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How to: Load a User-Specific Dictionary and Update It During Spell Check

  • 3 minutes to read

A custom dictionary for ASPxSpellChecker can be specified in the page markup or created in the code-behind file. This dictionary is the same for different users. Words added to a custom dictionary during a spell check are stored in a session cache, so the original custom dictionary remains intact.

This article demonstrates how to load a dictionary that is specific to a particular user. The user has the ability to extend this dictionary. To accomplish this task, you should handle two ASPxSpellChecker events - the ASPxSpellChecker.CustomDictionaryLoading event and the ASPxSpellChecker.WordAdded event.

CustomDictionaryLoading Event

The following code snippet illustrates that you can handle the ASPxSpellChecker.CustomDictionaryLoading event to load a custom dictionary from a stream. Note that the ASPxSpellChecker control already has an ASPxSpellCheckerCustomDictionary object in its collection of dictionaries. When the custom dictionary is loading, it fires an event allowing you to load a user-specific dictionary.

View Example

using DevExpress.Web.ASPxSpellChecker;
using DevExpress.XtraSpellChecker;
        protected void ASPxSpellChecker1_CustomDictionaryLoading(object sender, CustomDictionaryLoadingEventArgs e) {

            FileStream alphStream = new FileStream(Server.MapPath(e.CustomDictionary.AlphabetPath), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            FileStream dicStream = new FileStream(userDictPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read);
            try {
                alphStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                dicStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                e.CustomDictionary.LoadFromStream(dicStream, alphStream);
            finally {

WordAdded Event

This code illustrates that you can handle the ASPxSpellChecker.WordAdded event to save an updated custom dictionary to the original location. The ASPxSpellChecker.GetCustomDictionary method enables you to access a custom dictionary that is currently in use.

View Example

using DevExpress.Web.ASPxSpellChecker;
using DevExpress.XtraSpellChecker;
protected void ASPxSpellChecker1_WordAdded(object sender, WordAddedEventArgs e) {
    ASPxSpellChecker checker = send as ASPxSpellChecker;
    if (checker != null) {
        SpellCheckerCustomDictionary dic = checker.GetCustomDictionary();
        if (dic != null) {
            StringBuilder stb = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < dic.WordCount; i++) stb.AppendLine(dic[i]);
            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(dic.DictionaryPath,false, Encoding.UTF8)) {
See Also