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SchedulerDataStorage.CreateOutlookImportSynchronizer() Method

Creates an object which allows you to control how data in the storage is synchronized with data in MS Outlook’s Calendar.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Scheduler


public AppointmentImportSynchronizer CreateOutlookImportSynchronizer()


Type Description

An AppointmentImportSynchronizer object which can synchronize data in the storage with data in MS Outlook’s Calendar.


The AppointmentSynchronizer object maintains an Outlook appointment identifier via the AppointmentSynchronizer.ForeignIdFieldName mapping. It provides the capability to accomplish synchronization instead of simple export and import operations (for which the AppointmentExporter and AppointmentImporter classes have been constructed).

You can synchronize data in the storage with data in MS Outlook Calendar via the SchedulerDataStorage.SynchronizeStorageWithOutlook method. After the information is synchronized, the storage will contain a copy of appointments from MS Outlook’s Calendar. If a specific appointment in the storage does not match any appointment in MS Outlook’s Calendar it will be deleted during the synchronization.

Use the SchedulerDataStorage.CreateOutlookImportSynchronizer method to control how data is synchronized. Call this method to create an DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Exchange.AppointmentImportSynchronizer object and subscribe to its events to control individual synchronization operations.

See Also