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DevExpress.Blazor Namespace

Contains classes for DevExpress Blazor components.

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v22.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


Name Description
AccordionItemCancelEventArgs Stores data for the BeforeCollapse and BeforeExpand events.
AccordionItemClickEventArgs Contains data for the DxAccordion.ItemClick and DxAccordionItem.Click events.
AccordionItemEventArgs Contains data about the Accordion item for item-related events.
AccordionItemStateChangeEventArgs Stores information for events related to expansion state changes.
AccordionSelectionChangedEventArgs Contains data for the SelectionChanged event.
CalendarCustomDisabledDateEventArgs Provides data for the CustomDisabledDate event.
CellEditContext Provides access to information related to the edit template.
ChartBubbleSeriesPoint Initializes a new ChartBubbleSeriesPoint class instance.
ChartBubbleSeriesPoint<TValue, TSize> Specifies an individual bubble series point with the typed value and size.
ChartElementFormat Lists formats applied to axis and series labels.
ChartFinancialSeriesPoint Specifies an individual point for financial series (DxChartCandlestickSeries and DxChartStockSeries).
ChartFinancialSeriesPoint<T> Specifies a financial series point with typed values.
ChartRangeSeriesPoint Specifies an individual point for range series (DxChartRangeAreaSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> and DxChartRangeBarSeries<T, TArgument, TValue>).
ChartRangeSeriesPoint<T> Specifies an individual range series point with typed values.
ChartSelectionChangedEventArgs Contains data for the SelectionChanged event.
ChartSeriesClickEventArgs Provides data for the SeriesClick event.
ChartSeriesLabelConnectorModel Defines a label’s connector settings.
ChartSeriesLabelModel Defines a point’s label settings.
ChartSeriesPoint Specifies an individual series point.
ChartSeriesPoint<TValue> Specifies an individual series point.
ChartSeriesPointCustomizationSettings Provides data for the CustomizeSeriesPoint event.
ChartSeriesPointExtensions static Contains extension methods for the ChartSeriesPoint class.
ChartSeriesPointImageModel Defines a Chart point’s image and its settings.
ChartSeriesPointModel Defines a Chart point’s appearance settings.
ChartSeriesSettings<T, TValue, TArgument> Defines Chart series settings.
ChartSeriesSettings<T, TGroupKey, TValue, TArgument> Defines Chart series settings.
ChartTooltipData Specifies the tooltip’s context and stores information about the hovered series point.
CompatibilitySettings static Contains an API for compatibility.
ContextMenuItemClickEventArgs Provides data for the ItemClick event.
DataGridHtmlDataCellDecorationEventArgs<T> Provides data for the HtmlDataCellDecoration event.
DataGridHtmlGroupRowDecorationEventArgs<T> Provides data about a group row for the HtmlRowDecoration event.
DataGridHtmlRowDecorationEventArgs<T> Provides data for the HtmlRowDecoration event.
DataGridRowClickEventArgs<T> Provides data for the RowClick event.
DataGridSelection<T> Provides data for the OptimizedMultipleSelectionChanged event.
DataSourceLoadOptionsExtensions static Defines extension methods for the DataSourceLoadOptionsBase class.
DateTimeMask static Defines built-in patterns for date-time and date-time offset masks.
DropDownClosedEventArgs Provides data for the Closed event.
DropDownClosingEventArgs Provides data for the Closing event.
DropDownDisposedEventArgs Provides data for the Disposed event.
DropDownInitializedEventArgs Provides data for the Initialized event.
DropDownResizeCompletedEventArgs Provides data for the ResizeCompleted event.
DropDownResizeStartedEventArgs Provides data for the ResizeStarted event.
DropDownShowingEventArgs Provides data for the Showing event.
DropDownShownEventArgs Provides data for the Shown event.
DxAccordion An Accordion component.
DxAccordionDataMapping Maps Accordion item properties to data source fields.
DxAccordionItem Defines an item of the DxAccordion component.
DxButton A Button component.
DxCalendar<T> A Calendar component.
DxChart<T> A Chart component.
DxChartAggregationSettings Contains data aggregation settings.
DxChartAnimationSettings Defines Chart animation settings.
DxChartAreaSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines an area series.
DxChartAreaSeriesBase<T, TArgument, TValue> Implements the base API for area-based series.
DxChartArgumentAxis Defines a chart’s argument axis.
DxChartAxis<TModel> Implements the base API for Chart axes.
DxChartAxisGridLines Defines settings for axis grid lines.
DxChartAxisLabel Defines settings for axis labels.
DxChartAxisMinorTick Stores the appearance settings of minor axis ticks.
DxChartAxisRange Specifies the visible range for the chart’s axes.
DxChartAxisTick Stores the appearance settings of major axis ticks.
DxChartAxisTitle Defines an axis title.
DxChartBarSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a bar series.
DxChartBarSeriesBase<T, TArgument, TValue> Implements the base API for bar-based series.
DxChartBase Implements the base API for chart components.
