Validate Report Parameters
- 2 minutes to read
You can require end users to specify report parameters when reports are viewed with a filtered data source:
You can use the solution described below to validate these parameters.
- Implement a ReportParametersObjectBase class descendant and set the report’s IReportDataV2.ParametersObjectType property to your custom type. See the following help topic for details: Data Filtering in Reports V2.
- Apply a validation rule to the required property. Set the rule’s custom validation context to “PreviewReport”. This can be done either in code, or in the Model Editor. See the following help topic for details: Declare Validation Rules.
- The report parameter validation should be performed when the Preview action is executed. Navigate to the ActionDesign | Actions | PreviewReportV2 node in the Model Editor, and set the ValidationContexts property to “PreviewReport”.
The following code snippet illustrates the ReportParametersObjectBase class descendant. Its ShowTasksAssignedTo property is decorated by RuleRequiredFieldAttribute.
public class MyReportParametersObject : ReportParametersObjectBase {
public MyReportParametersObject(IObjectSpaceCreator provider) :
base(provider) { }
public override CriteriaOperator GetCriteria() {
return CriteriaOperator.Parse("[FullName] = '" + showTasksAssignedTo.FullName + "'");
public override SortProperty[] GetSorting() {
List<SortProperty> sorting = new List<SortProperty>();
return sorting.ToArray();
protected override IObjectSpace CreateObjectSpace() {
return objectSpaceCreator.CreateObjectSpace(typeof(Contact));
private Contact showTasksAssignedTo;
[RuleRequiredField("RuleRequiredField for MyReportParametersObject", "PreviewReport",
"Assigned To cannot be empty")]
public Contact ShowTasksAssignedTo {
get {
return showTasksAssignedTo;
set {
showTasksAssignedTo = value;
The following image illustrates the rule’s node in the Model Editor.
The following image shows the broken rule detection.