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DevExpress.Spreadsheet Namespace

Contains classes and interfaces that implement basic spreadsheet functionality.

Assembly: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.v17.2.Core.dll


Name Description
ActiveSheetChangedEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ActiveSheetChanged event.
ActiveSheetChangeEventArgsBase Base class for classes that provides data for the ActiveSheetChanging and ActiveSheetChanged events of the SpreadsheetControl.
ActiveSheetChangingEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ActiveSheetChanging event.
BeforePrintSheetEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.BeforePrintSheet event.
CellValue A data value contained in a cell.
ClipboardDataObtainedEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ClipboardDataObtained event.
ClipboardDataPastedEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ClipboardDataPasted event.
ColumnsChangedEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ColumnsInserted and the SpreadsheetControl.ColumnsRemoved events.
ColumnsChangingEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ColumnsInserting and SpreadsheetControl.ColumnsRemoving events.
CommentChangedEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.CommentInserted and SpreadsheetControl.CommentRemoved events.
CommentInsertingEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.CommentInserting event.
CommentRemovingEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.CommentRemoving event.
CopiedRangePastedEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.CopiedRangePasted event.
CopiedRangePastingEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.CopiedRangePasting event.
DataBindingErrorEventArgs Provides data for the WorksheetDataBindingCollection.Error event.
DataImportOptions Contains properties which allow you to specify whether the imported data are treated as formulas, the cell reference style in use, the culture-specific decimal and list separators and a custom value converter.
DataSourceImportOptions Allows specifying data source fields to import.
DataSourceOptionsBase Serves as the base for the ExternalDataSourceOptions and RangeDataSourceOptions classes.
DateGrouping A criterion for date values.
DefinedNameConflictResolvingEventArgs Provides data for the DefinedNameConflictResolving event.
DocumentOptions Provides access to workbook options.
EditRangePermission Contains security information required for applying user-level security to a ProtectedRange.
EncryptedFileIntegrityCheckFailedEventArgs Provides data for the EncryptedFileIntegrityCheckFailed event.
EncryptedFilePasswordRequestEventArgs Provides data for the EncryptedFilePasswordRequest event.
ExternalDataSourceOptions Contains options for data retrieval from an external data source when establishing a data binding.
FilterValue A value or values used in a filter criterion.
HeaderFooterCode static Contains codes which can be used in a header or a footer and interpreted when printing a worksheet.
PanesFrozenEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.PanesFrozen event.
PanesUnfrozenEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.PanesUnfrozen event.
PivotGroupingValue Contains data used to specify starting and ending values for the range grouping.
PivotItemReference Represents a reference to a specific item in a pivot table.
RangeCopiedEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.RangeCopied event.
RangeCopyingEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.RangeCopying event.
RangeDataSourceOptions Contains various options for a data source created from a cell range.
RangeExtensions static Defines extension methods for the Range interface.
RowsChangedEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.RowsInserted and the SpreadsheetControl.RowsRemoved events.
RowsChangingEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.RowsInserting and SpreadsheetControl.RowsRemoving events.
RowsColumnsChangingEventArgsBase Serves as the base for classes which provide data for the events which occur on inserting or removing rows and columns via the SpreadsheetControl‘s UI.
ScrollPositionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ScrollPositionChanged event.
SearchOptions Contains options affecting search in a document.
ShapeChangedEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ShapeInserted and SpreadsheetControl.ShapeRemoved events.
ShapeChangingEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ShapeRemoving event.
ShapesCopyingEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ShapesCopying event.
SheetInsertedEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.SheetInserted event.
SheetRemovedEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.SheetRemoved event.
SheetRemovingEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.SheetRemoving event.
SheetRenamedEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.SheetRenamed event.
SheetRenamingEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.SheetRenaming event.
SortCondition Combines the column index and the specification of the direction in which column values should be sorted.
SortField Specifies the field by which to sort, and the comparer used for sorting.
SpreadsheetBeforeExportEventArgs Provides data for the ISpreadsheetComponent.BeforeExport event.
SpreadsheetBeforeImportEventArgs Provides data for the ISpreadsheetComponent.BeforeImport event.
SpreadsheetCustomAssemblyLoadingEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.CustomAssemblyLoading event.
SpreadsheetImageSource An object that provides an image for the spreadsheet.
SpreadsheetInvalidFormatExceptionEventArgs Provides data for the ISpreadsheetComponent.InvalidFormatException event.
