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UploadControlExtension.GetUploadedFiles(String, UploadControlValidationSettings, out String[]) Method

Returns an array of the files uploaded via the specified UploadControl, and accepts specific parameters.

Namespace: DevExpress.Web.Mvc

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.Mvc5.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web.Mvc5


public static UploadedFile[] GetUploadedFiles(
    string name,
    UploadControlValidationSettings validationSettings,
    out string[] errorTexts


Name Type Description
name String

A string value specifying the UploadControl’s name (SettingsBase.Name).

validationSettings UploadControlValidationSettings

A UploadControlValidationSettings object that contains settings that relate to uploaded file validation.

errorTexts String[]

An array of strings specifying error explanation texts specific to the uploaded files.


Type Description

An array of UploadedFile objects associated with file input elements.

See Also