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Upgrade to a New Version

  • 2 minutes to read

After you install a newer version of DevExtreme, you need to upgrade the DevExtreme resources in your project. You can do this in two ways: using a menu command in Visual Studio or manually.

Use the Upgrade DevExtreme Resources Menu Command

Follow the instructions below to upgrade the resources:

  1. Launch Visual Studio and open the project with DevExtreme resources that should be upgraded.

  2. Right-click this project in the Solution Explorer window and select Upgrade DevExtreme Resources in the menu.

    Project Upgrader Context Menu Item

  3. Click OK in the invoked dialog.

    Project Upgrader Confirmation Dialog

  4. Wait a few seconds while DevExtreme resources are upgraded. This process is displayed in the Output window.

    Project Upgrader Output Window


Follow the instructions below to upgrade the resources.

  1. Update server-side packages:

    • DevExtreme.AspNet.Data
    • DevExtreme.AspNet.Core

    You can do this in two ways:

    • Use the NuGet dialog. Refer to Configure a non Visual Studio Project (Steps 2 and 3) for more information.

    • Edit package versions in the .csproj file:

          <PackageReference Include="DevExtreme.AspNet.Data" Version="..." />
          <PackageReference Include="DevExtreme.AspNet.Core" Version="..." />
  2. Update client-side resources: DevExtreme scripts (dx.*.js) and CSS files (dx.*.css).

    You can do this in different ways:

    • Use LibMan.
    • Use npm or Yarn.
    • Use CDN Services.
    • Replace older files with the latest version. You can find the new files in the Program Files/DevExpress 24.1/DevExtreme/Sources/Lib directory.

    The scripts and CSS files are typically linked in the _Layout.cshtml file. If you use a static asset bundler, register the static resources in the bundler’s configuration files. Refer to the Bundle and minify static assets in ASP.NET Core article for more information.