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ASPxClientHtmlEditorLinkDialog Methods
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Provides client functionality for the Link dialog within the ASPxHtmlEditor.
Name Description
GetCancelButton Provides access to the client object of the “Cancel” button in the Html Editor’s dialogs. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorDialogBase.
GetEmailTextBox Provides access to the client object of the “E-mail to” text box in the Html Editor’s Link dialog.
GetFileManager Provides access to the client object of the file manager used in the Link dialog’s “Select Document” popup window.
GetFormLayout Provides access to the client ASPxFormLayout object that arranges all editors in the Html Editor’s dialogs. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorDialogBase.
GetLinkTypeRadioButtonList Provides access to the client radio button list object used to specify the link type in the Html Editor’s Link dialog.
GetOkButton Provides access to the client object of the “OK” button in the Html Editor’s dialogs. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorDialogBase.
GetOpenInNewWindowCheckBox Provides access to the client object of the “Open in new window” check box in the Html Editor’s Link dialog.
GetSelectDocumentPopupCancelButton Provides access to the client object of the “Cancel” button in the Link dialog’s “Select Document” popup window.
GetSelectDocumentPopupControl Provides access to the client popup control object that is the “Select Document” popup window in the Html Editor’s Link dialog.
GetSelectDocumentPopupSelectButton Provides access to the client object of the “Select” button in the Link dialog’s “Select Document” popup window.
GetSubjectTextBox Provides access to the client object of the “Subject” text box in the Html Editor’s Link dialog.
GetTextTextBox Provides access to the client object of the “Text” text box in the Html Editor’s Link dialog.
GetTooltipTextBox Provides access to the client object of the “ToolTip” text box in the Html Editor’s Link dialog.
GetUrlTextBox Provides access to the client object of the “URL” text box in the Html Editor’s Link dialog.
See Also