SpreadsheetValidateCustomSqlQueryEventArgs Provides data for the SpreadsheetControl.ValidateCustomSqlQuery event.
ValueObject An object that can be used to specify a value associated with a custom cell in-place editor or to create a criterion for data validation.
WorkbookMergeOptions Provides options used to specify how to merge multiple workbooks into a single document.


Name Description
Alignment Provides access to the cell content alignment settings.
AreasCollection A collection of worksheet Range objects from which a union range is composed.
ArrayFormula Contains an array formula and the range to which the formula is applied.
ArrayFormulaCollection A collection of ArrayFormula objects.
AutoFilterBase Base interface for objects which implement filtering functionality in a worksheet and tables.
AutoFilterColumn Provides filtering functionality for a column.
AutoFilterColumnCollection A collection of AutoFilterColumn objects.
AverageConditionalFormatting Represents the "above or below average" conditional formatting rule.
Border Provides access to the line characteristics of a cell border.
Borders Provides access to cell borders.
CalculationOptions Contains options used for calculation of formulas contained in the worksheet cells.
Cell A single cell in a worksheet.
CellCollection A collection of all cells in a worksheet.
ChartSheet A separate sheet in a workbook that contains only a chart.
ChartSheetCollection A collection of ChartSheet objects contained in a workbook.
ChartSheetPrintOptions Contains options used for printing a chart sheet.
ChartSheetView Provides access to a set of display and print settings for a chart sheet.
ColorScale2ConditionalFormatting Represents a two-color scale conditional formatting rule.
ColorScale3ConditionalFormatting Represents a three-color scale conditional formatting rule.
Column A single column in a worksheet.
ColumnCollection A collection of all columns in a worksheet.
Comment A comment added to a cell.
CommentCollection A collection of comments contained in a worksheet.
CommentRun A comment text region with its own set of font characteristics.
CommentRunCollection A collection of comment text regions, each formatted with its own font.
ConditionalFormatting A conditional format applied to a range of cells.
ConditionalFormattingCollection A collection of all conditional formatting rules on a worksheet.
ConditionalFormattingExtremumValue Obsolete. Represents a minimum or maximum threshold for a conditional formatting rule.
ConditionalFormattingIconSetInsideValue Obsolete. Represents a threshold value for an icon set conditional formatting rule.
ConditionalFormattingIconSetValue Represents a threshold value for an icon set conditional formatting rule.
ConditionalFormattingInsideValue Obsolete. Represents a threshold value for a conditional formatting rule.
ConditionalFormattingValue Represents a minimum or maximum threshold for a conditional formatting rule.
CustomCellInplaceEditor Represents a custom cell in-place editor assigned to a cell or cell range in a worksheet.
CustomCellInplaceEditorCollection Represents a collection of the custom cell in-place editors assigned to worksheet cells.
CustomFilter Contains the settings of a custom filter.
CustomXmlPartCollection A collection of arbitrary XML data (custom XML parts) embedded in the workbook.
DataBarConditionalFormatting Represents a data bar conditional formatting rule.
DataValidation Provides access to a data validation rule defined for a worksheet range.
DataValidationCollection A collection of DataValidation objects.
DefinedName A defined name that refers to a cell, range of cells, formula or constant value.
DefinedNameCollection A collection of defined names stored in a worksheet or workbook.
DocumentCustomProperties Contains custom document properties associated with a workbook.
DocumentProperties Contains basic document properties associated with a workbook.
DocumentSettings Contains workbook options related to formula calculation.
EncryptionOptions Contains the workbook encryption options.
ErrorValueInfo Contains information about an error that occurred in a cell.
ExpressionConditionalFormatting Represents a conditional formatting rule that uses a relational operator to determine which cells to format.
ExternalDefinedName A defined name that is contained in the external workbook or in the external worksheet.
ExternalWorkbook An external workbook.
ExternalWorkbookCollection A collection of external workbooks.
ExternalWorksheet A worksheet contained in an external workbook.
Fill Contains the cell background attributes.
FilterCriteria Provides information on multiple values and groups of dates by which to filter.
FloatingObject A base interface for floating objects in a worksheet (pictures, charts and comments).
Formatting Provides access to cell format characteristics.
FormulaExpressionConditionalFormatting Represents a conditional formatting rule that uses a formula as a formatting criteria.
GradientFill Contains characteristics required to create a gradient fill.
GradientStop A color stop that constitutes a gradient fill.
GradientStopCollection A collection of color stops which constitutes a linear gradient.