DxChartBubbleSeries<T, TArgument, TValue, TSize> Defines a bubble series.
DxChartCandlestickSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a candlestick series.
DxChartCommonSeries<T, TGroup, TValue, TArgument> Defines a common series.
DxChartConstantLine Specifies an axis constant line.
DxChartConstantLineLabel Defines the constant line label.
DxChartDonutSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Obsolete. Defines a donut series.
DxChartFinancialSeriesBase<T, TArgument, TValue> Implements the base API for financial series (DxChartCandlestickSeries and DxChartStockSeries).
DxChartFullStackedAreaSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a full stacked area series.
DxChartFullStackedBarSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a full stacked bar series.
DxChartFullStackedLineSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a full stacked line series.
DxChartFullStackedSplineAreaSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a full stacked spline area series.
DxChartFullStackedSplineSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a full stacked spline area series.
DxChartLegend Specifies options of a chart’s legend.
DxChartLineSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a line series.
DxChartLineSeriesBase<T, TArgument, TValue> Implements the base API for line-based series.
DxChartPane Defines a chart pane.
DxChartPieSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Obsolete. Defines a pie series.
DxChartRangeAreaSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a range area series.
DxChartRangeBarSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a range bar series.
DxChartRangeSeriesBase<T, TArgument, TValue> The base class for range series.
DxChartScaleBreak Contains settings for the scale breaks.
DxChartScatterSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a scatter series.
DxChartScrollBarSettings Specifies settings for the chart’s scroll bar.
DxChartSeries A base class that implements the common series functionality.
DxChartSeriesLabel Provides settings for series labels.
DxChartSeriesLabelConnector Provides settings for series label connectors.
DxChartSeriesLegendItem Defines an item that indicates a series in the legend.
DxChartSeriesPoint Provides settings for points of the chart’s line series.
DxChartSeriesPointImage Contains image settings for points of the chart’s Line series.
DxChartSplineAreaSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a spline area series.
DxChartSplineSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a spline series.
DxChartStackedAreaSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a stacked area series.
DxChartStackedBarSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a stacked bar series.
DxChartStackedBarSeriesBase<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a stacked bar series.
DxChartStackedLineSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a stacked line series.
DxChartStackedSplineAreaSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a stacked spline area series.
DxChartStackedSplineSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a stacked spline series.
DxChartStepAreaSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a step area series.
DxChartStepLineSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a step line series.
DxChartStockSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a stock bar series.
DxChartSubTitle Defines a subtitle for a chart or legend.
DxChartTitle Contains settings for the chart title.
DxChartTooltip Contains settings for tooltips.
DxChartValueAxis Contains settings for the value axis.
DxChartValueBreaks Obsolete. Contains settings for the scale breaks.
DxChartXYSeries<T, TArgument, TValue, TAggregate> Implements the base API for series on a Cartesian plane.
DxChartZoomAndPanSettings Configures zoom and pan settings.
DxCheckBox<T> A CheckBox component.
DxComboBox<TData, TValue> A ComboBox component.
DxComboBoxDropDownButton A button that invokes a drop-down menu (can be added to the DxComboBox<TData, TValue> only).
DxContextMenu A Context Menu component.
DxContextMenuDataMapping Maps Context Menu item properties to data source fields.
DxContextMenuItem Defines an item in the Context Menu component.
DxDataGrid<T> A Data Grid component.
DxDataGridCheckBoxColumn A data column that displays disabled checkboxes and is replaced with a combobox when users filter column values.
DxDataGridColumn A data column with a text editor.
DxDataGridColumnChooserToolbarItem Adds the Column Chooser item to the Data Grid’s toolbar.
DxDataGridComboBoxColumn<T> A data column with a combobox editor.
DxDataGridCommandColumn A command column.
DxDataGridDateEditColumn A data column with a date edit editor.
DxDataGridSelectionColumn A selection column.
DxDataGridSpinEditColumn A data column with a spin editor.
DxDataGridSummaryItem A summary item.
DxDateEdit<T> A Date Edit component.
DxDateEditDropDownButton A button that invokes a drop-down calendar (can be added to the DxDateEdit<T> only).
DxDateTimeMaskProperties Defines date-time mask settings.
DxDateTimeOffsetMaskProperties Defines date-time offset mask settings.
DxDropDown A DropDown component.
DxEditorButton A custom button displayed in an editor.
DxExpandoDictionaryObject Stores an appointment’s CustomFields.
DxFlyout A Flyout window component.
DxFormLayout A Form Layout component.
DxFormLayoutGroup Specifies a container for layout items, tabs, and other layout groups.
DxFormLayoutItem Specifies a layout container that displays a nested control.
DxFormLayoutTabPage A component that implements a tabbed layout group.
DxFormLayoutTabPages A container for tabbed layout groups.
DxGrid A Grid component.
DxGridColumn A base class for Grid columns.
DxGridCommandColumn A command column.
DxGridDataColumn A DxGrid‘s data column.
DxGridLayout A Grid Layout component.
