ASPxGridListEditor Members
Represents the List Editor used by default in XAF ASP.NET Web Forms applications to display List Views in a UI.Constructors
Name | Description |
ASPxGridListEditor(IModelListView) | Creates and initializes an instance of the ASPxGridListEditor class. |
Name | Description |
EndCallbackHandlers | For internal use. |
GroupSummary | Holds the GroupSummary property’s name of the Application Model‘s Views | List View node. |
Name | Description |
AllowEdit | Indicates whether the data bound to the current List Editor can be edited via the List Editor’s control. Inherited from ListEditor. |
AllowFilterControlHierarchy static | Specifies whether or not the Filter Builder dialog shows the properties hierarchy. |
ASPxGridViewExporter | Gets the ASPxGridViewExporter control used to export the ASPxGridListEditor.Grid control’s data. |
BatchEditModeHelper | |
CanSelectRows | Indicates whether the ASPxGridListEditor‘s rows can be selected in a UI. |
Columns | Provides access to a collection of objects representing the ASPxGridListEditor‘s columns. |
ContextMenuTemplate | Provides access to the ASPxGridListEditor‘s Context Menu Template. |
Control | Provides access to the control that is used by the current List Editor to represent a List View in a UI. Inherited from ListEditor. |
DataSource | Specifies a List Editor‘s data source. Inherited from ListEditor. |
DetailFramesManager | For internal use. |
EnableGroupTemplate | Specifies whether to use an XAF group template for a group row. |
EnablePopupMenuScrolling | |
ErrorMessages | Provides access to the current ListEditor‘s error message collection, populated when Validation Rules are broken. Inherited from ListEditor. |
FocusedColumnMemberName | Inherited from ColumnsListEditor. |
FocusedObject | Gets the ASPxGridListEditor‘s focused object. |
Grid | Gets the ASPxGridListEditor‘s control. |
IsAdaptive | Specifies whether or not the adaptive and responsive layout is enabled for the ASPxGridListEditor.Grid control. |
IsBatchMode | Gets a boolean value which indicates whether or not the ASPxGridListEditor.Grid control is in the Batch Edit Mode. |
IsDisposed | Indicates whether a List Editor has been disposed of. Inherited from ListEditor. |
IsFooterVisible | Specifies whether the ASPxGridListEditor‘s footer is visible. |
Items | Provides access to the ComplexWebListEditor‘s Property Editors. Inherited from ComplexWebListEditor. |
List | This property is intended for internal use. Inherited from ListEditor. |
MaxFilterControlHierarchyDepth static | Specifies a column’s max hierarchy depth level that can be displayed by the filter dialog when the ASPxGridListEditor.AllowFilterControlHierarchy property is set to true. |
Model | Provides access to the Application Model node that defines the List View represented by the current List Editors. Inherited from ListEditor. |
Name | Specifies a List Editor‘s name. Inherited from ListEditor. |
NewItemRowPosition | Gets or sets the position of the new item row within the ASPxGridListEditor. |
NewObject | Holds the object that has been created via the ASPxGridListEditor‘s new item row, but has not been persisted yet. |
PreventServerSideOperationsForNonPersistentMembers | Specifies whether server-side operations are prevented for non-persistent properties in the Server, ServerView, InstantFeedback, and InstantFeedbackView data access modes, or not. Inherited from ColumnsListEditor. |
Printable | Specifies the control to be exported via the ExportController.ExportAction. |
PropertyEditors | For internal use. Inherited from ComplexWebListEditor. |
ProtectedContentText | Specifies the text that is used by a List Editor to display a property which is prohibited for viewing by the current user. Inherited from ListEditor. |
RequiredProperties | Inherited from ComplexWebListEditor. |
SelectionOnDoubleClick | |
SelectionType | Returns the selection type supported by the ASPxGridListEditor. |
ServiceProvider | Inherited from ListEditor. |
SupportedExportFormats | Provides access to the list of export formats supported by the current ASPxGridListEditor. |
