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CardViewExtension Methods
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Represents an extension object implementing the CardView functionality.
Name Description
Bind(Object) Binds the Card View to a data source.
BindToCustomData(CardViewModel) Binds the CardView to a custom data model when you use the extension in the custom data binding mode.
BindToEF(String, String, EventHandler<LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs>, EventHandler<ServerModeExceptionThrownEventArgs>) Binds the CardView to a data source via the Entity Framework in database server mode.
BindToEF(String, String, EventHandler<LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs>) Binds the CardView to a data source via the Entity Framework in database server mode.
BindToEF(String, String) Binds the CardView to a data source via the Entity Framework in database server mode.
BindToEF(Type, String, EventHandler<LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs>) Binds the CardView to a data source via the Entity Framework in database server mode.
BindToEF(Type, String) Binds the CardView to a data source via the Entity Framework in database server mode.
BindToLINQ(String, String, EventHandler<LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs>, EventHandler<ServerModeExceptionThrownEventArgs>) Binds the CardView to a queryable source in database server mode.
BindToLINQ(String, String, EventHandler<LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs>) Binds the CardView to a queryable source in database server mode.
BindToLINQ(String, String) Binds the CardView to a queryable source in database server mode.
BindToLINQ(Type, String, EventHandler<LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs>) Binds the CardView to a queryable source in database server mode.
BindToLINQ(Type, String) Binds the CardView to a queryable source in database server mode.
BindToXML(String, String, String) Binds the CardView to the XML file specified by its name, XPath expression and transformation file name.
BindToXML(String, String) Binds the CardView to the XML file specified by its name and an XPath expression.
BindToXML(String) Binds the CardView to the XML file specified by its name.
CreatePrintableObject(CardViewSettings, Object) static Enables a CardView to be printed using the XtraPrinting Library.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
ExportToCsv(CardViewSettings, Object, CsvExportOptionsEx) static Exports the CardView’s data to CSV format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToCsv(CardViewSettings, Object, Boolean, CsvExportOptionsEx) static Exports the CardView’s data to CSV format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToCsv(CardViewSettings, Object, Boolean) static Exports the CardView’s data to CSV format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToCsv(CardViewSettings, Object, String, CsvExportOptionsEx) static Exports the CardView’s data to CSV format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToCsv(CardViewSettings, Object, String, Boolean, CsvExportOptionsEx) static Exports the CardView’s data to CSV format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToCsv(CardViewSettings, Object, String, Boolean) static Exports the CardView’s data to CSV format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToCsv(CardViewSettings, Object, String) static Exports the CardView’s data to CSV format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToCsv(CardViewSettings, Object) static Exports the CardView’s data to CSV format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToDocx(CardViewSettings, Object, DocxExportOptions) static Exports the CardView’s data to DOCX format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToDocx(CardViewSettings, Object, Boolean, DocxExportOptions) static Exports the CardView’s data to DOCX format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToDocx(CardViewSettings, Object, Boolean) static Exports the CardView’s data to DOCX format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToDocx(CardViewSettings, Object, String, DocxExportOptions) static Exports the CardView’s data to DOCX format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToDocx(CardViewSettings, Object, String, Boolean, DocxExportOptions) static Exports the CardView’s data to DOCX format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToDocx(CardViewSettings, Object, String, Boolean) static Exports the CardView’s data to DOCX format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToDocx(CardViewSettings, Object, String) static Exports the CardView’s data to DOCX format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToDocx(CardViewSettings, Object) static Exports the CardView’s data to DOCX format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToPdf(CardViewSettings, Object, PdfExportOptions) static Exports the CardView’s data to PDF format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToPdf(CardViewSettings, Object, Boolean, PdfExportOptions) static Exports the CardView’s data to PDF format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToPdf(CardViewSettings, Object, Boolean) static Exports the CardView’s data to PDF format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToPdf(CardViewSettings, Object, String, PdfExportOptions) static Exports the CardView’s data to PDF format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToPdf(CardViewSettings, Object, String, Boolean, PdfExportOptions) static Exports the CardView’s data to PDF format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToPdf(CardViewSettings, Object, String, Boolean) static Exports the CardView’s data to PDF format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToPdf(CardViewSettings, Object, String) static Exports the CardView’s data to PDF format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToPdf(CardViewSettings, Object) static Exports the CardView’s data to PDF format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToRtf(CardViewSettings, Object, RtfExportOptions) static Exports the CardView’s data to RTF format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToRtf(CardViewSettings, Object, Boolean, RtfExportOptions) static Exports the CardView’s data to RTF format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToRtf(CardViewSettings, Object, Boolean) static Exports the CardView’s data to RTF format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToRtf(CardViewSettings, Object, String, RtfExportOptions) static Exports the CardView’s data to RTF format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToRtf(CardViewSettings, Object, String, Boolean, RtfExportOptions) static Exports the CardView’s data to RTF format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToRtf(CardViewSettings, Object, String, Boolean) static Exports the CardView’s data to RTF format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToRtf(CardViewSettings, Object, String) static Exports the CardView’s data to RTF format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToRtf(CardViewSettings, Object) static Exports the CardView’s data to RTF format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToXls(CardViewSettings, Object, XlsExportOptionsEx) static Exports the CardView’s data to XLS format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToXls(CardViewSettings, Object, Boolean, XlsExportOptionsEx) static Exports the CardView’s data to XLS format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToXls(CardViewSettings, Object, Boolean) static Exports the CardView’s data to XLS format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToXls(CardViewSettings, Object, String, XlsExportOptionsEx) static Exports the CardView’s data to XLS format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToXls(CardViewSettings, Object, String, Boolean, XlsExportOptionsEx) static Exports the CardView’s data to XLS format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToXls(CardViewSettings, Object, String, Boolean) static Exports the CardView’s data to XLS format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToXls(CardViewSettings, Object, String) static Exports the CardView’s data to XLS format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToXls(CardViewSettings, Object) static Exports the CardView’s data to XLS format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToXlsx(CardViewSettings, Object, XlsxExportOptionsEx) static Exports the CardView’s data to XLSX format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToXlsx(CardViewSettings, Object, Boolean, XlsxExportOptionsEx) static Exports the CardView’s data to XLSX format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToXlsx(CardViewSettings, Object, Boolean) static Exports the CardView’s data to XLSX format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToXlsx(CardViewSettings, Object, String, XlsxExportOptionsEx) static Exports the CardView’s data to XLSX format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToXlsx(CardViewSettings, Object, String, Boolean, XlsxExportOptionsEx) static Exports the CardView’s data to XLSX format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToXlsx(CardViewSettings, Object, String, Boolean) static Exports the CardView’s data to XLSX format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToXlsx(CardViewSettings, Object, String) static Exports the CardView’s data to XLSX format, based on the provided settings.