HeaderFooterPicture Represents a picture embedded to a worksheet header or footer.
Hyperlink A hyperlink contained in a cell or cell range.
HyperlinkBase Serves as the base for the Hyperlink and ShapeHyperlink interfaces that define hyperlinks for cells and shapes.
HyperlinkCollection A collection of hyperlinks contained in worksheet cells.
IBindingRangeValueConverter An interface that allows you to convert cell values to custom objects and back.
ICellValueConverter A converter that converts custom objects to cell values and vice versa.
IClipboardManager Contains methods for working with the system Clipboard.
IconSetConditionalFormatting Represents an icon set conditional formatting rule.
ICustomXmlPart Defines the custom XML part embedded in a workbook.
IDataSourceColumnTypeDetector Provides the capability to identify the name and type of each column in a data source created from a cell range.
IDataValueConverter An interface that allows you to modify data being imported before insertion in a worksheet.
IgnoredError Specifies a worksheet range and a type of the formula error which will be ignored in that range.
IgnoredErrorCollection A collection of IgnoredError objects.
IRangeProvider Provides properties and methods to get cell ranges.
ISpreadsheetComponent Exposes the basic functionality to manage workbooks.
ISupportsFormatting Contains format characteristics that are applied to cells when the condition of the conditional formatting rule is true.
IUsedNameSet A set of table and defined names existing in the destination document into which a formula or worksheet containing a conflict name is pasted.
IWorkbook Exposes the specific functionality of a workbook.
IWorkbookMergeResult Contains a result of merging multiple workbooks.
Margins Provides access to page margins used when a worksheet is printed.
PageBreaksCollection A collection of page breaks in a worksheet.
Parameter A single query parameter.
ParametersCollection A collection of parameters for queries used in Mail Merge.
Picture An image embedded in a worksheet.
PictureCollection A collection of Picture objects.
PivotBehaviorOptions Contains options that allow you to restrict specific operations in the PivotTable report.
PivotCache Represents the data cache for a PivotTable report.
PivotCacheCollection Represents the collection of data caches from the PivotTable reports in a workbook.
PivotCalculatedFieldCollection A collection of calculated fields in a PivotTable report.
PivotCalculatedItemCollection Represents a collection of calculated items in a PivotTable field.
PivotDataField Represents a reference to a PivotField object that is currently shown as a data field.
PivotDataFieldCollection Represents a collection of fields located in the data area of a PivotTable report.
PivotField Represents a field in a PivotTable report.
PivotFieldBehaviorOptions Contains options that allow you to restrict an end-user’s ability to move or remove a PivotTable field.
PivotFieldCollection Represents the collection of all fields in a PivotTable report.
PivotFieldGroupingInfo Provides access to range grouping characteristics.
PivotFieldLayout Contains layout settings for a PivotTable field.
PivotFieldReference Represents a reference to a PivotField object that is currently shown as a row or column field.
PivotFieldReferenceBase Represents a base interface for the PivotFieldReference, PivotPageField and PivotDataField interfaces.
PivotFieldReferenceCollection Represents the collection of row or column fields in the PivotTable report.
PivotFieldSortOptions Contains sort options for a PivotTable field.
PivotFilter Represents a filter applied to a PivotTable field.
PivotFilterCollection A collection of filters applied to the PivotTable fields.
PivotItem Represents an item in a PivotTable field.
PivotItemCollection Represents a collection of PivotItem objects in a PivotTable field.
PivotLayout Contains various options used to adjust the layout of the PivotTable report.
PivotLocation Contains information about the location of a pivot table and its areas.
PivotPageField Represents a reference to a PivotField object that is currently shown as a page field.
PivotPageFieldCollection Represents a collection of fields located in the report filter area of a pivot table.
PivotTable Represents a PivotTable report on a worksheet.
PivotTableCollection A collection of all PivotTable objects in the worksheet.
PivotViewOptions Contains display settings for a pivot table.
ProtectedRange An association of a worksheet range and credentials required to unlock it for editing.
ProtectedRangeCollection A collection of items which associate worksheet ranges and security information required to unlock them for editing.
Protection Contains various options in effect when the worksheet is protected.
Range Defines a range of cells and serves as the base for the Cell, CellCollection, Column and Row interfaces.
RangeConditionalFormatting Represents a conditional formatting rule that formats cells which are between or not between two values.
RankConditionalFormatting Represents a "top/bottom N" conditional formatting rule.
