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DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native Namespace

Contains classes which implement the native API of the RichEdit suite.

Assembly: DevExpress.RichEdit.v17.2.Core.dll


Name Description
DocumentBookmark Base class for bookmark start and end elements.
DocumentBookmarkEnd A document element that is the bookmark’s end accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentBookmarkStart A document element that is the bookmark’s start accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentCommentElement Base class for comment start and end elements.
DocumentCommentEnd A document element that indicates the end of the commented range accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentCommentStart A document element that indicates the start of the commented range accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentElementBase Base class for all document elements accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentFieldCodeEnd A document element that indicates the end of the field code range accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentFieldCodeStart A document element that indicates the start of the field code range accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentFieldResultEnd A document element that indicates the end of the field result range accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentHyperlink Base class for hyperlink start and end elements.
DocumentHyperlinkEnd A document element that is the hyperlink’s end accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentHyperlinkStart A document element that is the hyperlink’s end accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentImageSource Represents an object that provides an image for a document.
DocumentInlinePicture A document element that is the inline picture accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentIterator Iterates over document elements.
DocumentParagraphEnd A document element that is the paragraph’s end accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentParagraphStart A document element that indicates the paragraph’s start accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentPicture A document element that is the floating picture accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentPosition A position within a document.
DocumentRangePermissionEnd A document element that indicates the end of the range permission accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentRangePermissionStart A document element that indicates the start of the range permission accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentSectionEnd A document element that is the section’s end accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentSectionStart A document element that indicates the section start accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentTableCellBorder A document element that indicates a table cell border accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentText Document element that is a group of characters with the same format accessed by DocumentIterator
DocumentTextBox Document element that is a text box accessed by the DocumentIterator.
FixedRange Combines start and length of the document range. Used in Layout API.
MergeFieldName Maps a data source field name and its display name for use in a bar or Ribbon editor UI.
Paragraph Represents a single paragraph in a document.
RangePermission Represents a document range for which editing permissions are set.
RangePermissionCollection Represents a collection of range permission in the current document.
ReadOnlyTableCellBorderProperties Represents the table cell border properties accessed by the DocumentIterator.
SectionColumn An individual column in the layout.
SectionColumnCollection Represents a collection of columns in the layout.
SelectionCollection A collection of selections in the document.
SyntaxHighlightProperties Contains format settings for a token.
SyntaxHighlightToken A range of text with format settings.
TabInfo A tab stop.
TabInfoCollection A collection of tab stops.


