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ReflectionFieldInfo Properties
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Provides access to field metadata gathered via Reflection.
Name Description
Attributes Gets the attributes for this type. Inherited from XPTypeInfo.
CollectionElementType Gets the XPClassInfo of the persistent object if the current member is a collection of these persistent objects. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
Converter Gets the value converter. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
DbDefaultValue Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
DefaultValue Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
DisplayName Gets the member’s display name. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
IntermediateClass This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
IsAggregated Gets whether the member references other aggregated persistent objects. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
IsAliased Gets whether a PersistentAliasAttribute attribute is applied to the property. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
IsAssociation Gets whether the member sets up the relation. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
IsAssociationList Indicates whether the current member represents the “many” side of the association. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
IsAutoGenerate Gets whether the member is the auto-generated key. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
IsCollection Gets whether the member represents a collection and is involved in associations. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
IsDelayed Gets whether the property is marked as delayed. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
IsExpandableToPersistent Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
IsFetchOnly Specifies if the member value can be saved to the database. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
IsIdentity Gets whether the member is an auto-generated integer key. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
IsKey Gets whether the member represents a key member. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
IsManyToMany Gets whether a member is involved in a many-to-many association. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
IsManyToManyAlias Indicates whether the ManyToManyAliasAttribute attribute is applied. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
IsNonAssociationList Indicates whether the current member represents a collection that is not decorated with AssociationAttribute. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
IsNullable Determines if a nullable column should be created when updating the database schema for the persistent class member described by the current XPMemberInfo object. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
IsOptimisticLockingIgnored Indicates whether or not optimistic concurrency is ignored for the current member. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
IsPersistent Gets whether a class or member of this type is persistent. Inherited from XPTypeInfo.
IsPublic Indicates whether the field is public.
IsReadOnly Gets whether the member is read-only. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
IsStruct Gets whether the member represents a data structure. Inherited from ReflectionMemberInfo.
IsVisibleInDesignTime Gets whether a property or class is visible at design time. Inherited from XPTypeInfo.
MappingField Gets the column’s name in the data store which the member’s value is stored in. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
MappingFieldDBType Gets the MappingField‘s data type. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
MappingFieldDBTypeName Gets the MappingField‘s SQL type name. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
MappingFieldSize Gets the maximum number of characters that can be stored in a field which the member is mapped to. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
MemberType Gets the type of this field.
MergeCollisionBehavior Gets a value that indicates the behavior when merging changed objects (objects with different versions). Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
Name Gets the member’s name. Inherited from ReflectionMemberInfo.
Owner Gets the XPClassInfo object which owns this XPMemberInfo object. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
ReferenceType Gets the XPClassInfo of the referenced object if the member is a reference to another persistent object. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
StorageType Gets the type that the member’s value is saved as in the data store. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
SubMembers Gets a collection of sub members. Inherited from XPMemberInfo.
See Also