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ASPxClientGantt Members

A client-side equivalent of the ASPxGantt control.


Name Description
name Gets the unique, hierarchically-qualified identifier for the control. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.


Name Description
AdjustControl Modifies the control’s size against the control’s container. Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
AdjustControls static Modifies the controls size within the specified container. Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
AssignResourceToTask(resourceKey, taskKey) Assigns a resource to a task.
Cast(obj) static Converts the specified object to the current object’s type. Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
CollapseAll Collapses all tasks.
CollapseTask(key) Collapses the specified parent task.
DeleteDependency(key) Deletes a dependency.
DeleteResource(key) Deletes a resource.
DeleteTask(key) Deletes a task.
ExpandAll Expands all tasks.
ExpandTask(key) Expands the specified task.
GetClientVisible Obsolete. Returns a value specifying whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
GetControlCollection static Returns a collection of client web control objects. Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
GetDependencyData(key) Gets the dependency data.
GetFocusedTaskKey Gets the focused task’s key.
GetHeight Returns the control’s height. Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
GetMainElement Returns an HTML element that is the root of the control’s hierarchy. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
GetParentControl Returns a client instance of the control that is the parent for a specified control. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
GetResourceAssignmentData(key) Gets the resource assignment data.
GetResourceData(key) Gets the resource data.
GetTaskData(key) Gets the task data.
GetTaskResources(key) Gets resources assigned to a task.
GetVisible Returns a value specifying whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
GetVisibleDependencyKeys Gets the keys of the visible dependencies.
GetVisibleResourceAssignmentKeys Gets the keys of the visible resource assignments.
GetVisibleResourceKeys Gets the keys of the visible resources.
GetVisibleTaskKeys Gets the keys of the visible tasks.
GetWidth Returns the control’s width. Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
InCallback Returns a value that determines whether a callback request sent by a web control is being currently processed on the server side. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
InsertDependency(data) Inserts a new dependency.
InsertResource(data, taskKeys) Inserts a new resource.
InsertTask(data) Inserts a new task.
SendMessageToAssistiveTechnology(message) Specifies the text that Assistive Technologies (screen readers or braille display, for example) will provide to a user. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
SetClientVisible(visible) Obsolete. Specifies whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
SetFocusedTaskKey(key) Sets the focused task.

Specifies the control’s height. Note that this method is not in effect for some controls.

Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
SetTaskTitlePosition(position) Sets the task’s title position.
SetViewType(viewType) Specifies the view type.
SetVisible(visible) Specifies whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
SetWidth(width) Specifies the control’s width in pixels. Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
ShowResources(value) Specifies whether the resources are visible in the Gantt.
UnassignResourceFromTask(resourceKey, taskKey) Removes a resource from the task.
UpdateTask(key, data) Updates the task data.


Name Description
BeginCallback Occurs when a callback for server-side processing is initiated.
CallbackError Fires on the client if any server error occurs during server-side processing of a callback sent by the ASPxClientGantt.
ContextMenu Occurs when a user right-clicks a task or dependency to open the context menu.
ContextMenuCustomization Occurs before the built-in context menu is rendered.
CustomCommand Enables you to implement a custom command’s logic.
DependencyDeleted Occurs after a user deleted a dependency.
DependencyDeleting Occurs before a user deletes a dependency.
DependencyInserted Occurs after a user inserted a dependency.
DependencyInserting Occurs before a user inserts a dependency.
EndCallback Occurs on the client side after a callback’s server-side processing has been completed.
EndCellEditing Occurs before a user finishes editing a cell.
FocusedTaskChanged Occurs when a task is focused.
FocusedTaskChanging Occurs before a task is focused.
Init Occurs on the client side after the control has been initialized. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
ResourceAssigned Occurs after a user assigned a resource to a task.
ResourceAssigning Occurs before a user assigns a resource to a task.
ResourceDeleted Occurs after a user deleted a resource.
ResourceDeleting Occurs before a user deletes a resource.
ResourceInserted Occurs after a user inserted a new resource.
ResourceInserting Occurs before a user inserts a new resource.
ResourceUnassigned Occurs after a user removed a resource from a task.
ResourceUnassigning Occurs before a user removes a resource from a task.
StartCellEditing Occurs before a user starts to edit a cell.
TaskClick Occurs when a user clicks a task.
TaskDblClick Occurs when a user double-clicks a task.
TaskDeleted Occurs after a user deleted a task.
TaskDeleting Occurs before a user deletes a task.
TaskEditDialogShowing Occurs before the edit dialog is shown.
TaskInserted Occurs after a user inserted a task.
TaskInserting Occurs before a user inserts a task.
TaskMoving Occurs before a user moves a task.
TaskUpdated Occurs after a user updated a task.
TaskUpdating Occurs before a user updates a task.
TooltipShowing Occurs before a tooltip is displayed.
See Also