DxGridLayoutColumn A column in a DxGridLayout.
DxGridLayoutItem An item in a DxGridLayout.
DxGridLayoutRow A row in a DxGridLayout.
DxGridSelectionColumn A selection column.
DxGridSummaryItem A summary item.
DxLayoutBreakpoint A layout breakpoint.
DxListBox<TData, TValue> A List Box component.
DxListEditorColumn A multi-column editor’s column.
DxMaskedInput<T> A Masked Input component.
DxMemo A Memo component.
DxMenu A Menu component.
DxMenuDataMapping Maps Menu item properties to data source fields.
DxMenuItem Defines an item of the DxMenu component.
DxNumericMaskProperties Defines properties for Numeric masks.
DxPager A pager component.
DxPieChart<T> A Pie Chart component.
DxPieChartSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Defines a pie or donut series.
DxPivotGrid Defines the base API for classes that implement a pivot grid component.
DxPivotGrid<T> A pivot grid component.
DxPivotGridDataProvider<T> Enables you to link the DxPivotGrid<T> and DxChart<T> components.
DxPivotGridField A Pivot Grid field.
DxPopup A Popup component.
DxPopupBase Defines the base API for classes that implement popup windows.
DxRegExMaskProperties Defines properties for Regular Expression masks.
DxScheduler A calendar and scheduler component.
DxSchedulerAllDayFormLayoutItem The layout item that displays the All day toggle switch in the appointment edit form.
DxSchedulerAppointmentItem The scheduled event displayed in the Scheduler’s view.
DxSchedulerAppointmentLabelItem A label used to categorize appointments in the Scheduler.
DxSchedulerAppointmentLabelMappings Maps the label’s properties to the data source fields.
DxSchedulerAppointmentMappings Specifies how appointment fields from the data source are mapped to appointment properties in the Scheduler.
DxSchedulerAppointmentStatusItem An appointment’s availability status.
DxSchedulerAppointmentStatusMappings Specifies how status fields from the data source are mapped to appointment properties in the Scheduler.
DxSchedulerAppointmentView Context for HorizontalAppointmentTemplate and VerticalAppointmentTemplate. Provides information about an appointment’s settings.
DxSchedulerCustomFieldMapping Specifies how a source object’s custom fields are mapped to custom properties of a scheduler item (appointment, label, or status).
DxSchedulerCustomFormLayoutItem The layout item with custom content for the appointment edit form.
DxSchedulerDataStorage A storage that supplies data for the Scheduler control.
DxSchedulerDateTimeRangeCollection Stores the collection of DxSchedulerDateTimeRange objects.
DxSchedulerDayView A calendar view that displays one day or multiple dates.
DxSchedulerDescriptionFormLayoutItem The layout item that displays the Description field in the appointment edit form.
DxSchedulerEndDateFormLayoutItem The layout item that displays the End field’s date part in the appointment edit form.
DxSchedulerEndTimeFormLayoutItem The layout item that displays the End field’s time part in the appointment edit form.
DxSchedulerEndTimePickerFormLayoutItem The layout item that displays the End field’s time part in the appointment edit form.
DxSchedulerLabelFormLayoutItem The layout item that displays the Label field in the appointment edit form.
DxSchedulerLocationFormLayoutItem The layout item that displays the Location field in the appointment edit form.
DxSchedulerMapping Maps a data source object’s field to a Scheduler item’s property.
DxSchedulerMonthView A calendar view that displays one month or multiple months.
DxSchedulerRecurrenceInfo Contains recurrence information about an appointment.
DxSchedulerRecurrenceSettings Specifies common settings for recurrent appointments.
DxSchedulerRepeatFormLayoutItem The layout item that displays the Repeat field in the appointment edit form.
DxSchedulerResourceFormLayoutItem The layout item that displays the Resource field in the appointment edit form.
DxSchedulerResourceItem An appointment’s resource.
DxSchedulerResourceMappings Maps the resource’s properties to the data source fields.
DxSchedulerSourceObjectContainer A base class for scheduler items that are bound to a data source object.
DxSchedulerStartDateFormLayoutItem The layout item that displays the Start field’s date part in the appointment edit form.
DxSchedulerStartTimeFormLayoutItem The layout item that displays the Start field’s time part in the appointment edit form.
DxSchedulerStartTimePickerFormLayoutItem The layout item that displays the Start field’s time part in the appointment edit form.
DxSchedulerStatusFormLayoutItem The layout item that displays the Status field in the appointment edit form.
DxSchedulerSubjectFormLayoutItem The layout item that displays the Subject field in the appointment edit form.
DxSchedulerTimelineView A calendar view that displays appointments as horizontal bars along timescales.
DxSchedulerTimeScale A timescale displayed at the top of the Timeline view.
DxSchedulerTimeSpanRange A time interval within a day.
DxSchedulerWeekView A calendar view that displays the entire week including non-working days.
DxSchedulerWorkWeekView A calendar view that displays a work week.
DxSpinButtons Spin buttons that allow you to increase and decrease a value (can be added to the DxSpinEdit<T> only).
