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RepositoryItemTokenEdit.Tokens Property

Gets a collection of tokens.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraEditors.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public TokenEditTokenCollection Tokens { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

A DevExpress.XtraEditors.TokenEditTokenCollection object that stores this TokenEdit control’s tokens.


WinForms Token Editor

Run Demo

Tokens (TokenEditToken) stored within the Tokens collection are divided into two groups:

  1. Predefined tokens, added to the Tokens collection in code or at design-time via the editor’s smart tag (see the figure below).

    TokenEdit - Edit History Collection

  2. Tokens added to the Tokens collection after the application was launched. This requires the RepositoryItemTokenEdit.TokenPopulateMode property set to the Default value. Refer to this link for details.

Items stored within the Tokens collection are displayed within the editor’s drop-down list if it is enabled (see the RepositoryItemTokenEdit.ShowDropDown property).

Read the following topic for additional information and examples: Token Edit Control.


Unbound Mode

In unbound mode, the TokenEdit stores tokens in the Properties.Tokens collection. The following example demonstrates how to add unbound tokens in code:

// Token values must be unique.
tokenEdit1.Properties.Tokens.AddToken("Description string A", "value1");
tokenEdit1.Properties.Tokens.AddToken("Description string B", "value2");
// ... add more tokens

Bound Mode

  1. Use the Properties.DataSource property to bind the TokenEdit control to a data source.
  2. Use the Properties.DisplayMember to specify the data field that stores token descriptions.
  3. Use the Properties.ValueMember to specify the field that stores token values. Token values must be unique.
tokenEdit1.Properties.DataSource = queryBindingSource;
tokenEdit1.Properties.DisplayMember = "EmailAddress";
tokenEdit1.Properties.ValueMember = "EmailAddressID";
See Also