TestControlType | For internal use only. |
UseASPxGridViewDataSpecificColumns static | Specifies if the ASPxGridListEditor uses the data-specific column types for data cells. |
UseAsyncLoading | Specifies whether an XPO-based WinForms application loads a List View’s data asynchronously. Inherited from ListEditor. |
UseProtectedContentColumn | For internal use. |
Name | Description |
AddColumn(IModelColumn) | Adds a column to the ColumnsListEditor, using information from the specified Application Model‘s node. Inherited from ColumnsListEditor. |
ApplyModel() | Updates the current List Editor’s state in accordance with the information stored in the Application Model. |
BeginUpdateSelection() | Begins updating the ASPxGridListEditor‘s selection. |
BreakLinksToControls() | Removes references to the ASPxGridListEditor‘s control and its event handlers. |
ClearTemporarySelectedObject() | This method is intended for internal use. Inherited from ComplexWebListEditor. |
CreateControls() | Creates the current List Editor‘s control that represents a List View in a UI. Inherited from ListEditor. |
Dispose() | Releases all resources used by the ASPxGridListEditor. |
EndUpdateSelection() | Ends updating the ASPxGridListEditor‘s selection. |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
FindColumn(String) | Provides access to the ColumnsListEditor‘s column with the specified identifier. Inherited from ColumnsListEditor. |
FindPropertyEditor(IModelMemberViewItem, ViewEditMode) | Provides access to the ComplexWebListEditor‘s Property Editor, corresponding to the specified Application Model‘s node. Inherited from ComplexWebListEditor. |
FindPropertyEditor(String, ViewEditMode) | Provides access to the ComplexWebListEditor‘s Property Editor, representing a particular property. Inherited from ComplexWebListEditor. |
GetContainerId(Control, String) | This method is intended for internal use. |
GetControlSelectedObjects() | Returns a list of objects selected in the ASPxGridListEditor.Grid control. |
GetDetailFramesInfo() | |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetIndexByObject(Object) | Returns the index of an object that represents a ASPxGridListEditor.Grid‘s row. |
GetObject(Control) | This method is intended for internal use. |
GetObjectByIndex(Int32) | Returns an object that represents the ASPxGridListEditor.Grid‘s row with the specified index. |
GetOrderedObjects() | Returns an ordered list of objects that represent the ASPxGridListEditor.Grid‘s rows. |
GetSelectedObjects() | |
GetTestableControls() | For internal use only. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
GetVisibleColumns() | Returns the list of ColumnsListEditor‘s visible columns. Inherited from ColumnsListEditor. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
OnExporting() | Performs the required pre-export actions under the ASPxGridListEditor. |
ProcessCallbackComplete() | Re-binds the ASPxGridListEditor‘s control to its data source after a callback has been completed. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
Refresh() | Refreshes the bound data source of the ASPxGridListEditor‘s control. |
RemoveColumn(ColumnWrapper) | Removes a particular column from the ASPxGridListEditor. |
RemoveColumn(GridViewDataColumn) | Removes a particular column from the ASPxGridListEditor. |
SaveModel() | Saves the runtime customizations made by a user within the grid control to the Application Model differences. |
SetControlSelectedObjects(IList<Object>) | Changes the selection in the ASPxGridListEditor.Grid control. |
SetTemporarySelectedObject(Object) | This method is intended for internal use. Inherited from ComplexWebListEditor. |
SetTemporarySelectedObjects(IList<Object>) | Inherited from ComplexWebListEditor. |
Setup(CollectionSourceBase, XafApplication) | Performs additional initialization of the ASPxGridListEditor. |
StartIncrementalSearch(String) | Starts an incremental search for the specified string. Inherited from ListEditor. |
