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VGridControl.LocateByValue(Int32, EditorRow, Object) Method

Returns the handle of the record that contains the specified value in the specified row.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.v24.1.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Win.Navigation, DevExpress.Win.VerticalGrid


public int LocateByValue(
    int startRecord,
    EditorRow row,
    object val


Name Type Description
startRecord Int32

An integer value that specifies the row handle from which to start searching.

row EditorRow

An EditorRow object that specifies the row in which to search for the specified value.

val Object

An object that specifies the value to find.


Type Description

An integer value that specifies the handle of the record that contains the specified value in the specified row. The DevExpress.Data.DataController.InvalidRow field value is returned, if no record is found that matches the specified conditions.


The code below focuses the record that contains “Rolls-Royce“ in the rowTrademark row.

vGridControl1.FocusedRecord = vGridControl1.LocateByValue(0, rowTrademark, "Rolls-Royce");
See Also