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This article describes all Context Providers in the Editor | Code | XML group. Refer to the Context Providers article for details on how to access Context Providers from the other groups.


Satisfied when the caret is inside an XML comment. The example of an XML comment is presented below.

<!-- commented out text -->

Supported Languages: XAML, C#, Visual Basic


Satisfied when the caret is inside an opening XML tag.

Supported Language: XAML


Position Parameter Description
1 elementName The name of the parent element to check.

Satisfied if the active XML node is parented (directly or indirectly) by the specified element.

Supported Language: XAML


Satisfied when the caret is inside an XML attribute.

Supported Language: XAML


Position Parameter Description
1 propertyName The name of property of the parent element to check.

Satisfied if the active XML node contains the specified property.

Supported Language: XAML


Position Parameter Description
1 elementName The name of the parent element to check.

Satisfied if the active XML node is directly parented by the specified element.

Supported Language: XAML