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Loading Panel

You can display a Loading Panel within an ASPxFileManager control while waiting for a callback response. Under the loading panel, you can also show a Loading Div element that indicates the specific control. This element is transparent (the default setting). Specify the element’s style settings to show it.

ASPXFileManager - Loading Panel

When a user expands a folder for the first time, the control initiates a callback to the server to obtain the folder’s child folders (if the FileManagerSettingsFolders.EnableCallBacks property is set to true). In this case, the file manager displays the Node Loading Panel near the expanded folder while waiting for a callback response.

ASPxFileManager - NodeLoading Panel

The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance and functionality.

Characteristics Members
Div Element Style FileManagerStyles.LoadingDiv
Loading Panel Image ImagesBase.LoadingPanel
Node Loading Panel Image FileManagerImages.FolderContainerNodeLoadingPanel
Image Position SettingsLoadingPanel.ImagePosition
Image Visibility SettingsLoadingPanel.ShowImage
Style FileManagerStyles.LoadingPanel
Text SettingsLoadingPanel.Text
Visibility SettingsLoadingPanel.Enabled