Rich Text Editor
- 2 minutes to read
Bootstrap Rich Text Editor is a Word-inspired control that helps you create full-featured text applications with complex formatting and display capabilities. The Rich Text Editor allows you to load, save, export, and convert documents to and from today’s most popular text-based formats. With the Rich Text Editor, you can allow end-users to create, edit, and save rich-text documents within their browsers.
The Rich Text Editor allows you to introduce Microsoft® Word®-like text editing features into your web application with ease. The Rich Text Editor provides advanced text formatting capabilities and numerous end-user options helping you deliver compelling business solutions. | |
Rich Text Editor provides users with responsive ribbon-like UI that allows end-user applications to get adapted to any browser and every device type. This feature includes:
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Rich Text Editor provides a comprehensive API, allowing you to manipulate the document programmatically. On the server side, the Rich Text Editor control is represented by the Bootstrap | |
When the Rich Text Editor loads a document, the Document Model is built. This document model is then transformed into the Document Layout. The Rich Text Editor renders and displays this layout. Therefore, a document exists only in its native Rich Text Editor representation. | |
DevExpress Bootstrap controls are shipped with online feature-based demos. To see Bootstrap Rich Text Editor and its features in action, click See Demos. |