SupportsDataAccessMode(CollectionSourceDataAccessMode) | Determines whether or not the given data access mode is supported by the ListEditor. Inherited from ListEditor. |
ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object. |
UnselectAll() | Unselects all objects in the ASPxGridListEditor. |
UnselectRowByKey(Object) | Unselects a specified object in the ASPxGridListEditor. |
Name | Description |
AllowEditChanged | Occurs after the ListEditor‘s ListEditor.AllowEdit property has changed. Inherited from ListEditor. |
ClientValidateObject | |
ColumnAdded | Occurs when a column is added to ColumnsListEditor. Inherited from ColumnsListEditor. |
CommitChanges | This event is intended for internal use. Inherited from ComplexWebListEditor. |
ControlInitialized | Obsolete. For internal use only. |
ControlsCreated | Occurs after a ListEditor‘s control is created. Inherited from ListEditor. |
CreateCustomDataItemTemplate | Occurs when the GridViewDataColumn.DataItemTemplate is initialized. |
CreateCustomEditItemTemplate | Occurs when the GridViewDataColumn.EditItemTemplate is initialized. |
CreateCustomGridViewDataColumn | Occurs when the data column is created. |
CustomCreateCellControl | Occurs when a control is created for the list editor cell. Inherited from ComplexWebListEditor. |
CustomHandleAutoFilterCellEditor | Occurs before a filter row cell is set up when the ASPxGridView.AutoFilterCellEditorCreate event is raised. |
CustomizeAppearance | Occurs before the ASPxGridListEditor.Grid‘s cell has been repainted in a UI. Enables the appearance settings of individual cells to be changed. |
CustomizeAutoFilterCellEditor | Occurs after a filter row cell is set up when the ASPxGridView.AutoFilterCellEditorCreate event is raised. |
CustomizeEnabled | For internal use. |
CustomizeGridViewDataColumn | Occurs after the data column is created, before it is added to the grid control. |
DataSourceChanged | Occurs after the ListEditor.DataSource property’s value has been changed. Inherited from ListEditor. |
FilterControlColumnsCreated | Occurs after all filter control columns have been created. |
FocusedObjectChanged | Occurs after the focused object has been changed in a List Editor‘s control. Inherited from ListEditor. |
FocusedObjectChanging | Occurs before the focused object is changed in a List Editor‘s control. Inherited from ListEditor. |
ModelApplied | Occurs after the customizations from the Application Model have been applied to the List Editor’s control. Inherited from ListEditor. |
ModelApplying | Occurs when customizations from the Application Model are applied to the List Editor’s control. Inherited from ListEditor. |
ModelSaved | Occurs after the List Editor’s control customizations have been saved to the Application Model. Inherited from ListEditor. |
ModelSaving | Occurs when the List Editor’s control customizations are saved to the Application Model. Inherited from ListEditor. |
NewObjectAdding | Occurs before a new object is created in a List Editor. Inherited from ListEditor. |
NewObjectCanceled | Occurs after creation of a new object is cancelled in a List Editor. Inherited from ListEditor. |
NewObjectCreated | Occurs after a new object has been created in a List Editor. Inherited from ListEditor. |
ObjectChanged | For internal use only. Inherited from ListEditor. |
PrintableChanged | Occurs when the ASPxGridListEditor‘s control is created and disposed of. |
ProcessSelectedItem | Occurs after an object is selected in the List Editor‘s control and an end-user presses Enter or double-clicks the object. Inherited from ListEditor. |
RegisterCallbackStartupScript | This event is intended for internal use. |
RequiredPropertiesChanged | Inherited from ListEditor. |
SelectionChanged | Occurs after the selection has been changed in a List Editor‘s control. Inherited from ListEditor. |
SelectionTypeChanged | Occurs after a List Editor‘s supported selection type is changed. Inherited from ListEditor. |
TestableControlsCreated | For internal use only. |
ValidateObject | Occurs when the object represented by the ListEditor‘s focused row must be validated. Inherited from ListEditor. |
See Also