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XRPivotGridOptionsPrint Properties

Provides print options for the XRPivotGrid control.
Name Description
ColumnFieldValueSeparator Gets or sets the distance between the values of column fields when the pivot grid is printed. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsPrint.
ColumnHeaderPaddingBottom Gets or sets the gap between the column header area and data area. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsPrint.
FilterSeparatorBarPadding Gets or sets the vertical distance between filter field headers headers and the main part of the printed pivot grid. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsPrint.
MergeColumnFieldValues Gets or sets whether the values of outer column fields are merged when a pivot grid is printed. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsPrint.
MergeRowFieldValues Gets or sets whether the values of outer row fields are merged when a pivot grid is printed. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsPrint.
PageSettings Overrides the PivotGridOptionsPrint.PageSettings property, to hide it.
PrintColumnAreaOnEveryPage Gets or sets whether to print column area on every page. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsPrint.
PrintColumnFieldValues Gets or sets whether column field values are printed. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsPrint.
PrintColumnHeaders Gets or sets whether column field headers are printed. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsPrint.
PrintDataHeaders Gets or sets whether data field headers are printed. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsPrint.
PrintFilterHeaders Gets or sets whether filter field headers are printed. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsPrint.
PrintHeadersOnEveryPage Use the PivotGridOptionsPrint.PrintColumnHeaders or PivotGridOptionsPrint.PrintRowHeaders properties instead. The property is obsolete. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsPrint.
PrintHorzLines Gets or sets whether horizontal grid lines are printed. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsPrint.
PrintRowAreaOnEveryPage Gets or sets whether to print row area on every page. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsPrint.
PrintRowFieldValues Gets or sets whether row field values are printed. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsPrint.
PrintRowHeaders Gets or sets whether row field headers are printed. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsPrint.
PrintUnusedFilterFields Gets or sets whether unused filter fields are printed/exported. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsPrint.
PrintVertLines Gets or sets whether vertical grid lines are printed. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsPrint.
RowFieldValueSeparator Gets or sets the distance between row field values when the pivot grid is printed. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsPrint.
UsePrintAppearance For internal use. Overrides the PivotGridOptionsPrint.UsePrintAppearance property, to hide it.
VerticalContentSplitting Overrides the PivotGridOptionsPrint.VerticalContentSplitting property, to hide it.
See Also