DxSpinEdit<T> A Spin Edit component.
DxStackLayout A Stack Layout component.
DxStackLayoutItem An item in a DxStackLayout.
DxSummaryItemBase<TModel> Provides the base API for classes that implement summary items.
DxTab A tab without content within a Tabs component.
DxTabPage A tab with content within a Tabs component.
DxTabs A Tabs component.
DxTagBox<TData, TValue> A TagBox component.
DxTextBox A Text Box component.
DxTextMaskProperties Defines properties for Text masks.
DxTimeEdit<T> A Time Edit component.
DxTimeEditDropDownButton A button that invokes a drop-down time picker (can be added to the DxTimeEdit<T> only).
DxTimeSpanMaskProperties Defines time span mask settings.
DxToolbar A Toolbar component.
DxToolbarDataMapping Maps Toolbar item properties to data source fields.
DxToolbarItem Defines an item of the Toolbar component.
DxTreeView A TreeView component.
DxTreeViewDataMapping Maps TreeView node properties to data source fields.
DxTreeViewNode Defines a node in the TreeView component.
DxUpload An Upload component.
DxWindow A Window component.
FileReloadedEventArgs The FileReloaded event’s arguments.
FileUploadErrorEventArgs Provides data for the FileUploadError event.
FileUploadEventArgs Provides data for the upload events.
FileUploadStartEventArgs Provides data for the FileUploadStart event.
FlyoutClosedEventArgs Provides data for the Closed event.
FlyoutClosingEventArgs Provides data for the Closing event.
FlyoutCreatedEventArgs Provides data for the Created event.
FlyoutDisposedEventArgs Provides data for the Disposed event.
FlyoutShowingEventArgs Provides data for the Showing event.
FlyoutShownEventArgs Provides data for the Shown event.
GridColumnCellDisplayTemplateContext A base class for classes that store information about column cells and are passed as the context parameter to cell display templates.
GridColumnFilterRowCellTemplateContext A base class for classes that store information about filter row cells and are passed as the context parameter to filter row cell templates.
GridColumnFooterTemplateContext Stores information about a footer cell in the Grid and is passed as the context parameter to the DxGrid.ColumnFooterTemplate and DxGridColumn.FooterTemplate.
GridColumnGroupFooterTemplateContext Stores information about a group footer cell in the Grid and is passed as the context parameter to the DxGrid.ColumnGroupFooterTemplate and DxGridColumn.GroupFooterTemplate properties.
GridColumnHeaderCaptionTemplateContext Stores information about a column header’s caption and is passed as the context parameter to the DxGrid.ColumnHeaderCaptionTemplate and DxGridColumn.HeaderCaptionTemplate.
GridCommandColumnCellDisplayTemplateContext Stores information about a command column cell and is passed as the context parameter to the DxGridCommandColumn.CellDisplayTemplate.
GridCommandColumnCellEditTemplateContext Stores information about the command column’s edit row cell and is passed as the context parameter to the DxGridCommandColumn.CellEditTemplate.
GridCommandColumnFilterRowCellTemplateContext Stores information about the command column’s filter row cell and is passed as the context parameter to the DxGridCommandColumn.FilterRowCellTemplate.
GridCommandColumnHeaderTemplateContext Stores information about the command column header and is passed as the context parameter to the DxGridCommandColumn.HeaderTemplate.
GridCsvExportOptions Contains options that define how the Grid exports its content in CSV format.
GridCustomDataSource Allows you to bind the DxGrid to a custom data source.
GridCustomDataSourceCountOptions Contains data for the GridCustomDataSource.GetItemCountAsync and GridDevExtremeDataSource.GetItemCountAsync methods.
GridCustomDataSourceExceptionHandlerArgs Contains data for the ExceptionHandler delegate.
GridCustomDataSourceItemsOptions Contains data for the GridCustomDataSource.GetItemsAsync and GridDevExtremeDataSource.GetItemsAsync methods.
GridCustomDataSourceOptions Contains data for the GridCustomDataSource.Get* and GridDevExtremeDataSource.Get* methods.
GridCustomDataSourceSortInfo Contains information about sort settings.
GridCustomDataSourceSummaryInfo Contains information about a summary to be calculated.
GridCustomDataSourceSummaryOptions Contains data for the GridCustomDataSource.GetSummaryAsync and GridDevExtremeDataSource.GetSummaryAsync methods.
GridCustomGroupEventArgs Contains data for the CustomGroup event.
GridCustomizeCellDisplayTextEventArgs Contains data for the CustomizeCellDisplayText event.
GridCustomizeEditModelEventArgs Contains data for the CustomizeEditModel event.
GridCustomizeElementEventArgs Provides data for the CustomizeElement event.
GridCustomizeGroupValueDisplayTextEventArgs Contains data for the CustomizeGroupValueDisplayText event.
GridCustomizeSummaryDisplayTextEventArgs Contains data for the CustomizeSummaryDisplayText event.
GridCustomSortEventArgs Contains data for the CustomSort event.
