XtraChartsSeriesViewExtensions Members
A class providing an extension method allowing you to configure series labels using delegate methods.Methods
Name | Description |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
SeriesLabel(Area3DSeriesView, Action<Area3DSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(Bar3DSeriesView, Action<Bar3DSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(BubbleSeriesView, Action<BubbleSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(Doughnut3DSeriesView, Action<Doughnut3DSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(DoughnutSeriesView, Action<DoughnutSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(FinancialSeriesViewBase, Action<StockSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(FullStackedArea3DSeriesView, Action<FullStackedArea3DSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(FullStackedAreaSeriesView, Action<FullStackedAreaSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(FullStackedBar3DSeriesView, Action<FullStackedBar3DSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(FullStackedBarSeriesView, Action<FullStackedBarSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(Funnel3DSeriesView, Action<Funnel3DSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(FunnelSeriesView, Action<FunnelSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(Line3DSeriesView, Action<Line3DSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(NestedDoughnutSeriesView, Action<NestedDoughnutSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(Pie3DSeriesView, Action<Pie3DSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(PieSeriesView, Action<PieSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(PointSeriesView, Action<PointSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(RadarRangeAreaSeriesView, Action<RadarRangeAreaSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(RadarSeriesViewBase, Action<RadarPointSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(RangeArea3DSeriesView, Action<RangeArea3DSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(RangeAreaSeriesView, Action<RangeAreaSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(RangeBarSeriesView, Action<RangeBarSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(SideBySideBarSeriesView, Action<SideBySideBarSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(StackedArea3DSeriesView, Action<StackedArea3DSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(StackedBar3DSeriesView, Action<StackedBar3DSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(StackedBarSeriesView, Action<StackedBarSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(StackedLine3DSeriesView, Action<StackedLine3DSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
SeriesLabel(StackedLineSeriesView, Action<StackedLineSeriesLabel>) static | Configures options of the series label using the specified method. |
ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object. |
See Also