RealTimeData Defines a real-time data object for use with the Real Time Data (RTD) function.
Row A single row in a worksheet.
RowCollection A collection of all rows in a worksheet.
Shape A common class for objects drawn in a worksheet, such as pictures.
ShapeCollection A collection of Shape objects.
ShapeHyperlink A hyperlink associated with a shape.
Sheet An individual sheet in a workbook and a base interface for Worksheet and ChartSheet.
SheetAutoFilter An object implementing the filtering functionality for the specified worksheet.
SheetCollection A collection of all sheets (worksheets and chart sheets) contained in a workbook.
SortState Contains sort conditions and allows you to perform sorting.
Sparkline Represents a single sparkline in the sparkline group.
SparklineCollection A collection that stores the Sparkline objects for the specified sparkline group.
SparklineColor Contains display options for the horizontal axis and data markers of a sparkline group.
SparklineGroup Represents a sparkline group on a worksheet.
SparklineGroupCollection A collection of the SparklineGroup objects in a worksheet.
SparklineHorizontalAxis Contains settings for the horizontal axis of a sparkline group.
SparklinePoints Contains marker options for data points on the sparklines in a sparkline group.
SparklineVerticalAxis Contains scaling options for the vertical axis of a sparkline group.
SpecialConditionalFormatting Represents a conditional formatting rule that formats cells with specific values.
SpreadsheetFont Contains the cell font attributes.
SpreadsheetHistory A history of operations performed in a workbook.
Style A named cell style.
StyleCollection A collection of cell styles in the workbook.
StyleFlags A style flag that controls formatting options to be applied.
Table A table in a worksheet.
TableAutoFilter An object implementing the filtering functionality for the specified table.
TableCollection A collection of tables contained in a worksheet.
TableColumn A single column in a table.
TableColumnCollection A collection of columns in a table.
TableStyle A named table or pivot table style.
TableStyleCollection A collection of table and pivot table styles contained in the workbook.
TableStyleElement A table style element.
TableStyleElements A collection of table style elements.
TextConditionalFormatting Represents a conditional formatting rule that formats cells that contain or do not contain the given text.
TimePeriodConditionalFormatting Represents a "date occurring…" conditional formatting rule.
Worksheet A worksheet in a workbook.
WorksheetCollection A collection of worksheets contained in a workbook.
WorksheetDataBinding Contains information about a cell range bound to an external data source or used to create a data source.
WorksheetDataBindingCollection A collection of data bindings specified in a worksheet.
WorksheetHeaderFooter A header or footer of the worksheet.
WorksheetHeaderFooterOptions Provides access to the document’s header and footer and contains options for displaying and printing them.
WorksheetOutlineOptions Contains options used to specify the summary rows and columns location.
WorksheetPageNumbering Contains options that affect page numbering when printing worksheets in a workbook.
WorksheetPrintOptions Contains options used for printing a worksheet.
WorksheetPrintTitleOptions Represents the object that specifies rows and columns to be repeated on every printed page.
WorksheetTableDataBinding Contains information about a Table bound to an external data source or used to create a data source.
WorksheetView Provides access to a set of display and print settings for a worksheet.


Name Description
CellKey Provides a unique identifier of a cell within a workbook.
ConditionalFormattingCustomIcon Provides access to the particular icon in the icon set.
DocumentFormat A document format.


Name Description
ActiveSheetChangedEventHandler A method that will handle the ActiveSheetChanged event of the SpreadsheetControl.
ActiveSheetChangingEventHandler A method that will handle the ActiveSheetChanging event of the SpreadsheetControl.
BeforeExportEventHandler A method that will handle the BeforeExport event of the SpreadsheetControl.
BeforeImportEventHandler A method that will handle the BeforeImport event of the SpreadsheetControl.
BeforePrintSheetEventHandler A method that will handle the BeforePrintSheet event of the SpreadsheetControl.
ClipboardDataObtainedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the SpreadsheetControl.ClipboardDataObtained event.
ClipboardDataPastedEventHandler A method that will handle the ClipboardDataPasted event of the SpreadsheetControl.
ClipboardDataPastingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the SpreadsheetControl.ClipboardDataPasting event.
ColumnsInsertedEventHandler A method that will handle the ColumnsInserted event of the SpreadsheetControl.
ColumnsRemovedEventHandler A method that will handle the ColumnsRemoved event of the SpreadsheetControl.
CommentChangedEventHandler A method that will handle the CommentInserted and CommentRemoved events of the SpreadsheetControl.