GridCustomSummaryEventArgs Contains data for the CustomSummary event.
GridDataColumnCellDisplayTemplateContext Stores information about a data column cell in the Grid and is passed as the context parameter to the DxGrid.DataColumnCellDisplayTemplate and DxGridDataColumn.CellDisplayTemplate.
GridDataColumnCellEditTemplateContext Stores information about the data column’s edit row cell and is passed as the context parameter to the DxGridDataColumn.CellEditTemplate and DxGrid.DataColumnCellEditTemplate.
GridDataColumnFilterRowCellTemplateContext Stores information about the data column’s filter row cell and is passed as the context parameter to the DxGridDataColumn.FilterRowCellTemplate.
GridDataColumnGroupRowTemplateContext Stores information about a group row in the Grid and is passed as the context parameter to the DxGrid.DataColumnGroupRowTemplate and DxGridDataColumn.GroupRowTemplate.
GridDataItemDeletingEventArgs Contains data for the DataItemDeleting event.
GridDetailRowTemplateContext Stores information about a Grid detail row and is passed as the context parameter to the DetailRowTemplate.
GridDevExtremeDataSource<T> Allows you to bind the DxGrid to a large IQueryable<T> data collection.
GridEditCancelingEventArgs Contains data for the EditCanceling event.
GridEditFormTemplateContext Stores information about the edit form in the Grid and is passed as the context parameter to the DxGrid.EditFormTemplate.
GridEditModelSavingEventArgs Contains data for the EditModelSaving event.
GridEditStartEventArgs Contains data for the EditStart event.
GridExportCustomizeCellEventArgs Contains data for the CustomizeCell event.
GridExportCustomizeColumnEventArgs Provides data for the CustomizeColumn action.
GridExportCustomizeSheetEventArgs Provides data for the CustomizeSheet action.
GridExportCustomizeSheetHeaderFooterEventArgs Provides data for the CustomizeSheetHeader and CustomizeSheetFooter actions.
GridExportOptions The base class for the GridXlExportOptions and GridCsvExportOptions classes. Contains common options that define how a document is exported.
GridFilterCriteriaChangedEventArgs Stores data for the FilterCriteriaChanged event.
GridFocusedRowChangedEventArgs Contains data for the FocusedRowChanged event.
GridPersistentLayout Contains information about a DxGrid‘s layout.
GridPersistentLayoutCollection<T> A collection of objects that store information about DxGrid element layouts.
GridPersistentLayoutColumn Contains information about layout settings for columns.
GridPersistentLayoutEventArgs Provides data for the LayoutAutoSaving and LayoutAutoLoading events.
GridRowClickEventArgs Contains data for the RowClick and RowDoubleClick events.
GridRowExportingEventArgs Contains data for the RowExporting event.
GridSearchBoxTemplateContext Stores information about the search box and is passed as the context parameter to the SearchBoxTemplate.
GridSelectionColumnCellDisplayTemplateContext Stores information about a selection column cell and is passed as the context parameter to the DxGridSelectionColumn.CellDisplayTemplate.
GridSelectionColumnFilterRowCellTemplateContext Stores information about the selection column’s filter row cell and is passed as the context parameter to the DxGridSelectionColumn.FilterRowCellTemplate.
GridSelectionColumnHeaderTemplateContext Stores information about the selection column header and is passed as the context parameter to the DxGridSelectionColumn.HeaderTemplate.
GridUnboundColumnDataEventArgs Contains data for the UnboundColumnData event.
GridXlExportOptions Contains options that define how a document is exported to XLS and XLSX.
MenuItemClickEventArgs Provides data for the Click event.
MenuItemEventArgs Provides data for menu item events.
NumericMask static Defines built-in patterns for Numeric masks.
PieChartSelectionChangedEventArgs Contains data for the SelectionChanged event.
PieChartSeriesClickEventArgs Provides data for the SeriesClick event.
PopupClosedEventArgs Contains data for the Closed event.
PopupClosingEventArgs Contains data for the Closing event.
PopupCreatedEventArgs Contains data for the Created event.
PopupDisposedEventArgs Contains data for the Disposed event.
PopupShowingEventArgs Contains data for the Showing event.
PopupShownEventArgs Contains data for the Shown event.
SchedulerAppointmentFormClosingEventArgs Provides data for the AppointmentFormClosing event.
SchedulerAppointmentFormEventArgs Provides data for the AppointmentFormShowing event.
SchedulerAppointmentFormInfo Stores information about the appointment edit form.
SchedulerAppointmentOperationEventArgs Provides data for the AppointmentInserting, AppointmentUpdating, and AppointmentRemoving events.
SchedulerAppointmentTooltipInfo Stores information about the appointment tooltip.
SchedulerColorItemInfo Stores information about a color that corresponds to an appointment’s setting (label, status item, or resource).
SchedulerDateHeaderCellInfo Stores information about a Scheduler’s header cell that displays a date.
SchedulerDayOfWeekHeaderCellInfo Stores information about a Scheduler header cell that displays a day of the week.