Name Description
AbstractNumberingList Abstract numbering definition that defines the appearance and behavior of numbered paragraphs in a document.
AbstractNumberingListCollection A collection of abstract numbering definitions.
Bookmark Defines a bookmark in the document.
BookmarkCollection An interface that defines a collection of Bookmark objects.
Capture Represents the part of string matched by the group expression (the string matched by a subexpression of group expression).
CaptureCollection Represents a sequence of captured substrings as the set of captures executed by a single capturing group.
CharacterProperties Provides access to character properties.
CharacterPropertiesBase Serves as the base for the CharacterProperties interface providing access to character properties.
CharacterStyle Exposes methods and characteristics of a character style in a document.
CharacterStyleCollection Represents a collection of character styles.
Comment A comment in the document - a text note that is attached to a DocumentRange.
CommentCollection A collection of Comment objects.
CompatibilitySettings Enables you to specify application-wide settings to ensure compatibility with previous versions of rich text editors.
CustomMark Represents a custom mark in the document.
CustomMarkCollection Represents a collection of custom marks in the document.
Document An interface that exposes the specific functionality of the document.
DocumentCustomProperties Contains all the custom document properties for the document.
DocumentImage Defines an image in the document.
DocumentImageCollection Defines a collection of document images.
DocumentProperties Contains core properties of the document.
DocumentRange Defines a document range.
Field Represents a field in the document.
FieldCollection Represents a collection of fields in the document.
Group Represents the results from a single capturing group.
GroupCollection Represents character groups matched by the pattern.
Hyperlink Defines a hyperlink in the document.
HyperlinkCollection An interface that defines a collection of Hyperlink objects.
IDocumentElement Base interface for all document elements.
IDocumentVisitor Interface implementing the Visitor pattern.
IRegexSearchResult Defines the interface used for text searching, using regular expressions.
ISearchResult Defines the interface used for text searching.
ListLevel The numbering level of the numbering definition instance.
ListLevelProperties Base class for the ListLevel. Provides basic level definitions.
MailMergeOptions Defines the mail merge options.
Match Represents the result of a regular expression matching operation.
NumberingList A numbering definition instance referenced by paragraphs in a document that comprises a numbering list.
NumberingListBase Base interface for numbering lists.
NumberingListCollection A collection of numbering definition instances.
ParagraphCollection An interface that defines a collection of Paragraph objects.
ParagraphProperties Represents paragraph properties.
ParagraphPropertiesBase Serves as the base for the ParagraphProperties interface, providing access to paragraph properties.
ParagraphPropertiesWithTabs Interface derived from the ParagraphPropertiesBase to include methods for specifying tab stops within a paragraph.
ParagraphStyle Exposes methods and characteristics of a paragraph style in a document.
ParagraphStyleCollection Represents a collection of paragraph styles.
ReadOnlyBookmarkCollection A collection of Bookmark objects in the document.
ReadOnlyCommentCollection A collection of comments (Comment objects) in the document.
ReadOnlyCustomMarkCollection A collection of CustomMark objects in the document.
ReadOnlyDocumentImageCollection A read-only collection of document images (DocumentImage objects).
ReadOnlyFieldCollection A collection of Field objects in the document.
ReadOnlyHyperlinkCollection A collection of Hyperlink objects in the document.
ReadOnlyParagraphCollection A collection of paragraphs (Paragraph objects) in the document.
ReadOnlyParagraphProperties Interface implementing the paragraph properties accessed by the DocumentIterator.
ReadOnlyParagraphPropertiesBase Base interface for all paragraph properties accessed by the DocumentIterator.
ReadOnlyParagraphStyle An interface implementing the paragraph style properties accessed by the DocumentIterator.
ReadOnlySectionLineNumbering An interface implementing the line numbering properties of a document section accessed by the DocumentIterator.
ReadOnlySectionMargins An interface implementing the margin options of a document section accessed by the DocumentIterator.
ReadOnlySectionPage An interface implementing page settings of a document section accessed by the DocumentIterator.
ReadOnlySectionPageNumbering An interface implementing the page numbering setting of a document section accessed by the DocumentIterator.
ReadOnlySectionsProperties An interface implementing the section properties accessed by the DocumentIterator.
ReadOnlyShapeCollection A collection of shapes (Shape objects) in the document.
ReadOnlyTableCollection A collection of tables (Table objects) in the document.
ReadOnlyTextProperties An interface implementing the text properties accessed by the DocumentIterator.
ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase Base interface for all text properties accessed by the DocumentIterator.
Section An interface that defines a section within a document.
SectionCollection An interface that defines a collection of Section objects.
SectionColumns Represents an interface for creating, applying and retrieving a column layout of a section in a document.
SectionLineNumbering Defines line numbers in the left margin or to the left of each column in the document’s Section.
SectionMargins Provides access to the properties of margins in a Section.
SectionPage Provides access to the page settings of a section.
SectionPageNumbering Defines the numbering format which shall be used for automatically numbered pages and an initial number that is the number of the first page.
Shape An object that can be placed above and below the text layer of the document, as well as within the document, with text surrounding it.
ShapeCollection A collection of shapes in a document.
ShapeFill Fill formatting for a shape.
ShapeLine Contains formatting information for the shape’s border.
SubDocument Exposes properties and methods representing essential document functionality.
Table Represents a single table.
TableBorder The border characteristics of a table.
TableBorders Contains characteristics for table borders.
TableCell Represents a single table cell.
TableCellBorder The border characteristics of a cell.
TableCellBorders Contains characteristics for cell borders.
TableCellCollection A collection of TableCell objects in a table row.
TableCellPropertiesBase Container for table characteristics used to specify table cell characteristics for table styles.
TableCellStyle A single style that can be applied to a cell in a table of a Snap application.
TableCellStyleCollection A collection of styles for table cells in a Snap application.
TableCollection A collection of Table objects in a document.
TableConditionalStyle A style that can be applied to table elements which meet a certain condition.
TableConditionalStyleProperties A container that holds conditional styles for the table and enables you to create new conditional styles.
TablePropertiesBase Container for table characteristics used to specify default table properties and table style characteristics.
TableRow Represents a row in a table.
TableRowCollection A collection of TableRow objects that is the table rows in a table.
TableStyle A single style that can be applied to a table.
TableStyleCollection A TableStyle objects collection that contains the table styles in a document.
TemplateAbstractNumberingList Defines the template used for creating abstract numbering lists in a document.
TextBox Text box within a Shape object. Contains the text document and the properties that control the size and alignment of the text box.


