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CardViewCustomBindingGetDataCardCountArgs.DataCardCount Property

Gets or sets the total number of data records within a custom model, taking into account the filtering applied within the CardView (if any).

Namespace: DevExpress.Web.Mvc

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.Mvc5.v24.2.dll


public int DataCardCount { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

An integer value specifying the total number of data records within a model.


Assign the DataCardCount property with the total number of rows in your model. The returned total number should depend upon the filtering conditions (if they were applied to the CardView). Use the CardViewCustomBindingArgsBase.FilterExpression property to obtain the CardView’s filter expression and apply it to your model to obtain the proper number of cards that meet the filter.

Refer to Implementation of Typed Method Delegates to learn more.

See Also