SchedulerHtmlCellDecorationEventArgs Contains data for the HtmlCellDecoration event.
SchedulerResourceHeaderCellInfo Stores information about a resource header cell in the Scheduler.
SchedulerTimeCellInfo Stores information about a time cell in the Scheduler.
SchedulerTimelineHeaderCellInfo Stores information about a header cell in the Scheduler.
TabClickEventArgs Contains data for the DxTabs.TabClick or DxTabBase.Click events.
TagInfo<T> Provides information about a tag.
TimeSpanMask static Defines built-in patterns for time span masks.
ToolbarItemClickEventArgs Provides data for the Toolbar’s ItemClick and Toolbar item’s Click events.
TreeViewNodeCancelEventArgs Provides data for the BeforeCollapse and BeforeExpand events.
TreeViewNodeClickEventArgs Contains data for the DxTreeView.NodeClick and DxTreeViewNode.Click events.
TreeViewNodeEventArgs Provides data for the AfterCollapse, AfterExpand and SelectionChanged events.
UploadFileInfo Provides information about a file.
UploadHttpRequestInfo Provides information about an HTTP request.
ValueEditContext Provides access to information related to a Form Layout item’s template.
WindowClosedEventArgs Contains data for the Closed event.
WindowClosingEventArgs Contains data for the Closing event.
WindowCreatedEventArgs Contains data for the Created event.
WindowDisposedEventArgs Contains data for the Disposed event.
WindowDragCompletedEventArgs Contains data for the DragCompleted event.
WindowDragStartedEventArgs Contains data for the DragStarted event.
WindowResizeCompletedEventArgs Contains data for the ResizeCompleted event.
WindowResizeStartedEventArgs Contains data for the ResizeStarted event.
WindowShowingEventArgs Contains data for the Showing event.
WindowShownEventArgs Contains data for the Shown event.


Name Description
IAccordionItemInfo Contains information about an Accordion item.
IChartDataItem A base interface that defines a Chart data item.
IChartSeries Implements the chart series settings.
IChartSeriesBase Implements the base API for chart series.
IContextMenuItemInfo Provides information about a Context Menu item.
IDataGridDetailRows Ships a detail row’s settings.
IDataGridLayout Provides information about a grid’s layout.
IFormLayoutGroupInfo Contains information about a FormLayout group.
IGrid An interface that defines the DxGrid component’s API members (properties and methods).
IGridColumn An interface that defines a Grid column’s API members (properties and methods).
IGridCommandColumn An interface that defines a Grid command column‘s API members (properties and methods).
IGridDataColumn An interface that defines a Grid data column‘s API members (properties and methods).
IGridSelectionChanges Allows you to track selection changes in the Grid.
IGridSelectionColumn An interface that defines a Grid selection column‘s API members (properties and methods).
IGridSummaryItem An interface that defines a Grid summary item‘s API members (properties and methods).
IMenuItemInfo Contains information about a menu item.
IPieChartSeries Implements settings of a pie or donut series.
IPopupElementInfo Contains information about a popup element.
ISchedulerRecurrenceInfo A base interface that defines recurrence information.
IToolbarItemInfo Provides information about a Toolbar item.
ITreeViewNodeInfo Provides information about a node.


Name Description
ChartAxisTickInterval Contains options to specify tick intervals.
DataRowInfo<T> Provides information about a data row.
DxSchedulerDateTimeRange The date-time range used in the Scheduler.
NavigationFilterInfo Contains information about the filter.


Name Description
AccordionExpandButtonDisplayMode Lists values that specify where the Accordion component displays its expand button.
AccordionExpandCollapseAction Lists actions that can expand or collapse an Accordion item.
AccordionExpandMode Lists values that specify how many Accordion items can be expanded at a time.
BindValueMode Lists values that specify how to update the editor value or text when it is bound to a property/field.
BootstrapVersion Lists values that specify the Bootstrap version.
ButtonClickMode Lists values that specify when a button raises the Click event.
ButtonIconPosition Lists values that specify the icon’s position within the button.
ButtonRenderStyle Lists the button’s color schemes.
ButtonRenderStyleMode Lists the button’s color fill modes.
CaptionPosition Lists values that specify the caption position.
ChartAggregationMethod Lists values that specify how to aggregate series points.
ChartAxisAlignment Lists values that specify next to which edge the Chart should display an axis.
ChartAxisDataType Lists values that specify whether and how to cast the chart’s arguments and values.
ChartAxisLabelFormat Obsolete. Lists formats applied to axis and series labels.
ChartAxisType Lists values that specify the chart’s axis types.
ChartAxisZoomAndPanMode Lists values that specify whether to enable zoom and pan for the chart.
ChartContinuousSeriesHoverMode Lists values that specify which series elements to highlight when a user hovers over the series.
ChartContinuousSeriesSelectionMode Lists selection modes for continuous series (for example, lines).
ChartDashStyle Specifies line styles.