ExportToXlsx(CardViewSettings, Object) static Exports the CardView’s data to XLSX format, based on the provided settings.
GetBatchDeleteKeys<T>() static Returns a list of keys that correspond to CardView records deleted on the client side in batch edit mode.
GetBatchInsertValues<T>(String) static Returns a list of values added to the specified column on the client side in batch edit mode.
GetBatchUpdateValues<S, T>(String) static Returns a dictionary containing record keys and new values updated in the specified column on the client side in batch edit mode.
GetBinaryImageEditCallbackResult() static Returns the specified result back to the client side after processing a callback initiated by a binary image editor used as a grid view column editor. Inherited from GridExtensionBase.
GetBinaryImageEditCallbackResult(BinaryStorageMode, BinaryImageUploadValidationSettings) static Returns the specified result back to the client side after processing a callback initiated by a binary image editor used as a grid view column editor. Inherited from GridExtensionBase.
GetBinaryImageEditCallbackResult(BinaryStorageMode) static Returns the specified result back to the client side after processing a callback initiated by a binary image editor used as a grid view column editor. Inherited from GridExtensionBase.
GetComboBoxCallbackResult(MVCxColumnComboBoxProperties) static Returns the specified result back to the client side after processing a callback initiated by a combo box used as a grid view column editor. Inherited from GridExtensionBase.
GetComboBoxCallbackResult(Action<MVCxColumnComboBoxProperties>) static Returns the specified result back to the client side after processing a callback initiated by a combo box used as a grid view column editor. Inherited from GridExtensionBase.
GetCustomDataCallbackResult(Object) static Returns the specified result back to the client side after processing a callback within an Action defined by the GridSettingsBase.CustomDataActionRouteValues property.
GetEditValue<T>(String) static Gets editor values from the edit form by a field name.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetHtml() Inserts the HTML code rendered by an extension into the required page output. Inherited from ExtensionBase.
GetTokenBoxCallbackResult(MVCxColumnTokenBoxProperties) static Returns the specified result back to the client side after processing a callback initiated by a token box used as a grid view column editor. Inherited from GridExtensionBase.
GetTokenBoxCallbackResult(Action<MVCxColumnTokenBoxProperties>) static Returns the specified result back to the client side after processing a callback initiated by a token box used as a grid view column editor. Inherited from GridExtensionBase.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
GetViewModel(String) static Returns the CardView’s view model object that maintains the extension state and provides the capacity to populate itself with data when the CardView is used in custom data binding mode.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Render() Renders the extension’s HTML code to the Response. Inherited from ExtensionBase.
SetEditErrorText(String) Displays the specified (error) text in a special row at the bottom of the CardView’s Edit Form.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
WriteCsv(CardViewSettings, Object, Stream, CsvExportOptionsEx) static Exports the CardView’s data to a stream in CSV format with the specified export options.
WriteCsv(CardViewSettings, Object, Stream) static Exports the CardView’s data to a stream in CSV format.
WriteDocx(CardViewSettings, Object, Stream, DocxExportOptions) static Exports the CardView’s data to a stream in DOCX format with the specified export options.
WriteDocx(CardViewSettings, Object, Stream) static Exports the CardView’s data to a stream in DOCX format with the specified export options.
WritePdf(CardViewSettings, Object, Stream, PdfExportOptions) static Exports the CardView’s data to a stream in PDF format with the specified export options.
WritePdf(CardViewSettings, Object, Stream) static Exports the CardView’s data to a stream in PDF format.
WriteRtf(CardViewSettings, Object, Stream, RtfExportOptions) static Exports the CardView’s data to a stream in RTF format with the specified export options.
WriteRtf(CardViewSettings, Object, Stream) static Exports the CardView’s data to a stream in RTF format.
WriteXls(CardViewSettings, Object, Stream, XlsExportOptionsEx) static Exports the CardView’s data to a stream in XLS format with the specified export options.
WriteXls(CardViewSettings, Object, Stream) static Exports the CardView’s data to a stream in XLS format.
WriteXlsx(CardViewSettings, Object, Stream, XlsxExportOptionsEx) static Exports the CardView’s data to a stream in XLSX format with the specified export options.
WriteXlsx(CardViewSettings, Object, Stream) static Exports the CardView’s data to a stream in XLSX format.
See Also