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WebDocumentViewerSettings.MobileMode Property

Specifies whether or not the Web Document Viewer should be configured for use on mobile devices.

Namespace: DevExpress.Web.Mvc

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.Mvc5.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web.Mvc5


public bool MobileMode { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

true, to enable the mobile mode; otherwise, false.


The following code demonstrates how to add a Web Document Viewer to a View.

@model DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.XtraReport
@Html.DevExpress().WebDocumentViewer(settings => {
    settings.Name = "webDocumentViewer";
    // Uncomment the following line to enable the mobile mode.
    //settings.MobileMode = true;

The following image illustrates the Document Viewer in the mobile mode.


See Also