ChartDiscreteAxisDivisionMode Lists rules that specify how to position grid lines and ticks relative to axis labels.
ChartExportFormat Lists file formats to which a chart can be exported.
ChartLabelOverlap Lists values that specify how a chart displays point labels if they overlap.
ChartLegendHoverMode Lists values that specify what series elements to highlight when a corresponding item in the legend is hovered over.
ChartPointSymbol Lists marker kinds for line and scatter series.
ChartScrollBarPosition Lists values that specify the scroll bar’s position.
ChartSelectionMode Lists chart selection modes.
ChartSeriesPointHoverMode Lists values that specify which series elements to highlight when a user hovers over a series point.
ChartSeriesPointSelectionMode Lists selection modes for series points.
ChartSeriesType Lists values that specify a chart series type.
CheckBoxContentAlignment Lists values that define alignment of a CheckBox’s text label and check mark relative to each other.
CheckType Lists values that specify checkbox types.
ColorSavingType Lists values that specify the type of values in the data source field mapped to the Color property.
ComboBoxValidateBy Lists values that define which ComboBox property is used for input validation.
CompatibilityMode Lists values that specify the compatibility settings version.
DataEditorClearButtonDisplayMode Lists values that specify when the clear button is visible.
DataGridColumnResizeMode Lists values that specify whether and how users can resize Data Grid columns.
DataGridColumnSortOrder Lists values that specify the sort orders.
DataGridEditMode Lists values that specify how users can edit grid data.
DataGridFilteringMode Lists values that specify the filtering mode.
DataGridFixedStyle Lists values that specify column behavior when users scroll the Data Grid horizontally.
DataGridHtmlRowDecorationType Lists values that identify rows within the DxDataGrid<T> component.
DataGridNavigationMode Lists values that specify how users navigate grid data.
DataGridSelectAllMode Lists values that specify whether the grid selects all rows on the current page or all pages.
DataGridSelectionMode Lists values that specify data rows’ selection mode in the grid.
DataGridTextAlign Lists values that specify how text is aligned.
DatePickerDisplayMode Lists values that specify datepicker types.
DeviceSize Lists values that specify a device screen size.
DropDownCloseMode Lists values that specify how a DropDown behaves when it does not meet the position restrictions.
DropDownCloseReason Lists actions that close a drop-down window.
DropDownDirection Lists values that specify the direction in which a drop-down window is displayed relative to an editor’s input element.
DropDownDisplayMode Lists values that specify how a drop-down item displays a menu.
DropDownPositionMode Lists values used to position a drop-down window.
DropDownRestrictionMode Lists values that specify an element that restricts the DropDown position.
DropDownWidthMode Lists values that specify the width of a drop-down list.
EditorButtonPosition Lists values that specify the editor button’s position.
FlyoutAnimationType Lists values that specify the animation type used by a flyout.
FlyoutCloseMode Lists values that specify how a flyout behaves when it does not meet the position restrictions.
FlyoutCloseReason Lists actions that close a flyout window.
FlyoutPosition Lists values used to position a flyout window.
FlyoutRestrictionMode Lists values that specify an element that restricts the Flyout position.
FormLayoutGroupDecoration Lists the values for FormLayoutGroupDecoration property.
GridColumnFilterMode Lists values that specify how to filter grid data.
GridColumnGroupInterval Lists values that specify how to group data rows.
GridColumnResizeMode Lists values that specify whether and how users can resize Grid columns.
GridColumnSortMode Lists values that specify how to sort grid data.
GridColumnSortOrder Lists values that specify a column’s sort order.
GridCustomSummaryStage Lists values that specify possible stages of the summary calculation.
GridDetailExpandButtonDisplayMode Lists values that specify when to display master-detail expand buttons in the Grid.
GridDetailRowDisplayMode Lists values that specify when to display detail rows in the Grid.
GridEditMode Lists values that specify how users edit Grid data.
GridEditNewRowPosition Lists values that specify the position of the Grid edit form used to create new rows.
GridEditorRenderMode Lists values that specify how the Grid component renders editors in filter row and edit row cells.
GridElementType Lists values that define a Grid element’s type.
GridFilterRowOperatorType Lists operator types used to create filter conditions in the Grid.
GridFooterDisplayMode Lists values that specify the footer’s display modes.
GridGroupExportMode Lists values that specify how the grid exports group rows.
GridGroupFooterDisplayMode Lists values that specify display modes for group footers.
GridPagerPosition Lists values that specify the pager position in the Grid.
GridPersistentLayoutColumnType Lists values that specify the column type.
GridSearchTextParseMode Lists values that specify how the grid treats search words.
GridSelectAllCheckboxMode Lists values that specify whether the Select All checkbox selects all rows on the current page or on all grid pages.
GridSelectionMode Lists values that specify selection modes in the Grid.
GridSummaryItemType Lists values that specify the aggregation function of a summary item.
GridTextAlignment Lists values that specify how text is aligned.
GridUnboundColumnType Lists values that specify possible data types of unbound columns.
