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CachedDataStoreClientAsync Members

A cached data store provider that client applications can use to asynchronously work with the data source via WCF.


Name Description
CachedDataStoreClientAsync(Binding, EndpointAddress) Initializes a new CachedDataStoreClient class instance with specified settings.
CachedDataStoreClientAsync(String) Initializes a new CachedDataStoreClient class instance according to the configuration information specified in the client application’s configuration file.

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Name Description
CacheSetting static Gets or sets the cache setting. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
ChannelFactory Gets the underlying ChannelFactory<TChannel> object. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
ClientCredentials Gets the client credentials used to call an operation. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
Endpoint Gets the target endpoint for the service to which the WCF client can connect. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
InnerChannel Gets the underlying IClientChannel implementation. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
State Gets the current state of the ClientBase<TChannel> object. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.

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Name Description
Abort() Causes the ClientBase<TChannel> object to transition immediately from its current state into the closed state. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
Close() Causes the ClientBase<TChannel> object to transition from its current state into the closed state. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
DisplayInitializationUI() Instructs the inner channel to display a user interface if one is required to initialize the channel prior to using it. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetDefaultValueForInitialization<T>() protected Replicates the behavior of the default keyword in C#. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
InvokeAsync(ClientBase<TChannel>.BeginOperationDelegate, Object[], ClientBase<TChannel>.EndOperationDelegate, SendOrPostCallback, Object) protected Provides support for implementing the event-based asynchronous pattern. For more information about this pattern, see Event-based Asynchronous Pattern Overview. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
Open() Causes the ClientBase<TChannel> object to transition from the created state into the opened state. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
IDisposable.Dispose() Explicit implementation of the Dispose() method. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
ICommunicationObject.BeginClose(AsyncCallback, Object) Begins an asynchronous operation to close the ClientBase<TChannel>. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
ICommunicationObject.BeginClose(TimeSpan, AsyncCallback, Object) Begins an asynchronous operation to close the ClientBase<TChannel> with a specified timeout. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
ICommunicationObject.BeginOpen(AsyncCallback, Object) Begins an asynchronous operation to open the ClientBase<TChannel> object. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
ICommunicationObject.BeginOpen(TimeSpan, AsyncCallback, Object) Begins an asynchronous operation to open the ClientBase<TChannel> object within a specified interval of time. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
ICommunicationObject.Close(TimeSpan) Causes the ClientBase<TChannel> object to transition from its current state into the closed state. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
ICommunicationObject.EndClose(IAsyncResult) Completes an asynchronous operation to close the ClientBase<TChannel> object. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
ICommunicationObject.EndOpen(IAsyncResult) Completes an asynchronous operation to open the ClientBase<TChannel> object. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
ICommunicationObject.Open(TimeSpan) Causes the ClientBase<TChannel> object to transition from the created state into the opened state within a specified interval of time. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.

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Name Description
ICommunicationObject.Closed The event handler that is invoked when the ClientBase<TChannel> object has transitioned from its current state to the closed state. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
ICommunicationObject.Closing The event handler that is invoked when the ClientBase<TChannel> object transitions from its current state to the closed state. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
ICommunicationObject.Faulted The event handler that is invoked when a fault occurs while performing an operation on the ClientBase<TChannel> object. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
ICommunicationObject.Opened The event handler that is invoked when the ClientBase<TChannel> object transitions from the created state to the opened state. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
ICommunicationObject.Opening The event handler that is invoked when the ClientBase<TChannel> object transitions from the created state to the opened state. Inherited from ClientBase<TChannel>.
See Also