Name Description
TableCellProcessorDelegate Executes the delegate with the specified parameters.
TableRowProcessorDelegate Executes the delegate with the specified parameters.


Name Description
AutoFitBehaviorType Lists AutoFit layout algorithm types.
CharacterPropertiesMask Lists the value masks available for character properties.
CompatibilityMode Lists modes that specify the compatibility of the document being exported with different Microsoft Word versions.
ConditionalTableStyleFormattingTypes Lists values that specify the type of the conditional format operator in a conditional formatting rule.
DocumentElementType Lists types of document elements accessed by DocumentIterator.
DocumentProtectionType Lists the types of protection that can be applied to the current document.
HeaderFooterType Lists the header (footer) types.
HeightType Lists the meaning of the height specified for the container object.
InsertOptions Lists options specifying how formatting is applied to the formatted text inserted into a document.
LineNumberingRestart Lists conditions for the line numbering to revert to the start value.
MailMergeNumberingRestart List types of the behavior of numbered lists when the mail merge operation is performed.
MergeMode Lists delimiters that start the new merged range.
NumberingFormat Specifies the numbering format used for a group of automatically numbered objects, such as pages.
NumberingType Lists possible types of a numbering list.
ParagraphAlignment Specifies text alignment within a paragraph.
ParagraphFirstLineIndent Specifies the indent for the first line in a paragraph.
ParagraphLineSpacing Specifies the way to determine the spacing between lines in a paragraph
ParagraphPropertiesMask Lists the value masks available for paragraph properties.
SearchDirection List search directions.
SearchOptions Lists options used for searching.
SectionStartType Lists the types of a section break.
ShapeHorizontalAlignment Specifies the horizontal alignment of a shape.
ShapeRelativeHorizontalPosition Specifies to what the horizontal position of a shape is relative.
ShapeRelativeVerticalPosition Specifies to what the vertical position of a shape is relative.
ShapeVerticalAlignment Specifies the type of vertical alignment to apply.
StrikeoutType Lists strikeout styles.
SubDocumentType Lists subdocument types.
TabAlignmentType List alignment types for tab stops.
TabLeaderType Lists repeated characters used to fill in the space created by a tab which ends at the tab stop.
TableBorderLineStyle List line styles used for table borders.
TableCellPropertiesMask Lists the value masks available for table cell properties.
TableCellVerticalAlignment Lists possible vertical alignments for cell content.
TableLayoutType Lists algorithms which shall be used to lay out the contents of a table within the document.
TableLookTypes Lists values used to specify table style options influencing a table appearance.
TablePropertiesMask Lists the value masks available for table cell properties.
TableRowAlignment Lists alignments allowed for the table row.
TextBoxSizeRule Specifies interpretation of the rule used to determine the height of a text box.
TextWrappingType Lists values that specify how the shape is surrounded by the text.
UnderlineType Lists underline styles.
VerticalMergingState Lists values characterizing a cell regarding a vertical merge.
WidthType Specifies how RichEditControl interprets the specified width (length).