DocumentFormat A document format.
PageLayoutInfo Combines the page index and page bounds.


Name Description
AutoCorrectEventHandler A method that will handle the AutoCorrect event of the RichEditControl.
BeforeExportEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the RichEditControl.BeforeExport event.
BeforeImportEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the RichEditControl.BeforeImport event.
BeforePagePaintEventHandler A method that will handle the BeforePagePaint event of the RichEditControl or RichEditDocumentServer.
BookmarkFormShowingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the RichEditControl.BookmarkFormShowing event.
CalculateDocumentVariableEventHandler A method that will handle the CalculateDocumentVariable event of the RichEditControl.
ColumnsSetupFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.ColumnsSetupFormShowing event.
CommentEditingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the RichEditControl.CommentInserted and RichEditControl.CommentInserted events.
CustomizeMergeFieldsEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.CustomizeMergeFields event.
DeleteTableCellsFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.DeleteTableCellsFormShowing event.
DocumentPropertiesFormShowingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the DocumentPropertiesFormShowingEventArgs event.
DocumentProtectionQueryNewPasswordFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.DocumentProtectionQueryNewPasswordFormShowing event.
DocumentProtectionQueryPasswordFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.DocumentProtectionQueryPasswordFormShowing event.
EditStyleFormShowingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the RichEditControl.EditStyleFormShowing event.
FloatingInlineObjectLayoutOptionsFormShowingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the RichEditControl.FloatingInlineObjectLayoutOptionsFormShowing event.
FontFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.FontFormShowing event.
HeaderFooterEditingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.StartHeaderFooterEditing and the RichEditControl.FinishHeaderFooterEditing events.
HyperlinkClickEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the RichEditControl.HyperlinkClick event.
HyperlinkFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.HyperlinkFormShowing event.
InsertMergeFieldFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.InsertMergeFieldFormShowing event.
InsertTableCellsFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.InsertTableCellsFormShowing event.
InsertTableFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.InsertTableFormShowing event.
LineNumberingFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.LineNumberingFormShowing event.
MailMergeFinishedEventHandler A method that will handle the MailMergeFinished event of the RichEditControl.
MailMergeRecordFinishedEventHandler A method that will handle the MailMergeRecordFinished event of the RichEditControl.
MailMergeRecordStartedEventHandler A method that will handle the MailMergeRecordStarted event of the RichEditControl.
MailMergeStartedEventHandler A method that will handle the MailMergeStarted event of the RichEditControl.
NumberingListFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.NumberingListFormShowing event.
PageSetupFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.PageSetupFormShowing event.
ParagraphFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.ParagraphFormShowing event.
PasteSpecialFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.PasteSpecialFormShowing event.
RangeEditingPermissionsFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.RangeEditingPermissionsFormShowing event.
RichEditClipboardSetDataExceptionEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.ClipboardSetDataException event.
RichEditInvalidFormatExceptionEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.InvalidFormatException event.
RichEditUnhandledExceptionEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the RichEditControl.UnhandledException event.
SearchFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.SearchFormShowing event.
SpellingErrorLimitExceededEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.SpellingErrorLimitExceeded event.
SplitTableCellsFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.SplitTableCellsFormShowing event.
SymbolFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.SymbolFormShowing event.
TableOptionsFormShowingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the RichEditControl.TableOptionsFormShowing event.
TablePropertiesFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.TablePropertiesFormShowing event.
TableStyleFormShowingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the TableStyleFormShowing event.
TabsFormShowingEventHandler A method that will handle the RichEditControl.TabsFormShowing event.


Name Description
AutoSizeMode Lists how the control is resized to fit its contents.
CalculationModeType Lists modes for layout calculation.
ConflictNameAction Lists actions that can be performed when a bookmark in the document being inserted and in the target document have the same name.
DocumentCapability Lists the availability of a certain functionality in the XtraRichEdit document.
DocumentLayoutUnit Lists measurement units used for the document layout.
DragDropMode Lists the values used to specify the drag-and-drop mode of the DragDropMode.
FieldsHighlightMode Lists conditions for highlighting the fields in the document.
HitTestSearchOption Lists the hit test’s accuracy level.
HtmlImageSourceType List types of images that can be included in the HTML content of the Clipboard.
LineBreakSubstitute Lists variants for substituting the line break.
PageBreakInsertMode Lists the values specifying the mode for inserting a page break into a document.
PasteMode Lists modes characterizing how the formatting of the destination document is applied to the text being pasted.
PdfBookmarkDisplayMode Lists values used to specify what bookmarks of a document exported to PDF should appear in the Bookmarks panel of a PDF Viewer.
PrintPreviewFormKind Lists the values specifying the user interface of the Print Preview form.
RichEditBaseValueSource Lists possible sources of a particular property value.
RichEditBookmarkVisibility Lists values specifying the visibility of bookmarks.
RichEditCommentVisibility Lists values specifying the visibility of comments.
RichEditDashStyle Lists styles of dashed lines drawn with the RichEditPenBase object and its descendants.
RichEditFormattingMarkVisibility Lists values specifying the visibility of formatting marks.
RichEditRangePermissionVisibility Lists values specifying the visibility of indicators for ranges with permissions (highlighting, enclosing brackets).
RichEditRulerVisibility Specifies the visibility of a ruler.
RichEditTableGridLinesVisibility Lists values specifying the visibility of grid lines in table cells without borders.
RichEditViewType Specifies the view used to show the document within the RichEditControl.
UpdateDocVariablesBeforePrint Lists modes that determine whether DOCVARIABLE fields are recalculated before printing.
UpdateLockedFields Lists options which determine how the Field.Locked property affects field updates.