GroupExpandButtonDisplayMode Lists values that specify where the Form Layout group displays its expand button.
GroupSummaryPosition Lists values that specify the group summary’s position.
HorizontalAlignment Lists the horizontal alignment options.
HorizontalEdge Lists the positions for the value axis.
ItemCaptionAlignment Lists the rules that specify how paddings are calculated within the Form Layout component.
ItemPosition Lists values that specify the position of an individual menu item or all items.
LabelPosition Lists values that specify the horizontal position of the checkbox’s child content relative to the check mark.
LabelWrapMode Lists values that specify how the CheckBox label is wrapped.
LayoutAnimationType Lists values that specify animation effects that can be applied to Accordion items, TreeView nodes and Form Layout groups.
ListBoxSelectionMode Lists the values that specify the selection behavior for a list editor.
ListRenderMode Lists values that specify how list-based editors render their item lists.
MaskAutoCompleteMode Lists automatic value completion modes.
MaskCaretMode Lists caret navigation modes for date-time, date-time offset, and time span masks.
MaskMode Lists mask modes.
MemoResizeMode Lists values that define how users can resize the Memo component.
MenuCollapseItemToIconMode Lists values that specify whether the menu hides root items’ text and displays icons instead when the width of the browser window changes.
MenuDisplayMode Lists value that specify how the menu is displayed on different devices.
MenuDropDownActionMode Lists values that specify which action opens a menu item’s submenu.
MenuHamburgerButtonPosition Lists values that specify the hamburger button’s position.
NavigationFilterMode Lists values that specify the filter option in the TreeView and Accordion components.
NavigationItemStateChangeReason Lists values that specify why the item’s expand or selection state changes.
NavigationSelectionMode Lists values that specify selection options in the Accordion component.
NavigationUrlMatchMode Lists values that specify how navigation components synchronize automatic item selection and the current browser URL.
Orientation Specifies vertical or horizontal orientation.
PagerNavigationMode Lists values that specify navigation modes for the Pager and Grid components.
PieChartLabelOverlap Lists values that specify how a Pie Chart displays labels if they overlap.
PieChartSeriesHoverMode Lists values that specify what series elements to highlight when a user hovers a series point in a Pie Chart over.
PivotGridFieldArea Lists the values that specify the areas where the pivot grid fields can be displayed.
PivotGridGroupInterval Contains values that specify how the values of a column or row field are combined into groups.
PivotGridSortOrder Lists the values that specify the sort order of pivot grid fields.
PivotGridSummaryType Lists values that specify the summary function types.
PopupCloseReason Lists actions that close the Popup.
RelativePosition Lists an element’s relative positions.
SchedulerAppointmentFormMode Lists values that specify which appointment form a user can use to create and edit appointments.
SchedulerAppointmentFormType Lists values that specify the appointment form type.
SchedulerAppointmentType Lists the types of appointment.
SchedulerCellType Lists values that specify types of Scheduler cells.
SchedulerGroupType Lists the values that specify how the Scheduler appointments are grouped.
SchedulerRecurrenceRange Lists values that determine how a range’s end date is specified.
SchedulerRecurrenceType Lists values that specify types of recurrent appointments.
SchedulerSnapToCellsMode Lists values that specify how appointments snap to time cells.
SchedulerTimeIndicatorVisibility Lists the values for Scheduler’s time indicator modes.
SchedulerTimeScaleUnit Lists the values that specify the measurement unit for the Timeline view.
SchedulerViewType Lists view types for a scheduler.
SchedulerWeekDays Lists days and groups of days.
SchedulerWeekOfMonth Lists weeks in a month in which appointments can occur.
ScrollBarMode Lists values that specify a scroll bar’s display mode.
SizeMode Lists values that define size modes.
SummaryItemType Lists values that specify summary functions.
TabsRenderMode Lists values that specify how the DxTabs and DxFormLayoutTabPages components load tab content.
TabsScrollMode Lists values that specify how users navigate between tabs when they do not fit the container’s width.
TagBoxValidateBy Lists values that define how a TagBox located within the standard EditForm is validated.
TimeSpanOutOfBoundsValueProcessMode Lists values that specify whether a time span mask‘s section should accept values that exceed the section’s maximum threshold.
TimeSpanSection Lists sections for time span masks.
TimeSpanSelectAllInputMode Lists values that specify actions the editor should perform after a user selects all content of a time span mask and starts to enter digits.
ToolbarItemAlignment Lists values that define the Toolbar item’s position.
ToolbarItemRenderStyleMode Lists the Toolbar item’s render style modes.
ToolbarRenderStyleMode Lists the Toolbar’s render style modes.
TreeViewNodeExpandCollapseAction Lists values that specify user actions that expand/collapse TreeView nodes.
UploadMode Lists values that define how the Upload component uploads files to the server.
VerticalAlignment Lists the vertical alignment options.
VerticalEdge Lists the position of chart’s title and legend.
WeekNumberRule Lists values that specify the first week of the year.
WindowCloseReason Lists actions that close the Window.