CommentInsertingEventHandler A method that will handle the CommentInserting event of the SpreadsheetControl.
CommentRemovingEventHandler A method that will handle the CommentRemoving event of the SpreadsheetControl.
CopiedRangePastedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the SpreadsheetControl.CopiedRangePasted event.
CopiedRangePastingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the SpreadsheetControl.CopiedRangePasting event.
DataBindingErrorEventHandler A method that will handle the WorksheetDataBindingCollection.Error event.
DefinedNameConflictResolvingEventHandler A method that will handle the DefinedNameConflictResolving event of the SpreadsheetControl.
EncryptedFileIntegrityCheckFailedEventHandler A method that will handle the EncryptedFileIntegrityCheckFailed event of the SpreadsheetControl.
EncryptedFilePasswordRequestEventHandler A method that will handle the EncryptedFilePasswordRequest event of the SpreadsheetControl.
InvalidFormatExceptionEventHandler A method that will handle the InvalidFormatException event of the SpreadsheetControl.
PanesFrozenEventHandler A method that will handle the PanesFrozen event of the SpreadsheetControl.
PanesUnfrozenEventHandler A method that will handle the PanesUnfrozen event of the SpreadsheetControl.
RangeCopiedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the SpreadsheetControl.RangeCopied event.
RangeCopyingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the SpreadsheetControl.RangeCopying event.
RowsInsertedEventHandler A method that will handle the RowsInserted event of the SpreadsheetControl.
RowsRemovedEventHandler A method that will handle the RowsRemoved event of the SpreadsheetControl.
ShapesCopyingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the SpreadsheetControl.ShapesCopying event.
SheetInsertedEventHandler A method that will handle the SheetInserted event of the SpreadsheetControl.
SheetRemovedEventHandler A method that will handle the SheetRemoved event of the SpreadsheetControl.
SheetRemovingEventHandler A method that will handle the SheetRemoving event of the SpreadsheetControl.
SheetRenamedEventHandler A method that will handle the SheetRenamed event of the SpreadsheetControl.
SheetRenamingEventHandler A method that will handle the SheetRenaming event of the SpreadsheetControl.
SpreadsheetCustomAssemblyLoadingEventHandler A method that will handle the CustomAssemblyLoading event of the SpreadsheetControl.
SpreadsheetValidateCustomSqlQueryEventHandler A method that will handle the ValidateCustomSqlQuery event of the SpreadsheetControl.


Name Description
BorderLineStyle Lists line styles used for cell borders.
BuiltInTableStyleId Lists built-in styles similar to Excel’s built-in table styles.
CalculationEngineType Lists types of computational models used for spreadsheet calculations.
CalculationMode Lists modes that specify when the Spreadsheet should calculate formulas in the workbook.
CellValueType Lists the data types of cell values.
ChartSheetProtection Lists values used to specify chart sheet elements to which protection is applied.
CommentsPrintMode Lists the values to specify how cell comments are printed.
ConditionalFormattingAverageCondition Lists values that specify the type of the conditional format operator in an "above or below average" conditional formatting rule.
ConditionalFormattingDataBarAxisPosition Lists values that specify the axis position between negative and positive bars when the data bar conditional format is applied.
ConditionalFormattingDataBarDirection Lists values that specify the direction of data bars when the data bar conditional format is applied.
ConditionalFormattingExpressionCondition Lists values that specify the type of the relational operator in a conditional formatting rule.
ConditionalFormattingRangeCondition Lists values that specify the type of the conditional format operator in a conditional formatting rule.
ConditionalFormattingRankCondition Lists values that specify the type of the conditional format operator in a "top/bottom N" conditional formatting rule.
ConditionalFormattingSpecialCondition Lists values that specify the type of the conditional format operator in a conditional formatting rule.
ConditionalFormattingTextCondition Lists values that specify the type of the conditional format operator in a conditional formatting rule.
ConditionalFormattingTimePeriod Lists applicable time periods in a "date occurring…" conditional formatting rule.
ConditionalFormattingValueOperator Lists values that specify the relational operator type for the icon set conditional format.
ConditionalFormattingValueType Lists values that specify the type of the threshold value to be used in conditional formatting rules.
CustomCellInplaceEditorType Lists types of the custom in-place editors that can be assigned to cells in a worksheet.
DataBindingDirection Indicates whose value is being updated during binding.
DataBindingErrorType Lists possible error causes relevant to cell range data binding.
