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.NET Framework 4.5.2+

Boolean Properties

  • 2 minutes to read

In XAF, the following controls can display Boolean and Nullable Boolean properties:

Refer to the following topics for more ORM-specific information on Boolean properties:


Each WinForms Property Editor comes with a control that displays a corresponding property in a Detail View and a repository item that displays this property in a List Editor that supports in-place editing.

XAF Boolean Properties WinForms

The following table shows available controls and repository items for BooleanPropertyEditor:


Repository item


BooleanEdit (a CheckEdit descendant).

RepositoryItemBooleanEdit (a RepositoryItemCheckEdit descendant).

A CheckEdit control (default).

BoolComboBoxEdit (an ImageComboBoxEdit descendant).

RepositoryItemBoolComboBoxEdit (a RepositoryItemImageComboBox descendant).

A drop-down control with custom text. An optional image is displayed next to the text when one of the following property pairs is specified:

ASP.NET Web Forms

Each ASP.NET Web Forms Property Editor includes controls that display a property in a Detail View in View and Edit mode.

XAF Boolean Properties Web Forms

The following table shows available controls and repository items for ASPxBooleanPropertyEditor:

View mode control

Edit mode controls




The default control.



These controls are used when one of the following property pairs is specified:

ASP.NET Core Blazor

In ASP.NET Core Blazor, the ViewItem.Control property returns an IComponentContentHolder descendant. This descendant has the ComponentModel property, which returns an IComponentModel descendant that wraps properties and events of a Blazor Editor.

The table below lists the corresponding descendants for BooleanPropertyEditor:

IComponentContentHolder descendant





The default control.

DevExpress.ExpressApp.Blazor.Editors.Adapters.DxComboBoxAdapter<TData, TValue>

DxComboBox<TData, TValue>

This component is used when the following property pair is specified: CaptionForFalse and CaptionForTrue.