MVCxGridViewProperties Properties
Contains the properties specific to the GridView that is built in to the ASP.NET MVC GridLookup extension.Name | Description |
AccessibilityCompliant | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridSettingsBase.AccessibilityCompliant property. |
AutoFilterCellEditorCreate | Enables you to assign editors to individual filter row cells. |
AutoFilterCellEditorInitialize | Enables the cell editors displayed within the auto filter row cells to be initialized. |
BeforeColumnSortingGrouping | Enables you to perform custom processing before a column is sorted or grouped. |
BeforeGetCallbackResult | Enables you to perform custom processing after a callback sent by the GridView has been processed on the server, but prior to the time the respective callback result render is formed. |
BeforeHeaderFilterFillItems | Enables you to provide custom filter items instead of default ones displayed within a header filter. |
CallbackRouteValues | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridSettingsBase.CallbackRouteValues property. |
Caption | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridViewSettings.Caption property. |
CellEditorInitialize | Enables the cell editors displayed within the edit cells to be initialized. |
ClientLayout | Enables you to save and restore the previously saved layout of the built-in GridView. |
CommandButtonInitialize | Enables individual command column buttons to be initialized. |
CustomBindingRouteValuesCollection | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridViewSettings.CustomBindingRouteValuesCollection property. |
CustomButtonInitialize | Enables you to initialize custom command buttons. |
CustomColumnDisplayText | Enables custom display text to be provided for any data cell. |
CustomColumnGroup | Provides the capability to group data using custom rules. |
CustomColumnSort | Enables you to sort data using custom rules. |
CustomDataActionRouteValues | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridSettingsBase.CustomDataActionRouteValues property. |
CustomGroupDisplayText | Enables you to provide custom content for group rows. |
CustomSummaryCalculate | Enables you to calculate summary values manually. |
CustomUnboundColumnData | Enables data to be supplied to unbound columns. |
EditFormLayoutProperties | Manipulates the built-in ASPxGridView’s ASPxGridView.EditFormLayoutProperties property. |
EnableCallbackAnimation | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridSettingsBase.EnableCallbackAnimation property. |
EnableCallbackCompression | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridSettingsBase.EnableCallbackCompression property. |
EnablePagingCallbackAnimation | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridSettingsBase.EnablePagingCallbackAnimation property. |
EnablePagingGestures | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridSettingsBase.EnablePagingGestures property. |
EnableRowsCache | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridViewSettings.EnableRowsCache property. |
FilterControlCustomValueDisplayText | Enables you to specify the entered filter value’s custom display text to be displayed when the filter control’s condition value editor is inactive. |
FilterControlOperationVisibility | Enables you to dynamically hide operation items (such as the Equals, Contains, etc.) of the Filter Control’s operation dropdown menu. |
FilterControlParseValue | Enables you to process and modify an entered value before it is actually accepted by the filter control. |
GroupSummary | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridViewSettings.GroupSummary property. |
HeaderFilterFillItems | Enables you to add custom filter items to ones displayed within a header filter. |
HtmlCommandCellPrepared | Enables the settings of individual command column cells to be changed. |
HtmlDataCellPrepared | Enables the settings of individual cells to be changed. |
HtmlEditFormCreated | Enables you to perform custom processing when a table row, which corresponds to the Edit Form, has been created. |
HtmlFooterCellPrepared | Enables the settings of individual footer cells to be changed. |
HtmlRowCreated | Enables you to perform custom processing when a table row has been created. |
HtmlRowPrepared | Enables the settings of individual rows to be changed. |
InitNewRow | Enables you to initialize added rows. |
JSProperties | Manipulates the built-in ASPxGridView’s ASPxGridBase.JSProperties property. Inherited from GridViewProperties. |
PreviewEncodeHtml | This property is not in effect for the MVCxGridViewProperties class. |
PreviewFieldName | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridViewSettings.PreviewFieldName property. |
ProcessColumnAutoFilter | Enables you to apply custom filter criteria when filter row is in the Auto mode. |
ProcessOnClickRowFilter | Enables you to apply custom filter criteria when the filter row is in the OnClick mode. |
RowValidating | Enables you to specify whether row data is valid and whether the row can be updated. |
SearchPanelEditorCreate | Enables you to replace the default built-in GridView’s search panel editor with custom one. |
SearchPanelEditorInitialize | Enables you to customize the properties of an editor displayed within the built-in GridView’s search panel. |
Settings | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridViewSettings.Settings property. |
SettingsBehavior | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridViewSettings.SettingsBehavior property. |
SettingsCommandButton | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridViewSettings.SettingsCommandButton property. |
SettingsContextMenu | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s SettingsContextMenu property. |
SettingsCookies | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridViewSettings.SettingsCookies property. |
SettingsDataSecurity | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridViewSettings.SettingsDataSecurity property. |
SettingsDetail | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridViewSettings.SettingsDetail property. |
SettingsEditing | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridViewSettings.SettingsEditing property. |
SettingsLoadingPanel | Provides access to the loading panel’s settings. |
SettingsPager | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridViewSettings.SettingsPager property. |
SettingsPopup | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridViewSettings.SettingsPopup property. |
SettingsResizing | Manipulates the built-in grid’s GridViewSettings.SettingsResizing property. |
SettingsSearchPanel | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridViewSettings.SettingsSearchPanel property. |
SettingsText | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridViewSettings.SettingsText property. |
SummaryDisplayText | Enables custom display text to be provided for any summary value. |
SummaryText | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridViewSettings.SummaryText property. |
Templates | Manipulates the built-in ASPxGridView’s ASPxGridView.Templates property. Inherited from GridViewProperties. |
Toolbars | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridViewSettings.Toolbars property. |
TotalSummary | Manipulates the built-in GridView’s GridViewSettings.TotalSummary property. |
See Also