DataSourceEditingOptions Lists the editing options which can be applied to the data source originated from cell range.
DataValidationErrorStyle Lists the styles of data validation error alert.
DataValidationImeMode Lists values that specify how the IME (input method editor) mode is controlled by data validation.
DataValidationOperator Lists comparison operators used in criteria for certain validation types.
DataValidationType Lists data validation types.
DateTimeGroupingType Lists grouping types used to specify filter criteria for DateTime values.
DeleteMode Specifies how to delete cells from a worksheet.
DiagonalBorderType Lists the types of cell diagonal borders.
DocumentSecurity Lists the security levels of the document.
DynamicFilterType Lists the types of dynamic filter, i.e. a filter whose results may depend on the data to which it is applied or the current date.
EncryptionType Lists the types of encryption available for the current workbook.
ErrorsPrintMode Lists the values to specify how cell errors are printed.
ErrorType Lists errors that can occur in cells.
FillType Lists fill types.
FilterComparisonOperator Lists comparison operators used in a custom filter.
FilterType Lists types of filters available for the AutoFilter functionality.
GradientFillType Lists the types of gradient fill.
HeaderFooterSection Lists document header and footer sections.
IconSetType Lists values that specify the icon set type for an icon set conditional format.
IgnoredErrorType Lists types of errors which occur in cell formulas and can be ignored using the Worksheet.IgnoredErrors property.
InsertCellsMode Specifies how to insert new cells into a worksheet.
MergeCellsMode Lists available modes to merge cells.
PageOrder Contains the values to specify the order in which worksheet pages are numbered and printed when the worksheet data does not fit onto one page.
PageOrientation Lists values used to specify the page orientation applied when a worksheet is being printed.
PasteSpecial Specifies the part of data copied from cells to paste into target cells.
PatternType Lists the types of patterns available for cell shading.
PivotAxisType Lists values used to specify areas in the PivotTable report to which a PivotField may belong.
PivotBaseItemType Lists types of base items that can be used by the “Show Values As” calculation options.
PivotCacheType Lists values that specify the cache type of the PivotTable report.
PivotDataConsolidationFunction Lists aggregation functions to apply to data fields in a PivotTable report.
PivotFieldGroupByType Lists values used to specify how items of a row or column field are combined into groups.
PivotFieldSortType Lists values that specify the sort order for a PivotTable field.
PivotFilterTop10Type Lists values used to specify what items should be included in the “Top 10” filtering results.
PivotFilterType Lists values that specify the type of filter to be applied to a PivotTable field.
PivotPageOrder Lists values used to specify the orientation of multiple page fields in the PivotTable report filter area.
PivotReportLayout Lists values used to specify the type of the PivotTable report layout.
PivotShowValuesAsType Lists options that specify how summary values are displayed within a data field.
PivotSubtotalFunctions Lists functions used to calculate subtotals for the PivotTable fields.
PivotSubtotalType Lists values that specify how subtotals are calculated for a PivotTable field.
Placement Lists the ways the object is attached to the cells below it.
ReferenceElement Contains values to specify the type of a cell reference to be obtained.
ReferenceStyle Specifies the cell reference style.
ScriptType Contains the values used to make the text in a cell superscript or subscript.
SearchBy Lists values that specify the direction of the search.
SearchIn Lists values that specify what to examine in each cell while searching.
ShapeType Lists types of graphical objects that can be placed within a worksheet.
SheetType Lists values used to specify the sheet type.
SparklineAxisScaling Lists values used to specify how to calculate the minimum and maximum values for the vertical axis of a sparkline group.
SparklineGroupType Lists values used to specify the types of sparkline groups.
SpreadsheetFontStyle Lists the cell font styles.
SpreadsheetHorizontalAlignment Lists the values used to specify horizontal alignment of data within a cell.
SpreadsheetVerticalAlignment Lists the values used to specify vertical alignment of data within a cell.
TableStyleElementType Lists table style elements that specify formatting for the corresponding elements of a table and pivot table.
Top10Type Lists criteria types used in the top ten filter.
TotalRowFunction Lists functions to calculate the totals of table columns.
UnderlineType Lists underline styles.
WorksheetPageNumberingStartType Lists possible options for the starting number used in pagination when printing worksheets in a workbook.
WorksheetProtectionPermissions Lists end-user actions allowed for the protected worksheet.
WorksheetViewType Lists view types that can be used to display worksheets.
WorksheetVisibilityType Contains the values that specify worksheet visibility.