BootstrapTreeViewBuilder Methods
Represents the web navigation treelike control.Name | Description |
AllowSelectNode(Boolean) | Sets a value specifying whether the node selection feature is available to end-users. |
ClientSideEvents(Action<TreeViewClientSideEventsBuilder>) | Object that lists the client-side events specific to the BootstrapTreeViewBuilder. |
ClientVisible(Boolean) | Sets a value that specifies the initial visibility state of an TreeView control on the client. |
CssClasses(Action<BootstrapTreeViewCssClassesBuilder>) | Provides access to CSS classes applied to visual elements of the Tree View control. |
EnableAnimation(Boolean) | Sets a value specifying whether the animation feature is available to end-users when expanding/collapsing nodes. |
EnableClientSideAPI(Boolean) | Sets a value that specifies whether the TreeView can be manipulated on the client side via code. |
Enabled(Boolean) | Inherited from BootstrapControlBuilder<T>. |
EncodeHtml(Boolean) | Inherited from BootstrapControlBuilder<T>. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object, Object) | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
Height(Int32) | Inherited from BootstrapControlBuilder<T>. |
Height(String) | Inherited from BootstrapControlBuilder<T>. |
IconCssClassField(String) | Sets the name of a data field (or an xml element’s attribute) which provides CSS class names for images displayed within nodes. |
MemberwiseClone() | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
Name(String) | Inherited from BootstrapControlBuilder<T>. |
NameField(String) | Sets the data source field which provides node unique identifier names. |
NavigateUrlField(String) | Sets the name of a data field (or an xml element’s attribute) which provides node navigate URLs. |
NavigateUrlFormatString(String) | Sets the pattern used to format node navigate URLs. |
Nodes(Action<BootstrapTreeViewNodeCollectionBuilder>) | Provides access to the root node child collection. |
NodeTemplate(TemplateContent) | Sets a common template used for displaying the content of all nodes within an TreeView control. |
NodeTemplate(TemplateContentCallback<BootstrapTreeViewNodeTemplateContainerSettings>) | Sets a common template used for displaying the content of all nodes within an TreeView control. |
NodeTextTemplate(TemplateContent) | Sets a common template used for displaying the text content of all nodes within an TreeView control. |
NodeTextTemplate(TemplateContentCallback<BootstrapTreeViewNodeTemplateContainerSettings>) | Sets a common template used for displaying the text content of all nodes within an TreeView control. |
OnInitialized(Action<IBootstrapTreeView, IEventArgs>) | |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
Routes(Action<TreeViewRouteCollectionBuilder>) | |
SaveStateToCookies(Boolean) | Sets a value that specifies whether cookies are used to persist the information about the control. |
SaveStateToCookiesID(String) | Sets the name (identifier) of the cookie in which the BootstrapTreeViewBuilder‘s state is persisted. |
SettingsLoadingPanel(Action<TreeViewSettingsLoadingPanelBuilder>) | Provides access to the Loading Panel’s settings. |
ShowExpandButtons(Boolean) | Sets a value that specifies whether expand buttons are displayed within the TreeView. |
SyncSelectionMode(SyncSelectionMode) | Sets whether the node whose navigation location points to the currently browsed web page is automatically selected. |
TabIndex(Int16) | Sets the control’s tab index. |
Target(String) | Sets the window or frame to which to tarthe contents of the URL associated with TreeView nodes. |
TextField(String) | Sets the data source field that provides caption texts for nodes. |
TextFormatString(String) | Sets the pattern used to format the hyperlink’s caption text within the node. |
ToolTip(String) | Sets the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the control. |
ToolTipField(String) | Sets the name of a data field (or an xml element’s attribute) which provides node tooltip texts. |
ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object. |
Visible(Boolean) | Inherited from BootstrapControlBuilder<T>. |
Width(Int32) | Inherited from BootstrapControlBuilder<T>. |
Width(String) | Inherited from BootstrapControlBuilder<T>. |
WriteTo(TextWriter, HtmlEncoder) | Inherited from BootstrapControlBuilder<T>. |
See Also