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SchedulerExtension.HasErrors(String) Method

Returns a value that indicates whether or not there were errors during the current operation.

Namespace: DevExpress.Web.Mvc

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.Mvc5.v24.2.dll


public static bool HasErrors(
    string name


Name Type Description
name String

A string containing the name of a control to check for errors.


Type Description

true, if there were errors during the current operation; otherwise, false.


Use the HasErrors method to check whether or not there were errors during the current operation (inserting or updating an appointment) and prevent inserting invalid records into the underlying data source.

The code sample below illustrates the use of the HasErrors method.

CustomAppointment[] insertedAppts = SchedulerExtension.GetAppointmentsToInsert<CustomAppointment>(SchedulerDataHelper.GetSchedulerSettings(), appointmnets, resources);
See Also