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XtraReportModel Properties

Stores intermediate report settings during the Data Source Wizard execution.
Name Description
AdjustFieldWidth Specifies whether or not the data fields’ content should affect the width of corresponding report controls. Inherited from ReportModel.
Columns Specifies the data columns that are available in the Report Wizard. Inherited from ReportModel.
CrossTabFieldInfo Inherited from ReportModel.
CtorParameters Specifies parameters to pass to an ObjectDataSource constructor.
CustomLabelInformation Specifies the information that is required to create a custom Label Report. Inherited from ReportModel.
DataConnection Specifies the data connection options.
DataMember Specifies the report data member.
DataMemberName For internal use. Inherited from ReportModel.
DataSchema Specifies the report data source schema.
DataSourceName Specifies the report data source name.
DataSourceType Specifies the report data source type.
FileName Specifies the file name of an ExcelDataSource.
Font Inherited from ReportModel.
GroupingLevels Specifies the grouping levels available in a report. Inherited from ReportModel.
IgnoreNullValuesForSummary Specifies whether or not null values (if occurred in a data source) should be ignored when calculating a summary function. Inherited from ReportModel.
JsonSchema Specifies the JSON data source schema.
LabelProductDetailId For internal use. Specifies the ID of a product label’s details. Inherited from ReportModel.
LabelProductId For internal use. Specifies the ID of a product label. Inherited from ReportModel.
Layout Specifies the report layout type. Inherited from ReportModel.
Margins Specifies the margins of the report’s pages (measured in Document units). Inherited from ReportModel.
MasterDetailGroupsInfo Provides information about grouping levels specified for a report and its detail reports.
MasterDetailInfo Provides information about queries and master-detail relationships between them.
MasterDetailSummariesInfo Provides information about summary options specified for a report and its detail reports.
MemberParameters Specifies parameters to pass to an ObjectDataSource method.
ObjectConstructor Specifies a constructor used to create an instance of an ObjectDataSource.
ObjectMember Specifies an ObjectDataSource member to use for data binding.
PaperKind Specifies the type of paper for the report. Inherited from ReportModel.
PaperSize Specifies the report’s paper size (measured in Document units). This can only be set if the PaperKind property is set to Custom. Inherited from ReportModel.
Portrait Specifies the report page orientation. Inherited from ReportModel.
Queries Provides access to the collection of SQL queries displayed in the Data Source Wizard.
RealDataMember For internal use.
RealDataSource For internal use.
ReportColorScheme Specifies the color scheme applied to the report’s controls. Inherited from ReportModel.
ReportStyleId Specifies the report visual style. Inherited from ReportModel.
ReportTitle Specifies the report title (for printing on the report header). Inherited from ReportModel.
ReportType Specifies the report type. Inherited from ReportModel.
Schema Specifies the schema of an ExcelDataSource.
ShouldSaveConnection Specifies how and where to store the connection string of a SqlDataSource.
ShouldSavePassword Specifies whether or not to save the password for an ExcelDataSource.
ShowAllState Specifies the state of check boxes throughout the ObjectDataSource creation pages.
SourceOptions Specifies the options of an ExcelDataSource.
SummaryOptions Specifies options required to calculate a summary function in a report. Inherited from ReportModel.
Tag Specifies additional report model data.
TemplateFields Specifies the template report’s fields. Inherited from ReportModel.
TemplateOptions Specifies options of a report template. Inherited from ReportModel.
TemplateReportType Specifies the template report type. Inherited from ReportModel.
TryUseExpressions Specifies whether the Report Wizard should try to create the report in expression bindings mode. Inherited from ReportModel.
Unit Specifies units of measure for the report. Inherited from ReportModel.
UseMasterDetailBuilder For internal use. Inherited from ReportModel.
See Also