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ChartDesigner.RegisterCustomModelType(Type, Type) Method

Associates a model type with a chart element type.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraCharts.Designer

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraCharts.v24.1.Wizard.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Charts


public void RegisterCustomModelType(
    Type chartElementType,
    Type customModelType


Name Type Description
chartElementType Type

The chart element type.

customModelType Type

The model type.


Use the RegisterCustomModelType method to register a model for a custom chart element.


This example illustrates how to create and register a model (the CustomPointColorizerModel class in this example) for a custom colorizer (the CustomPointColorizer class in this example).



Visit the How to Create a Model for a Custom Chart Element GitHub page to review and download a complete sample project.

Step 1. Create a Model

For example, you have a custom colorizer CustomPointColorizer class that looks as follows:

public class CustomPointColorizer : ChartColorizerBase {
    double threshold = 60;
    Color lower = Color.Red;
    Color upper = Color.Green;

    public double Value {
        get { return threshold; }
        set { threshold = value; }
    public Color LowerValuePointColor {
        get { return lower; }
        set { lower = value; }
    public Color UpperValuePointColor {
        get { return upper; }
        set { upper = value; }
    public override Color GetAggregatedPointColor(object argument, object[] values, SeriesPoint[] points, Palette palette) {
        if ((double)values[0] > Value)
            return UpperValuePointColor;
            return LowerValuePointColor;
    public override Color GetPointColor(object argument, object[] values, object colorKey, Palette palette) {
        return Color.Empty;
    protected override ChartElement CreateObjectForClone() {
        return new CustomPointColorizer();
    public override void Assign(ChartElement obj) {
        CustomPointColorizer colorizer = obj as CustomPointColorizer;
        if (colorizer != null) {
            Value = colorizer.Value;
            LowerValuePointColor = colorizer.LowerValuePointColor;
            UpperValuePointColor = colorizer.UpperValuePointColor;
    public override string ToString() {
        return "(CustomPointColorizer)";

Next, create a CustomPointColorizerModel model for your colorizer. This model is used to modify the colorizer options in the Chart Designer’s Properties tab.

public class CustomPointColorizerModel : ChartColorizerBaseModel {
    CustomPointColorizer MyColorizer { get { return (CustomPointColorizer)Colorizer; } } 

    public double Value {
        get { return MyColorizer.Value; }
        set { SetProperty("Value", value); }
    public Color LowerValuePointColor {
        get { return MyColorizer.LowerValuePointColor; }
        set { SetProperty("LowerValuePointColor", value); }
    public Color UpperValuePointColor {
        get { return MyColorizer.UpperValuePointColor; }
        set { SetProperty("UpperValuePointColor", value); }
    public CustomPointColorizerModel(ChartColorizerBase element, CustomModelProvider customModelProvider) : base(element, customModelProvider) {

Step 2. Customize the Property Editor

Use the Editor attribute to configure an editor for a Chart Designer property. In this example, you add the CustomPointColorizer item to the list of colorizers for the bar series model’s Colorizer property.

public class SideBySideBarSeriesViewCustomModel : SideBySideBarSeriesViewModel {
    [Editor(typeof(CustomColorizerEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
    public new ChartColorizerBaseModel Colorizer {
        get { return base.Colorizer; }
        set { base.Colorizer = value; }

    public SideBySideBarSeriesViewCustomModel(SideBySideBarSeriesView element, CustomModelProvider customModelProvider)
        : base(element, customModelProvider) {

public class CustomColorizerEditor : UITypeEditor {
    IWindowsFormsEditorService editorService;
    public override object EditValue(ITypeDescriptorContext context, IServiceProvider provider, object value) {
        editorService = (IWindowsFormsEditorService)provider.GetService(typeof(IWindowsFormsEditorService));
        var seriesView = context.Instance as SeriesViewBaseModel;

        List<ChartColorizerBase> colorizers = GetColorizers();

        CustomModelProvider modelProvider = new CustomModelProvider();
        modelProvider.RegisterCustomModelType(typeof(CustomPointColorizer), typeof(CustomPointColorizerModel));

        var listBox = new ListBoxControl();
        listBox.Click += listBox_Click;
        foreach (ChartColorizerBase colorizer in colorizers) {
            var colorizerModel = ModelHelper.GetModel<ChartColorizerBaseModel>(colorizer, modelProvider);
            int index = listBox.Items.Add(colorizerModel);
            if (value != null && colorizerModel.GetType() == value.GetType()) {
                listBox.SelectedIndex = index;
        if (listBox.SelectedIndex != 0)
            if (value == null || listBox.SelectedItem.GetType() != value.GetType())
                return listBox.SelectedItem;
                return value;
            return null;
    void listBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    List<ChartColorizerBase> GetColorizers() {
        return new List<ChartColorizerBase>() { new CustomPointColorizer(), new KeyColorColorizer(), new RangeColorizer() };
    public override UITypeEditorEditStyle GetEditStyle(ITypeDescriptorContext context) {
        return UITypeEditorEditStyle.DropDown;

Step 3. Register Models

To associate the model with the chart element, use the ChartDesigner.RegisterCustomModelType(System.Type,System.Type) method.

void OnButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    ChartDesigner chartDesigner = new ChartDesigner((ChartControl)this.Controls["MyChart"]);
    chartDesigner.RegisterCustomModelType(typeof(CustomPointColorizer), typeof(CustomPointColorizerModel));
    chartDesigner.RegisterCustomModelType(typeof(SideBySideBarSeriesView), typeof(SideBySideBarSeriesViewCustomModel));

The following code snippet (auto-collected from DevExpress Examples) contains a reference to the RegisterCustomModelType(Type, Type) method.


The algorithm used to collect these code examples remains a work in progress. Accordingly, the links and snippets below may produce inaccurate results. If you encounter an issue with code examples below, please use the feedback form on this page to report the issue.

See Also