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Inline Lambda

  • 2 minutes to read


This refactoring creates a lambda expression and inlines a referenced delegate. If there is only one reference to a delegate method, the Inline Lambda refactoring deletes the delegate method. Use this Refactoring to create the delegate in a lambda syntax.


This refactoring is available when the caret is in a method reference within a delegate creation statement.

#How to Use

  1. Place the caret in a method reference within a delegate creation statement. For example, in the “UserControl1_Loaded” method reference.

    namespace Inline {   
        public partial class UserControl1 : UserControl {
            public UserControl1() {
                Loaded += UserControl1_Loaded;
            private void UserControl1_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
                if(sender != null)
  2. Press the Ctrl + . or Ctrl + ~ shortcut to invoke the Code Actions menu.

  3. Select Inline Lambda from the menu.


After execution, this Refactoring creates a lambda expression and inlines the referenced delegate.

namespace Inline {   
    public partial class UserControl1 : UserControl {
        public UserControl1() {

            Loaded += (sender, e) =>
                if (sender != null)